Joran van der Sloot engaged


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
Joran van der Sloot engaged

Convicted killer Joran van der Sloot has announced that he is ready to tie the knot.

Maximo Altez, van der Sloot's attorney, has confirmed that his client is engaged to a Peruvian woman named Leydi Figueroa Uceda. She's the same woman that van der Sloot was dating in October of 2012. The couple reportedly met through an inmate. In late 2012, Uceda was rumored to have been pregnant with van der Sloot's child, but the news was never confirmed.

Love behind bars? Joran van der Sloot engaged |

seriously...? my hope for mankind quickly fades....
Women love killers. Killers of women are the most desirable. Ted Bundy has thousands of women in love with him.
The woman is stupid?

What kind of jailers would let Van der Sloot anywhere close to women? Has the Latino world lost its marbles? Next thing you know, they'll be letting him go free to raise the kid when she somehow, mysteriously disappears. :rolleyes:
Drama. It's almost better if these women were put in the matrix where their need for drama wouldn't result in such disasters.
These aren't just ordinary sane women, they are suicidal. He was especially brutal when he killed that girl and I would not be surprised if he wasn't at least that vicious when he murdered Natalie Holloway and whoever else he has killed.

I doubt there are thousands who would have anything to do with him or Ted Bundy knowing the shear inhuman brutality he is capable of. The guy even looks insane..
These aren't just ordinary sane women, they are suicidal. He was especially brutal when he killed that girl and I would not be surprised if he wasn't at least that vicious when he murdered Natalie Holloway and whoever else he has killed.

I doubt there are thousands who would have anything to do with him or Ted Bundy knowing the shear inhuman brutality he is capable of. The guy even looks insane..

Stop being politically correct. They are fucking morons. That's what they are. Nearly ever week I also read about women who date guys who kill their children. They put their children's lives at risk just for the drama of dating a thug.

These are fucking mental midgets whose lives are run by their need for drama. Fucking retards. So stupid that they shouldn't be even be deemed to be able to consent to having sex. Because that's how we treat other retards. Why treat these retards differently?
I remember reading a Steven King story about when in the future if you were accused of a Capitol Offense a Big Robot Killer would be assigned to tail you 24/7 until your remotely conducted "Trial" was over and you were either released or executed on the spot.

I think it was Steve King.

Anyway, the guy in this story was being tailed by this giant robot and at the same time there were plenty of women who would sleep with him just so they could look over his shoulder at the "Executioner" standing there, it excited them that much.

Women love Dangerous men and Dangerous situations.
I remember reading a Steven King story about when in the future if you were accused of a Capitol Offense a Big Robot Killer would be assigned to tail you 24/7 until your remotely conducted "Trial" was over and you were either released or executed on the spot.

I think it was Steve King.

Anyway, the guy in this story was being tailed by this giant robot and at the same time there were plenty of women who would sleep with him just so they could look over his shoulder at the "Executioner" standing there, it excited them that much.

Women love Dangerous men and Dangerous situations.

That is a sweeping generalization. Women love what they love. Not all of them believe one way or like any of you simply because you are hardasses or gentle souls. I don't know a single female who would have anything to do with a cold blooded murderer though. Not one.

You need to take time to get to know women and not believe everything you read in Detective Weekly.
I'm still betting the dead girl's father has the Dutchman taken care of one of these days. Just slip a few grand to a prison guard or official and let them decide how much of it to pass along to a prisoner willing to stick a knife in Slooty, probably after first neutering him at dad's request.

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