Join the Muhammed cartoon contest in Garland, TX!..................$10K grand prize!


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Freedom of Expression is so patriotic.


10 000 Muhammad Art and Cartoon Contest to be Held at Site of Stand With the Prophet Conference
Why is a contest designed to do nothing more than insult a religion commendable?

Free speech is awesome. So are those who are able to recognize when to use it and when to restrain themselves.

Doing something soley to hurt and insult is not free speech - it's childishness. Charlie Hebdo poked at all religions with equal fervor. Does Gellar?
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Why is a contest designed to do nothing more than insult a religion commendable?

Free speech is awesome. So are those who are able to recognize when to use it and when to restrain themselves.

Doing something soley to hurt and insult is not free speech - it's childishness. Charlie Hebdo poked at all religions with equal fervor. Does Gellar?
I remind you we are still at war with these bastards. They are not to be appeased.
Why is a contest designed to do nothing more than insult a religion commendable?

Free speech is awesome. So are those who are able to recognize when to use it and when to restrain themselves.

Doing something soley to hurt and insult is not free speech - it's childishness. Charlie Hebdo poked at all religions with equal fervor. Does Gellar?
I remind you we are still at war with these bastards. They are not to be appeased.

nor should racist southern crackers be appeased
Why is a contest designed to do nothing more than insult a religion commendable?

Free speech is awesome. So are those who are able to recognize when to use it and when to restrain themselves.

Doing something soley to hurt and insult is not free speech - it's childishness. Charlie Hebdo poked at all religions with equal fervor. Does Gellar?
I remind you we are still at war with these bastards. They are not to be appeased.

nor should racist southern crackers be appeased
Why? You afraid they'll prevent you from cornering the bigotry market?
Free speech means you are allowed to be stupid out loud, but being stupid out load doesn't accomplish anything. Do the fools who sponsor this contest think ISIS will care? Hardly, should they even be aware of it they'd just tell their brain dead and insane followers,'see here's more proof.' Stooping to the level of moron only make a moron happy.

"But are the terrorist fundamentalists [ISIL] really fundamentalists in the authentic sense of the term? Do they really believe? What they lack is a feature that is easy to discern in all authentic fundamentalists, from Tibetan Buddhists to the Amish in the United States — the absence of resentment and envy, the deep indifference towards the nonbelievers’ way of life. If today’s so-called fundamentalists really believe they have found their way to Truth, why should they feel threatened by nonbelievers. Why should they envy them? When a Buddhist encounters a Western hedonist, he hardly condemns. He just benevolently notes that the hedonist’s search for happiness is self-defeating. In contrast to true fundamentalists, the terrorist pseudo-fundamentalists are deeply bothered, intrigued and fascinated by the sinful life of the nonbelievers. One can feel that, in fighting the sinful other, they are fighting their own temptation. This is why the so-called fundamentalists of ISIS are a disgrace to true fundamentalism." Slavoj Zizek

"We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil. War gives us a feeling of moral clarity that we lack at other times." Sam Keen
Free speech means you are allowed to be stupid out loud, but being stupid out load doesn't accomplish anything. Do the fools who sponsor this contest think ISIS will care? Hardly, should they even be aware of it they'd just tell their brain dead and insane followers,'see here's more proof.' Stooping to the level of moron only make a moron happy.

"But are the terrorist fundamentalists [ISIL] really fundamentalists in the authentic sense of the term? Do they really believe? What they lack is a feature that is easy to discern in all authentic fundamentalists, from Tibetan Buddhists to the Amish in the United States — the absence of resentment and envy, the deep indifference towards the nonbelievers’ way of life. If today’s so-called fundamentalists really believe they have found their way to Truth, why should they feel threatened by nonbelievers. Why should they envy them? When a Buddhist encounters a Western hedonist, he hardly condemns. He just benevolently notes that the hedonist’s search for happiness is self-defeating. In contrast to true fundamentalists, the terrorist pseudo-fundamentalists are deeply bothered, intrigued and fascinated by the sinful life of the nonbelievers. One can feel that, in fighting the sinful other, they are fighting their own temptation. This is why the so-called fundamentalists of ISIS are a disgrace to true fundamentalism." Slavoj Zizek

"We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil. War gives us a feeling of moral clarity that we lack at other times." Sam Keen
I suspect that is a very good reason why crazy fundies here are so closely aligned with closeted homophobes.
Why is a contest designed to do nothing more than insult a religion commendable?

Free speech is awesome. So are those who are able to recognize when to use it and when to restrain themselves.

Doing something soley to hurt and insult is not free speech - it's childishness. Charlie Hebdo poked at all religions with equal fervor. Does Gellar?
I remind you we are still at war with these bastards. They are not to be appeased.

This is not "appeasement". It's civility and maturity and respecting the religious sensitivities of others even though it's perfectly legal to not do so.
Any prizes for jesus cartoons?
Probably so. There was the crucifix in urine thing then elephant dung on Mary. This was considered fine art so I imagine a government grant might be doable for a cartoon. There was no backlash except criticism though so the prize money or grant probably won't reflect any serious risk.
It will be interesting to see how many people are killed because of this event:

Breitbart 8220 10 000 Muhammad Art and Cartoon Contest to be Held at Site of Stand With the Prophet Conference in Texas 8221 Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs

Pamela Geller is planning a “Draw the Prophet” event in Garland, Texas in the same location as Muslim group held a “Stand with the Prophet” conference in January. The First Annual Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest will be hosted by the Curtis Caldwell Center, which is owned and operated by the Garland Independent School District.

During the Free Speech Rally in Garland, Geller spoke with Breitbart Texas about her reaction to the large and loud crowd of protesters. She said that Muslims are trying to impose restrictions on free speech like they are doing in Paris. “Thousands of Americans said ‘no way!’”

“The media can smear us and the President can stand with them,” Geller said. “We the people are not having it. If there is any proof of that, it’s today. We dwarfed them.”

“If the Western media ran the Danish cartoons back when this Islamic supremacist movement first started gaining steam, the editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo would be alive today,” Geller stated in response to an inquiry from Breitbart Texas. “That said, the European press ran the Hebdo cartoons in the wake of that jihad slaughter. But the American press would not. The beacon of freedom, the shining light on a hill, is running scared. Well, that’s not who we are. The elites do not represent the people.”

“Enough is enough,” she explained. “They’re just cartoons. We’re holding this exhibit and cartoon contest to show how insane the world has become — with people in the free world tiptoeing in terror around supremacist thugs who actually commit murder over cartoons. If we can’t stand up for the freedom of speech, we will lose it — and ... free society.”

The art exhibit and contest will be held at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland on May 3rd.

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