John Podesta lies about Maui fire, will anyone hold him accountable?

and those of us who actually care about

the deliberate intentional mass murder of Americans on Maui
actually solving our real environmental issues
busting the Co2 FRAUD
outing Traitor Joe and Chris Wray as the completely sick people they are

Your side wants to continue the Co2 FRAUD, let those behind the Maui Massacre buy up that land on the cheap, let those responsible for the fire get off, misdiagnose the fire, not solve the fresh water issue, and keep the borders open to pack even more fresh water consuming people to make all of America DRY AND READY TO BURN...

The nice nurse will be along with your meds soon. If you don't calm yourself, we'll have to get the coat with the long sleeves.
The nice nurse will be along with your meds soon. If you don't calm yourself, we'll have to get the coat with the long sleeves.

Another left wing bigot cheers as DEMOCRATS mass murder native Hawaiians...

What caused the Maui fire, genius??
I worry because I care about the planet my kids are going to live on.

Not everyone cares about that.
So, why don't you and the rest of you that are soooo concerned live like the Amish? You know, no fossil fuels. You're perfectly free to live like that. But you don't.

Now tell us why that is.

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