John Maguire’s mother recalls his change from ‘beautiful kid’ to reportedly-killed ISIS terrorist


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
What is it that changes so many converts to Islam that they become extremists and go off to fight with the radicals? I once read that 25 percent of converts become terrorists, and that is certainly a high number. My heart goes out to this mother.

John Maguire’s mother recalls his change from ‘beautiful kid’ to reportedly-killed ISIS terrorist

Meghan Hurley, Postmedia News | January 15, 2015 | Last Updated: Jan 16 9:34 AM ET
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Handout / SITEJohn Maguire's mother says her son left for Syria four months after he converted to Islam in August of 2012. He has reportedly killed while fighting with ISIS in Kobani.

  • john-maguire-kid.jpg
HandoutJohn Maguire as a child in an undated photo.
OTTAWA — The last time John Maguire spoke to his mother on Skype, at the end of August 2014, they got into a fight. Patricia Earle told him she didn’t understand his beliefs and what he was doing Syria.

“I said, ‘John, how many people do you have to kill? It’s wrong. Why?'”

On Wednesday a pro-ISIS Twitter account reported that the 24-year-old Ottawa man was dead, killed while fighting for the terrorist group near Kobani.

A month ago Maguire, who went by Abu Anwar Al-Canadi since converting to Islam, called for attacks on Canada in an ISIS propaganda video.

“I’ve been kind of preparing for this moment since the day he left because I’m thinking: You’re not going into a good situation,” said Ms. Earle during a lengthy interview Thursday.

I never had a problem with the faith, never dreaming in a million years that this was going to be the result of it


HandoutJohn Maguire as a child in an undated photo.
The family has not yet received confirmation of his death from Canadian officials.

Ms. Earl said her son left for Syria four months after he converted to Islam in August of 2012.

“I never had a problem with the faith, never dreaming in a million years that this

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