John Kerry Picked as Climate Czar


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
Kerry Climate Czar.jpg

You have to wonder why Briben did not choose Michael Bloomberg, an even bigger, richer eco-hypocrite than Hanoi John Kerry.

Washington (CNN)President-elect Joe Biden has appointed John Kerry as his special presidential envoy for climate, underscoring his commitment to tackling the global crisis and offering a symbolic rebuke to President Donald Trump's lack of leadership on the issue.
Kerry, who was President Barack Obama's secretary of state, will be a Cabinet-level official in Biden's administration and will sit on the National Security Council.
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You have to wonder why Briben did not choose Michael Bloomberg, an even bigger, richer eco-hypocrite than Hanoi John Kerry.

Washington (CNN)President-elect Joe Biden has appointed John Kerry as his special presidential envoy for climate, underscoring his commitment to tackling the global crisis and offering a symbolic rebuke to President Donald Trump's lack of leadership on the issue.
Kerry, who was President Barack Obama's secretary of state, will be a Cabinet-level official in Biden's administration and will sit on the National Security Council.
When success is not an option, send in John Kerry.
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You have to wonder why Briben did not choose Michael Bloomberg, an even bigger, richer eco-hypocrite than Hanoi John Kerry.

Washington (CNN)President-elect Joe Biden has appointed John Kerry as his special presidential envoy for climate, underscoring his commitment to tackling the global crisis and offering a symbolic rebuke to President Donald Trump's lack of leadership on the issue.
Kerry, who was President Barack Obama's secretary of state, will be a Cabinet-level official in Biden's administration and will sit on the National Security Council.

How did I not know this was coming? They're digging up and dusting off the same worthless idiots who occupied desks in the Obama administration.

Like dogs returning to their vomit, so would be the Biden cabinet.
Kerry, another Obama retread recycled into the Biden administration. .. :cuckoo:
Elections have consequences.

Everything has consequences. Unfortunately, liberals can't seem to learn that there are invariably unintended consequences to everything they do. It's those unintended consequences that really bite you guys & girls on the ass.

One would think you people had learned that by now, but you just don't seem to have the foresight to pick up on that concept. So you do the same things over, and over, and over...
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You have to wonder why Briben did not choose Michael Bloomberg, an even bigger, richer eco-hypocrite than Hanoi John Kerry.

Washington (CNN)President-elect Joe Biden has appointed John Kerry as his special presidential envoy for climate, underscoring his commitment to tackling the global crisis and offering a symbolic rebuke to President Donald Trump's lack of leadership on the issue.
Kerry, who was President Barack Obama's secretary of state, will be a Cabinet-level official in Biden's administration and will sit on the National Security Council.

He's a good choice, as all of President-Elect Biden has and will be when he surrounds himself with more advisers and cabinet secretaries eho are honest, experienced and willing to express their honest opinions to power.

Unlike trump who only hired loyal Yes Men and a very few Yes Women. When something piqued his ego or offered an opinion which conflicted with him they were fired.

It's so sad that someone will post character assassinations in threads and posts well before anyone - including President-Elect Biden - has been in the Office; sadly given Moscow Mitch and his band of bitches I'm sure Mr. Franklin had an inkling that our Republic might not last when someone like McConnell abused the power of what should be an office of trust.
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He's a good choice, as all of President-Elect Biden has and will be when he surrounds himself with more advisers and cabinet secretaries eho are honest, experienced and willing to express their honest opinions to power.
For Christ's sake! Do you think all the leftist Obama retreads being gobbled by Corrupt Joe Biden are anything other than yes men, and women and likely to oppose Biden policies on anything?

Do you mean to be such a deceitful piece of crap? I assume it's your default setting.
John Kerry is going to save the world from the climate catastrophe and will also decrease his personal carbon footprint. One of the best ever.

LMAO Well since Kerry can't find a way to harness the sun and the moon he's already toast.

The climate has been changing for millions of years. Long before people ever arrived. It will still be changing when you and I are dust.

I thought Al Gore already laughed his way to the bank with his Climate Change gig?? Wonder if Kerry will do the same. LOL I said before--they worried SO much about climate---and then we get hit with the virus!!!!!
He's a good choice, as all of President-Elect Biden has and will be when he surrounds himself with more advisers and cabinet secretaries eho are honest, experienced and willing to express their honest opinions to power.
For Christ's sake! Do you think all the leftist Obama retreads being gobbled by Corrupt Joe Biden are anything other than yes men, and women and likely to oppose Biden policies on anything?

Do you mean to be such a deceitful piece of crap? I assume it's your default setting.

Is this you thoughtful opinion? Of course not, it is nothing more than an ad hominem and dishonest attack on President-Elect, which are nothing more than an echo of atrocious propaganda by sore losers.
Is this you thoughtful opinion? Of course not, it is nothing more than an ad hominem and dishonest attack on President-Elect, which are nothing more than an echo of atrocious propaganda by sore losers.
Only a massive hypocrite, such as yourself, could disparage everyone in the Trump administration as "yes men" while you totally ignore Corrupt Joe Biden trying to stock his incoming administration (which I think is a hopeful attempt at gaslighting) with Obama retreads and leftist blasts from the past
who aren't being selected by Joe (or by the leftist consortium that runs his so called presidency)
because they aren't on boards with his new socialist-lite world view.

Give me a reason to think I'm wrong rather than a petty attack based on your enmity to someone
who won't say this Biden election campaign was perfectly above board and honest.
It was a horrific rape of our election laws and the whole nation has witnessed it.

We know who plotted out Biden's campaign, paid for it, set it up and hired the people to execute
his plan to steal the election which is why Biden didn't bother to actually run a real campaign.
He ran a Potemkin village of a campaign because he knew the presidency was in the bag no
matter what he did.

Guess what? It's not over yet.
He's a good choice, as all of President-Elect Biden has and will be when he surrounds himself with more advisers and cabinet secretaries who are honest, experienced and willing to express their honest opinions to power.

He's as credible as Leo flying to climate summits in his private jet and you're a non-credible partisan hack.

Is this you thoughtful opinion?

It would be one more than you've ever had.

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