Joe Rogan pounces on Brian Stelter, says CNN host ‘not a real human’

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
I think it's true that so many of these quislings in cable news entertainment and even their following who regurgitate the smut all over the Internet have an almost non-existent level of self-awareness. Though their rabid entitlement mentality is obvious to the casual viewer. So it's always refreshing to see them openly informed of themselves whenever they cry sour grapes as a means of defense for their shortcomings in terms of both personality and competence as well as the absence of any kind of intellectual honesty. Although in Stelter's case, he seems to be using his shortcomings as a means of an offense, given his openness about wanting to shut down and censor any dialogue that isn't approved by whomever is giving him his barking orders.



(L) Commentator Joe Rogan. © AFP / ETHAN MILLER; (R) Brian Stelter. © AFP / ASTRID STAWIARZ.

While bantering with progressive commentator Kyle Kulinski, Rogan recalled a panel discussion on Stelter’s ‘Reliable Sources’ from January, during which participants lamented the fact that YouTube content creators were raking in more views than traditional network news programs.

"They were describing it as if they're entitled to viewers,” Rogan said, recalling the exchange. “They were saying, ‘There are people on YouTube right now that get more views than this show.' This is because the market has spoken and your show's f**king terrible. Brian Stelter's show keeps slipping and slipping and slipping in the ratings.”

He added that Stelter’s colleague, Don Lemon, exhibited a similar lack of self-awareness.

“Everybody knows they're not real. They're not real humans,” Rogan quipped, referring to the pair of CNN hosts.

“Hey motherf**ker, you're supposed to be a journalist," Rogan said, commentating on Stelter’s sycophantic line of questioning. He went on to allege that Stelter and his CNN cohorts are “obviously being told a certain amount of what to do.”

Continued - Joe Rogan pounces on Brian Stelter, says CNN host ‘not a real human’
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I don't watch or listen to either, but they are both pretty odd looking men. It's a shame we all cannot posses my rakish good-looks and humility.

Nice to see you around, NC!
I don't watch or listen to either, but they are both pretty odd looking men. It's a shame we all cannot posses my rakish good-looks and humility.

Nice to see you around, NC!
The 1990's bald headed male fascist look turned me off.
I don't watch or listen to either, but they are both pretty odd looking men. It's a shame we all cannot posses my rakish good-looks and humility.

Nice to see you around, NC!

I don't watch either one of them myself. I thought it was refreshing to see Stelter and Lemon called out by someone with a much larger audience than both of them combined, though.

It was just an ironic bonus that the source of the piece was RT, given that its platform was cut from American network television after Hillary Clinton openly demonstrated distaste for the fact that they were beating western media.

With Stelter and Lemon's whining, we're basically witnessing a continuation of a past agenda that seems to be forgotten.

Remember that?

Have to be aware of history. And how these people operate. Particularly since the justification for new tyrannies is often made in the form of "well they did it last time and nobody said anything"

Anyway. Thanks. I only popped in here this morning as an excuse to put off going outside and staining more of the side deck. I hate staining and painting. They're two of the most annoying things to me. But it can only be put off for so long. It's a glorious day out there today. So there's that.
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Sure, I'm gonna listen to the opinion of a former host of a crappy reality TV show.
Rogan's 15 minutes were up a long time ago. Hate to break it to Joe, but it's too late
to sound like your deposed hero with the whole "rating" charade. Everyone knows
you're a fucking fraud. :)
If they didn't constantly spew fake news, they would get better ratings. What the MSM does not is simply insult people's intelligence by spewing really crude easily debunked lies.

That's why CNN, MSNBC, Washington 'Jimmy's World" Post and the New York Times all had to shut down the user comments on their websites. They embarrassed because their lies were constantly being debunked almost immediately by someone who knew the facts.

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