Joe Rogan nails the propaganda arm of the DNC

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

This is not a duplicate of the Stelter topic. In fact his name is never mentioned.
The left will of course dismiss this and claim he's a nobody but the fact remains he has the most listened to podcast in the world and is paid hundreds of millions for his opinions.

We need Rogan to do presidential debates
Whoop-dee-doo that Biden acts like a Trump, no surprise of the dotarist. When was it hip to support your enemies and try to destroy your own countrymen?
Whoop-dee-doo that Biden acts like a Trump, no surprise of the dotarist. When was it hip to support your enemies and try to destroy your own countrymen?
WTF are you whining about. Xiden, aka Putin's Whore, is the only president to support our enemies (Nord Straeam 2), while destroying US workers (KeystoneXL).
Not to mention stopping arms sales to Ukraine.
WTF, did Rogan just wake up this month?? MSM has been pumping Biden's tires. It is because Biden is their guy.
Whoop-dee-doo that Biden acts like a Trump, no surprise of the dotarist. When was it hip to support your enemies and try to destroy your own countrymen?
WTF are you whining about. Xiden, aka Putin's Whore, is the only president to support our enemies (Nord Straeam 2), while destroying US workers (KeystoneXL).
Not to mention stopping arms sales to Ukraine.
Keystone XL was not a US pipeline or a US pipeline company it was Canadian project with international funding, and it was to bring oil from the Canadian tar sand of Alberta that China invested 15 billion in for a source of oil, a source you want China to have because you are pro-Chinese..Why do you support our enemies?

Nord Stream II was not in anyway a US strategic interest since Oblama tried to get EU to by US liquefied gas yet the cost was too high. Would you pay more for gas because of a personal interest that Trump and his oil executive pals and cabinet members were going to profit from?

Trump Resisted Sale of Javelins to Ukraine​

Republicans are defending him in the impeachment inquiry by saying he gave more military aid than his predecessor, but it came only after the reluctant president was convinced it would be good for U.S. business.​

There's a huge loophole in the GOP's claim that Trump's sale of Javelin missiles to Ukraine shows his support for the country​

  • But Republicans have left out that the Ukrainians cannot actually use the anti-tank missiles in the conflict against pro-Russian separatists based on the terms of the sale.
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Whoop-dee-doo that Biden acts like a Trump, no surprise of the dotarist. When was it hip to support your enemies and try to destroy your own countrymen?
WTF are you whining about. Xiden, aka Putin's Whore, is the only president to support our enemies (Nord Straeam 2), while destroying US workers (KeystoneXL).
Not to mention stopping arms sales to Ukraine.
Keystone XL was not a US pipeline or a US pipeline company it was Canadian project with international funding, and it was to bring oil from the Canadian tar sand of Alberta that China invested 15 billion in for a source of oil, a source you want China to have because you are pro-Chinese..Why do you support our enemies?

Nord StromII was not in anyway a US strategic interest since Oblama tried to get EU to by US liquefied gas yet the cost was too high. Would you pay more for gas because of a personal interest that Trump and his oil executive pals and cabinet members were going to profit from?
1. KeystoneXL was being built by US workers idiot. Canada is a US ally, your China claim is ass-backwards, duh.

2. Trump had Nord Stream 2 stopped. It is Putin's cash cow. Damn you're stupid. The EU should pay more for US gas since we are paying to keep US troops in the EU to protect them from Putin, duh. Tell me that makes sense to you. The EU pays Putin for gas to strengthen his military, and we pay to keep US troops in the EU to protect them from Putin?!
. . . I don't get it, I thought he was on some pay radio service, when did he get permission to go back on YouTube?

Whoop-dee-doo that Biden acts like a Trump, no surprise of the dotarist. When was it hip to support your enemies and try to destroy your own countrymen?
WTF are you whining about. Xiden, aka Putin's Whore, is the only president to support our enemies (Nord Straeam 2), while destroying US workers (KeystoneXL).
Not to mention stopping arms sales to Ukraine.
Keystone XL was not a US pipeline or a US pipeline company it was Canadian project with international funding, and it was to bring oil from the Canadian tar sand of Alberta that China invested 15 billion in for a source of oil, a source you want China to have because you are pro-Chinese..Why do you support our enemies?

Nord StromII was not in anyway a US strategic interest since Oblama tried to get EU to by US liquefied gas yet the cost was too high. Would you pay more for gas because of a personal interest that Trump and his oil executive pals and cabinet members were going to profit from?
1. KeystoneXL was being built by US workers idiot. Canada is a US ally, your China claim is ass-backwards, duh.

2. Trump had Nord Stream 2 stopped. It is Putin's cash cow. Damn you're stupid. The EU should pay more for US gas since we are paying to keep US troops in the EU to protect them from Putin, duh. Tell me that makes sense to you. The EU pays Putin for gas to strengthen his military, and we pay to keep US troops in the EU to protect them from Put

Russia is considered an energy superpower. It has the world's largest proven natural gas reserves and is the largest exporter of natural gas. It is also the second-largest exporter of petroleum.

Biden’s change in stance from Donald Trump’s fierce opposition to the pipeline means Nord Stream 2 will likely get finished as soon as this year. But the sanctions left in place could make it hard to gain all the necessary approvals to start operations. This year’s German election, where the Green Party are contenders to lead the next government, also clouds the picture.

Gas Pipeline Politics

The Biden administration’s decision not to enforce sanctions over Nord Stream 2 AG, the company building the pipeline, and its chief executive officer is seen by Germany as a key turning point in the long-running spat over the pipeline. The waiver avoids escalating a confrontation with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government, which has long argued the link will increase the security of Europe’s energy supply.

Construction on the 1,230-kilometer (764-mile) pipeline began in 2018 and became a major source of friction between the U.S. and its European allies. While Biden’s essential position is the same as Trump’s -- the project undermines European security by tying the continent more closely to Moscow -- he’s keen to rebuild America’s broader alliance with Berlin.

Besides, Europe’s reliance on Russian gas may not be as stark as it was a few years ago. The region’s gas market has become more competitive with the increased availability of liquefied natural gas, or LNG. Gazprom remains a traditional key supplier for some eastern and central European countries, but western Europe gets gas from sources including Norway, Qatar and Africa.

Why should we be telling Germany how to run their country?


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