Joe McCarthy was right about Communists in our country


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
who have now taken control of the Democratic Party and the MSM. They are really no different than the Communists who tried to destabilize Germany in the 1920's or who rewrote Russian history in the 1930's. The former used street violence and undermined democratic elections, while the latter would literally erase public figures from official photographs and historical documents.

Sound familiar? We should always be aware that the next election could be our last.
who have now taken control of the Democratic Party and the MSM. They are really no different than the Communists who tried to destabilize Germany in the 1920's or who rewrote Russian history in the 1930's. The former used street violence and undermined democratic elections, while the latter would literally erase public figures from official photographs and historical documents.

Sound familiar? We should always be aware that the next election could be our last.
Strawman fallacy – as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.
We're in big trouble. Two generations have been brainwashed into apathetic Commie bots by the indoctrination system. We'll be at their mercy or lack thereof sooner or later.
who have now taken control of the Democratic Party and the MSM. They are really no different than the Communists who tried to destabilize Germany in the 1920's or who rewrote Russian history in the 1930's. The former used street violence and undermined democratic elections, while the latter would literally erase public figures from official photographs and historical documents.

Sound familiar? We should always be aware that the next election could be our last.
Boogey man
who have now taken control of the Democratic Party and the MSM. They are really no different than the Communists who tried to destabilize Germany in the 1920's or who rewrote Russian history in the 1930's. The former used street violence and undermined democratic elections, while the latter would literally erase public figures from official photographs and historical documents.

Sound familiar? We should always be aware that the next election could be our last.
Strawman fallacy – as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.
I love it when people like you THINK you're smart.

who have now taken control of the Democratic Party and the MSM. They are really no different than the Communists who tried to destabilize Germany in the 1920's or who rewrote Russian history in the 1930's. The former used street violence and undermined democratic elections, while the latter would literally erase public figures from official photographs and historical documents.

Sound familiar? We should always be aware that the next election could be our last.
Strawman fallacy – as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.
Joe McCarthy was a hero that pointed out the real communists in our Government, but was shouted down and ridiculed by the left and the RINO's believed the commies. AND NOW LOOK AT OUR GOVERNMENT.

Fuck you tards in the nose.
who have now taken control of the Democratic Party and the MSM. They are really no different than the Communists who tried to destabilize Germany in the 1920's or who rewrote Russian history in the 1930's. The former used street violence and undermined democratic elections, while the latter would literally erase public figures from official photographs and historical documents.

Sound familiar? We should always be aware that the next election could be our last.
Actually McCarthy was just a republican senator who didn't even chair a committee. It was the democrat party that said communists were a menace before they decided to embrace socialism and blame a republican for the whole unfortunate era.
Actually McCarthy was just a republican senator who didn't even chair a committee. It was the democrat party that said communists were a menace before they decided to embrace socialism and blame a republican for the whole unfortunate era.
Yes...funny how the Left decries the Red BAITING of the 1950s, but commits that same thing today against Trump. The whole Russia collusion nothing burger is very similar, though at least some of what McCarthy claimed was right.
Like I said in a previous thread I made on this subject, President Trump should posthumously award Joe McCarthy a Presidential Medal of Freedom for his service to the country. The crooked MSM of the day as well as Marxist influencers of the government ruined his life because he wouldn't back down.

Tail gunner Joe was ahead of his time, way too far over his ski’s, a tad on the loon side, yet he fully understood the complexity and scope of the undercurrents at work in several facets of our society. Was he right, in retrospect from today’s realities yes, however the Constitution provides one with the right to express their opinion without persecution which congress and his committee made the fatal error of overlooking. Life in the late 40’s early 50’s was a time of fear and justifiable concern, the Soviet Union had by their actions proven to be a clear and present danger to human rights and democracy.

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