Joe in January: “the stock market…has hit record after record after record on my watch." Today: Stocks have lost $7.6 trillion in value under Biden

What is it you would like me to do based on being "concerned"?

Should I choose not to close on my new house on Tuesday? Should I not put money away for retirement? Should I not bother to save for a rainy day?

We have about 6 months supply of food stores in the basement in Mylar bags with O2 absorbers. We have a water supply stored we rotate out. I have let my freezer dwindle so it will easier to move.

Other than that, what good is your "concern" doing you as compared to me planning for a bright future?

Wow, a lot of words to put in someone else's mouth, I didn't say any of those things, funny that that's what you infer that I'm saying though.

You could start with not belittling every person (who happens to be conservative) who does have concerns by your smarky condescending remarks about how stupid they are for being concerned. You joined this board in 2017, can you point to anywhere that you belittled any of the leftie's comments on here when they claimed the world was going to end when Trump gained office? Or were you one of them? I bet you didn't say one damn thing to them about their ridiculous 'sky is falling' bullshit when Trump was in office. And when you compare the prosperity that they were 'crying' about to what we're facing today that people have legitimate concerns about, there's certainly far more reason to be concerned today than the 4 years Trump was in office. So you should have had plenty of opportunities to tell them how ridiculous they were being. Did you? How about any of the threads out there right now claiming that Trump wants to be a dictator for life, are you jumping in there calling them 'nuts' like you do to all of the rightie's? Eh, Mr. Independent? You're such a fraud. At least those on the left or the right have convictions one way or the other, all you do is throw pot shots at conservatives while trying to claim you're in the 'middle'. lol
Wow, a lot of words to put in someone else's mouth, I didn't say any of those things, funny that that's what you infer that I'm saying though.

You could start with not belittling every person (who happens to be conservative) who does have concerns by your smarky condescending remarks about how stupid they are for being concerned. You joined this board in 2017, can you point to anywhere that you belittled any of the leftie's comments on here when they claimed the world was going to end when Trump gained office? Or were you one of them? I bet you didn't say one damn thing to them about their ridiculous 'sky is falling' bullshit when Trump was in office. And when you compare the prosperity that they were 'crying' about to what we're facing today that people have legitimate concerns about, there's certainly far more reason to be concerned today than the 4 years Trump was in office. So you should have had plenty of opportunities to tell them how ridiculous they were being. Did you? How about any of the threads out there right now claiming that Trump wants to be a dictator for life, are you jumping in there calling them 'nuts' like you do to all of the rightie's? Eh, Mr. Independent? You're such a fraud. At least those on the left or the right have convictions one way or the other, all you do is throw pot shots at conservatives while trying to claim you're in the 'middle'. lol

so, my way of showing concern that there could be a repeat of 1929 is to attack more people on the left?

well, if you say so I will get right on that!
so, my way of showing concern that there could be a repeat of 1929 is to attack more people on the left?

well, if you say so I will get right on that!

What a pathetic cop out of an answer. lol 'More' people on the left? I've never seen any, hilarious.

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