Joe Biden Staffers Struggling to Cope Because They Are So Terrified of Him Going off Script


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Joe Biden Staffers Struggling to Cope Because They Are So Terrified of Him Going off Script​

8 Sep 2021 ~~ By Bonchie
Joe Biden is a wild animal that can not be tamed, or at least that’s the perception White House staffers are sharing. According to Politico, some of them have gotten into the habit of muting or even turning off the president when he’s speaking because they are so anxious that he’ll go off-script, begin taking questions, or otherwise.
And while this is being spun as a concern that he’ll simply end up off message, I think we all know what that really means.

I suppose this is part of working for a president who is in steep mental decline, and Biden shows no signs of slowing down. The concern about messaging is obviously not about him daring to touch on a policy issue he’s not “supposed to,” but the fact that his mind continually melts anytime he’s not on a teleprompter, and it often does even when he has one.
The bumbling, the fumbling, the forgetfulness, and the anger have become a common aspect of Biden’s public outings, with the latter being of the most concern for anyone trying to keep him in line. None of that is the result of a stutter. It’s the result of a president who isn’t mentally capable of doing his job.
But isn’t there something a bit nefarious about having a Commander in Chief so heavily controlled by nameless, faceless staffers? The American people did not actually elect the people who appear to be running our government. Telling Biden he can’t take questions? Giving him cheat sheets with big pictures on them? It’s all pretty disturbing when you consider the president is supposed to be somewhere close to the smartest person in the room, ready to make nation-shifting decisions at a moment’s notice.
Does anyone believe Biden is up for that?
A president should not need to be controlled at this level. It’s one thing to settle on a congruent messaging strategy. All White Houses do that. But it’s another thing to be so terrified Biden will snap at a reporter or start riffing on “the thing” that staffers are having to cope by muting his public appearances.
That reality has left a hole in the Biden administration’s ability to handle the onslaught of crises now befalling the nation. The president is not able to address the nation at the spur of the moment. He’s not able to take an hour’s worth of questions to soothe a nation on edge. Instead, everything he does must be tightly managed and scripted, and the moment Biden strays, trouble follows.
It must be a nightmare to work under those conditions. Yet, I certainly don’t feel sorry for his staffers. They backed this guy and helped put him in office. Now, they get to enjoy the fruits of that at our expense.

Did Joey Xi Bai Dung's staffers just essentially admit all of this mess is their fault because they are controlling Joey? I guess we'll need more of a Nuremberg style trial rather than a double treason trial. If I were a sympathetic person rather than an analytical one I'd feel sorry for Bai Dung since he's the fall guy should the staffers agenda result in a revolution.
One of the troubling aspects of Joey Xi the Ventriloquist's Dummy is that it distracts from the larger and darker issue: whether we can still have free and fair elections in America.
The election Coup of 2020 was not, ultimately, about Donald Trump or the Joey Xi, it was about whether the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies could brazenly overturn a legitimate re-election and get away with it. Now the issue is not the catastrophic consequences of being "Ruled" by a Dummy without being sure who the the master is. It is now how we stop the PM/DSA Democrat Commies from going back to the well in 2022, 2024, and beyond.
We have seen beginning January 21, 2021 this nation go from one crisis to another under the most incompetent presidency ever recorded since Washington was elected.
This is not getting any better as the days go by and by all indications it will become worse.

Joe Biden Staffers Struggling to Cope Because They Are So Terrified of Him Going off Script​

8 Sep 2021 ~~ By Bonchie
Joe Biden is a wild animal that can not be tamed, or at least that’s the perception White House staffers are sharing. According to Politico, some of them have gotten into the habit of muting or even turning off the president when he’s speaking because they are so anxious that he’ll go off-script, begin taking questions, or otherwise.
And while this is being spun as a concern that he’ll simply end up off message, I think we all know what that really means.

I suppose this is part of working for a president who is in steep mental decline, and Biden shows no signs of slowing down. The concern about messaging is obviously not about him daring to touch on a policy issue he’s not “supposed to,” but the fact that his mind continually melts anytime he’s not on a teleprompter, and it often does even when he has one.
The bumbling, the fumbling, the forgetfulness, and the anger have become a common aspect of Biden’s public outings, with the latter being of the most concern for anyone trying to keep him in line. None of that is the result of a stutter. It’s the result of a president who isn’t mentally capable of doing his job.
But isn’t there something a bit nefarious about having a Commander in Chief so heavily controlled by nameless, faceless staffers? The American people did not actually elect the people who appear to be running our government. Telling Biden he can’t take questions? Giving him cheat sheets with big pictures on them? It’s all pretty disturbing when you consider the president is supposed to be somewhere close to the smartest person in the room, ready to make nation-shifting decisions at a moment’s notice.
Does anyone believe Biden is up for that?
A president should not need to be controlled at this level. It’s one thing to settle on a congruent messaging strategy. All White Houses do that. But it’s another thing to be so terrified Biden will snap at a reporter or start riffing on “the thing” that staffers are having to cope by muting his public appearances.
That reality has left a hole in the Biden administration’s ability to handle the onslaught of crises now befalling the nation. The president is not able to address the nation at the spur of the moment. He’s not able to take an hour’s worth of questions to soothe a nation on edge. Instead, everything he does must be tightly managed and scripted, and the moment Biden strays, trouble follows.
It must be a nightmare to work under those conditions. Yet, I certainly don’t feel sorry for his staffers. They backed this guy and helped put him in office. Now, they get to enjoy the fruits of that at our expense.

Did Joey Xi Bai Dung's staffers just essentially admit all of this mess is their fault because they are controlling Joey? I guess we'll need more of a Nuremberg style trial rather than a double treason trial. If I were a sympathetic person rather than an analytical one I'd feel sorry for Bai Dung since he's the fall guy should the staffers agenda result in a revolution.
One of the troubling aspects of Joey Xi the Ventriloquist's Dummy is that it distracts from the larger and darker issue: whether we can still have free and fair elections in America.
The election Coup of 2020 was not, ultimately, about Donald Trump or the Joey Xi, it was about whether the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies could brazenly overturn a legitimate re-election and get away with it. Now the issue is not the catastrophic consequences of being "Ruled" by a Dummy without being sure who the the master is. It is now how we stop the PM/DSA Democrat Commies from going back to the well in 2022, 2024, and beyond.
We have seen beginning January 21, 2021 this nation go from one crisis to another under the most incompetent presidency ever recorded since Washington was elected.
This is not getting any better as the days go by and by all indications it will become worse.

It's not hard.

Lock him in the basement and find a look alike body double.

Despots do this all the time.
Loving the BDS.
Our President, the President of the United States, is so mentally unstable, so mentally incompetent, that his handlers literally stand by waiting to cut his microphone off if he goes 'mentally- stammering, stumbling, babbling, going 'off scripts, and/or attempts to answer questions.

He is so incoherent that he reads his staffs' directions to him located on the tele-prompter at the end of his speeches: 'Do NOT answer any questions...WALK AWAY off stage.'

When his puppet masters allow him yo answer questions,t the reporters are pre-selected, the questions are pre-scripted, coordinated, and rehearsed numerous times.

There have been times when members of his staff have yelled out from off-stage / behind Biden, selecting the previously chosen reporters for him because he literally can't remember who he was told to pick.

Not long ago he declared the United States does NOT have US troops in Syria. This means not only does not remember that Varry, with HIM as VP, invaded Syria, sending and leaving US troops in Syria as they left office but that he does not remember that one of the 1st things he did as President and Commander and Chief once sworn in was to send MORE US troops into Syria.
-- Having someone so mentally unfit to sit the position is scary as hell!

Half the time he stumbles, mumbles, and grimaces while trying to read the telep-prompter and / or note cards. He grabs his giregead and swuinrs / closes his eyes, and even leanednon the podium and put his head down.

The guy doesn't know where he is half the time, which leads him to turn and begin walking off bound for who kmows where, causing a staff member or nurse to have to chase him down and escirt him back.

No one seriously believes Biden is in control of his fscilities and our enemies have already taken advantage of his mentally unstable condition.

This isn't funny any more - this is serious.

His mental problems have already gotten 13 American soldiers killed and hundreds of US citizens and allies left behind and abandoned in Afghanistan, at the mercy of viciousvanti-American terrorists.

He is seriously too mentally unstable / incompetent to serve as President...and even Democrats and snowflakes know it....they just refuse to say it.

Joe Biden Staffers Struggling to Cope Because They Are So Terrified of Him Going off Script​

8 Sep 2021 ~~ By Bonchie
Joe Biden is a wild animal that can not be tamed, or at least that’s the perception White House staffers are sharing. According to Politico, some of them have gotten into the habit of muting or even turning off the president when he’s speaking because they are so anxious that he’ll go off-script, begin taking questions, or otherwise.
And while this is being spun as a concern that he’ll simply end up off message, I think we all know what that really means.

I suppose this is part of working for a president who is in steep mental decline, and Biden shows no signs of slowing down. The concern about messaging is obviously not about him daring to touch on a policy issue he’s not “supposed to,” but the fact that his mind continually melts anytime he’s not on a teleprompter, and it often does even when he has one.
The bumbling, the fumbling, the forgetfulness, and the anger have become a common aspect of Biden’s public outings, with the latter being of the most concern for anyone trying to keep him in line. None of that is the result of a stutter. It’s the result of a president who isn’t mentally capable of doing his job.
But isn’t there something a bit nefarious about having a Commander in Chief so heavily controlled by nameless, faceless staffers? The American people did not actually elect the people who appear to be running our government. Telling Biden he can’t take questions? Giving him cheat sheets with big pictures on them? It’s all pretty disturbing when you consider the president is supposed to be somewhere close to the smartest person in the room, ready to make nation-shifting decisions at a moment’s notice.
Does anyone believe Biden is up for that?
A president should not need to be controlled at this level. It’s one thing to settle on a congruent messaging strategy. All White Houses do that. But it’s another thing to be so terrified Biden will snap at a reporter or start riffing on “the thing” that staffers are having to cope by muting his public appearances.
That reality has left a hole in the Biden administration’s ability to handle the onslaught of crises now befalling the nation. The president is not able to address the nation at the spur of the moment. He’s not able to take an hour’s worth of questions to soothe a nation on edge. Instead, everything he does must be tightly managed and scripted, and the moment Biden strays, trouble follows.
It must be a nightmare to work under those conditions. Yet, I certainly don’t feel sorry for his staffers. They backed this guy and helped put him in office. Now, they get to enjoy the fruits of that at our expense.

Did Joey Xi Bai Dung's staffers just essentially admit all of this mess is their fault because they are controlling Joey? I guess we'll need more of a Nuremberg style trial rather than a double treason trial. If I were a sympathetic person rather than an analytical one I'd feel sorry for Bai Dung since he's the fall guy should the staffers agenda result in a revolution.
One of the troubling aspects of Joey Xi the Ventriloquist's Dummy is that it distracts from the larger and darker issue: whether we can still have free and fair elections in America.
The election Coup of 2020 was not, ultimately, about Donald Trump or the Joey Xi, it was about whether the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies could brazenly overturn a legitimate re-election and get away with it. Now the issue is not the catastrophic consequences of being "Ruled" by a Dummy without being sure who the the master is. It is now how we stop the PM/DSA Democrat Commies from going back to the well in 2022, 2024, and beyond.
We have seen beginning January 21, 2021 this nation go from one crisis to another under the most incompetent presidency ever recorded since Washington was elected.
This is not getting any better as the days go by and by all indications it will become worse.

I’m more concerned when he’s on script. That means the puppet strings are attached. This guy is too stupid to have this job. That’s been true since he got in government. Yet here he is. A retard on a leash.
I’m more concerned when he’s on script. That means the puppet strings are attached. This guy is too stupid to have this job. That’s been true since he got in government. Yet here he is. A retard on a leash.
...for all the world to see.
Under what authority does anyone have to stop the president from speaking? Clearly this needs to be investigated.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

The thugs that are doing the criminal shit are the same ones who'd be "investigating" it.

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