Joe Biden/Sarah Palin Debate Conversation Thread


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
So since everyone already has a opinion of whom they think are going to win, how low is the bar for Sarah Palin to win this tonight?

This is only really pre debate conversation as the actual debate has not started yet. :lol:
Lol early bird wins the race

Starting with the economy.
"Hello, nice to meet you. Can I call you Joe?"

These two really have never met? Wow.

Never face to face. Least Palin is doing better then McCain in the eye contact area I think because she is least looking over at Biden once in a while.
John McCain does NOT believe America has the greatest working force.

[ame=]YouTube - John McCain Trashes American Workers[/ame]

Lie #2 on Sarah's part.
Palin also said that John McCain has ground breaking revolutionary economic policies when in fact he is using traditional conservative policies.
It's a shame they changed the format because the McCain campaign didn't want Sarah at a disadvantage.

I would of loved to see Joe Biden/Sarah Palin debate off the cuff really.
The 94 times comment I'm pretty sure will be ripped apart by later.

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