Joe Biden Lands Endorsement Of The Nation’s Largest Teachers Union

Perhaps if the GOP ever took a positive stand for teachers instead of incessantly bashing them they would vote the way you think they should. If the union was pro trump you would sing their praises. Everything is political.
They`re too stupid to understand why the party who thinks the minimum wage is too high doesn`t get union support. Unions work for all workers whether they`re unionized or not. Of course they also wonder why blacks don`t support the Klan`s party?
Wrong. Unions are nothing more than legalized gangs of thugs.
Do you cheer when those thugs get killed trying to protect students from crazed gun owners? I was a union member but I never knew i was a thug. In my 35 years as a steelworker 9 male and one female thug were killed doing their jobs, a-hole.
I also worked construction, asshole. I was a member of local union #1391.

When there was a general strike, union members physically assaulted people who crossed the picket line. Thugs is exactly what they are.[/QUOTE
Yes I loved watching On The Waterfront with Marlon Brando and those things did happen...70 years ago. There may have been 100 other reasons your co-workers kicked your ass
Of course. We don't want a president who supports paying the best teachers more money than the mediocre and poor teachers. Can't have that.

And, heaven forbid, we can't allow parents to decide how to use the education tax dollars allocated for their children. No! Because they might up and choose to put their kids in schools that are actually providing good education to children, which in turn might put some public schools out of business. No!
Schools aren`t good or bad. It`s the students and their parent(s) that make the difference. Millions of kids are raised in homes where no one was ever seen reading a book or a newspaper. By the time some of these kids start school the damage has been done.
Schools aren`t good or bad. It`s the students and their parent(s) that make the difference. Millions of kids are raised in homes where no one was ever seen reading a book or a newspaper. By the time some of these kids start school the damage has been done.

If schools don't matter, then lets get rid of them.
Perhaps if the GOP ever took a positive stand for teachers instead of incessantly bashing them they would vote the way you think they should. If the union was pro trump you would sing their praises. Everything is political.
The point is they shouldn’t endorse a candidate with dementia.


You seem reasonable.

When is the last time the GOP/Trumpsters didn't accuse a Democrat as having Mad/Drunk/Deranged/having dementia....

Hillary is still alive
Obama converted to frothing at the mouth white hater
Bernie is not crazy
AOC eyes are just fine

This is the usual attack... When they can't win on policies they go down this route...

Where is the actual evidence...

Anything they say about Biden, Trump is far worse...

Dang, when is the last time Democrats had a candidate that wasn't Mad/Drunk/Deranged/having dementia?
Perhaps if the GOP ever took a positive stand for teachers instead of incessantly bashing them they would vote the way you think they should. If the union was pro trump you would sing their praises. Everything is political.
The point is they shouldn’t endorse a candidate with dementia.


You seem reasonable.

When is the last time the GOP/Trumpsters didn't accuse a Democrat as having Mad/Drunk/Deranged/having dementia....

Hillary is still alive
Obama converted to frothing at the mouth white hater
Bernie is not crazy
AOC eyes are just fine

This is the usual attack... When they can't win on policies they go down this route...

Where is the actual evidence...

Anything they say about Biden, Trump is far worse...
Biden has proven multiple times that he isn’t right in the head. Bernie is the far better choice.

What's the problem? The Americans in the teachers' unions are the professionals who educate our children. Unions represent professionals, and give a voice to them, in all areas of our society. There will always be a police union, a nurses' union, a journalists' union, a pipefitters' union, a coal miners' union, and unions representing people in all of the professions necessary to our society.

What's the problem? The Americans in the teachers' unions are the professionals who educate our children. Unions represent professionals, and give a voice to them, in all areas of our society. There will always be a police union, a nurses' union, a journalists' union, a pipefitters' union, a coal miners' union, and unions representing people in all of the professions necessary to our society.
More like indoctrinate the children these days.
Anybody that the greedy Left Wing asshole Teacher's Union endorses is a big no go.
Perhaps if the GOP ever took a positive stand for teachers instead of incessantly bashing them they would vote the way you think they should. If the union was pro trump you would sing their praises. Everything is political.
The point is they shouldn’t endorse a candidate with dementia.


You seem reasonable.

When is the last time the GOP/Trumpsters didn't accuse a Democrat as having Mad/Drunk/Deranged/having dementia....

Hillary is still alive
Obama converted to frothing at the mouth white hater
Bernie is not crazy
AOC eyes are just fine

This is the usual attack... When they can't win on policies they go down this route...

Where is the actual evidence...

Anything they say about Biden, Trump is far worse...

Dang, when is the last time Democrats had a candidate that wasn't Mad/Drunk/Deranged/having dementia?
You just proved him right.
Perhaps if the GOP ever took a positive stand for teachers instead of incessantly bashing them they would vote the way you think they should. If the union was pro trump you would sing their praises. Everything is political.
The point is they shouldn’t endorse a candidate with dementia.


You seem reasonable.

When is the last time the GOP/Trumpsters didn't accuse a Democrat as having Mad/Drunk/Deranged/having dementia....

Hillary is still alive
Obama converted to frothing at the mouth white hater
Bernie is not crazy
AOC eyes are just fine

This is the usual attack... When they can't win on policies they go down this route...

Where is the actual evidence...

Anything they say about Biden, Trump is far worse...

Dang, when is the last time Democrats had a candidate that wasn't Mad/Drunk/Deranged/having dementia?

They give us Biden and AOC then talk smack its hilarious. :auiqs.jpg:

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