Joe Biden: "I fully understand China's one child policy"

Got to REPOST this for the tool who likes to edit quotes to suit his argument....

Ah no, that was your point you tried to make remember... You compared the plight of early settlers to that of modern immigrants in your response to my post. YOU DID THAT... I told you the trying to compare the two was not even in the same area and you didn't like it which led us to here and now.

My statement was that they (original settlers) were exceptional in every way. In post #137

YOU compared that to the modern immigrants. In post #139 you stated:

See? YOU were the one that made the comparison not me. You can get as mad as you want but there it is your comparison not mine, I disagreed with it and said as much..

WHat in the hell are you talking about? YOU made the comparison not me... I said it was apples and oranges and you didn't like it...

Jesus dude sober up before posting....

Edit that moron...

Notice the links to our posts? Yeah there it is... BUSTED AND DONE!

Cry and deny, you fucking pussy, cry and deny.
Got to REPOST this for the tool who likes to edit quotes to suit his argument....

Edit that moron...

Notice the links to our posts? Yeah there it is... BUSTED AND DONE!

Cry and deny, you fucking pussy, cry and deny.

LOL, don't have to deny anything tool... You know carried your tantrum over to another thread... Good JOB! Now you are one step closer to getting noticed by mods again but of course that wll be my fault too...:lol:

Whats next? You gonna stalk me?:lol::lol:
Wrong!.......You don't like the fact that I don't play the PC BS game like you do.....I'm not a fuckin' pussy. .

You are absolutely a fucking pussy. You are a filthy little bigot and too much of a fucking pussy to own up to it. You try to bitch about PC this and that as a weasely excuse to hide behind instead of being even a little bit of a man and being honest about your bigotry. You ARE a fucking pussy.
Got to REPOST this for the tool who likes to edit quotes to suit his argument....

Cry and deny, you fucking pussy, cry and deny.

LOL, don't have to deny anything tool... You know carried your tantrum over to another thread... Good JOB! Now you are one step closer to getting noticed by mods again but of course that wll be my fault too...:lol:

Whats next? You gonna stalk me?:lol::lol:

Oh noes! Will Mommy be mad again? You could not be more of a pussy.
I stated that hispanics, particularly Mexicans breed like cockroaches. That it's in there culture and religious beliefs to have large families. And it's the damn truth.....That I believe it's time to close our southern border and get control of the situation, before we have a tragedy, on the scale of what's going on in Mexico within our borders......That I believe it's time to seriously think about a moratorium on new immigration until we get our own house and financial situation in order.

You are a bigot, an idiot, and unAmerican.

I know lots of people, white enough for even you to not feel intimidated by them, who come from very large families. What do they have in common? Most of them are Catholic. The Catholic faith is not specific to Latinos, you idiot. And not all people who come from large families are Latino or Catholic. Latching on to simplistic generalizations is one of the ways that simpletons like you try to make sense of a world they cannot understand.

You try to claim, 'Oh I am all for immigration!' but then you propose the fucking stupid and impractical notion of completely closing the borders and stopping all legal immigration for ten years.

In conclusion, you are a stupid bigot.
I stated that hispanics, particularly Mexicans breed like cockroaches. That it's in there culture and religious beliefs to have large families. And it's the damn truth.....That I believe it's time to close our southern border and get control of the situation, before we have a tragedy, on the scale of what's going on in Mexico within our borders......That I believe it's time to seriously think about a moratorium on new immigration until we get our own house and financial situation in order.

You are a bigot, an idiot, and unAmerican.

I know lots of people, white enough for even you to not feel intimidated by them, who come from very large families. What do they have in common? Most of them are Catholic. The Catholic faith is not specific to Latinos, you idiot. And not all people who come from large families are Latino or Catholic. Latching on to simplistic generalizations is one of the ways that simpletons like you try to make sense of a world they cannot understand.

You try to claim, 'Oh I am all for immigration!' but then you propose the fucking stupid and impractical notion of completely closing the borders and stopping all legal immigration for ten years.

In conclusion, you are a stupid bigot.
Ooooooooooooh, i'm so offended!

Now, how many of those "white Catholics" are illegal fuckin' aliens, who have zero right to be here?.......How many of them BROKE OUR LAWS to come here and drop their spawn on our soil?

And, why don't you enlighten us on how a moratorium on legal immigration for a specific period of time to get our damn fiscal house in order, too include job creation, will cause impracticality.

You keep spewing that BS, but don't seem able to back it up with links that prove your BS. All I here is your bleeding heart, PC mumbojumbo that proves NOTHING!

Fact is, we don't have enough jobs for our own people. We can't provide jobs for new immigrants. We cannot afford to add more people, immigrants, to our public assistance rolls. We cannot afford to keep our current immigration policies in place without serious reforms......Get a fuckin' clue!
Now, how many of those "white Catholics" are illegal fuckin' aliens, who have zero right to be here?.......How many of them BROKE OUR LAWS to come here and drop their spawn on our soil?!

Come on now, are you really this stupid or just pathologically dishonest?

YOU specifically directed your bigoted comments toward Latino AMERICANS. You know, like people of Latino background who are AMERICAN citizens? Did you really imagine that no one would notice such clumsy dishonesty? Do you have no personal character whatsoever? I understand you are from CA but does that mean you MUST be completely hollow and without integrity of any kind? What the hell, man?
Now, how many of those "white Catholics" are illegal fuckin' aliens, who have zero right to be here?.......How many of them BROKE OUR LAWS to come here and drop their spawn on our soil?!

Come on now, are you really this stupid or just pathologically dishonest?

YOU specifically directed your bigoted comments toward Latino AMERICANS. You know, like people of Latino background who are AMERICAN citizens? Did you really imagine that no one would notice such clumsy dishonesty? Do you have no personal character whatsoever? I understand you are from CA but does that mean you MUST be completely hollow and without integrity of any kind? What the hell, man?
Dude, last time......Stop cherry pickin' posts. Respond to the entire post in one post.

Respect the damn board, and the boards posters.

Stop filling pages, and wasting badwidth, by responing to one single post with multiple posts.

You are NOT the only poster on this board. Respect the board and your fellow posters.

Othewise, if a certain big dog comes up here and notices you pulling that crap, you will get a c-ya moment without explanation.

LOL, don't have to deny anything tool... You know carried your tantrum over to another thread... Good JOB! Now you are one step closer to getting noticed by mods again but of course that wll be my fault too...:lol:

Whats next? You gonna stalk me?:lol::lol:

Oh noes! Will Mommy be mad again? You could not be more of a pussy.

LOL, look douchebag I have been as patient with your silly childish ass as I am gonna be... Understand a few things here...

1. You can call me pussy as many times as you want, and all it will do is make you an ever bigger troll. It will not make me mad, will not upset me, nor will it bother me one bit what some shut in, moms basement dwelling, cheetoh munching, low self esteem having, man diaper wearing, troglodyte with an internet addiction thinks of me... Got it yet?

2. This is a web forum. Its text on a screen and not reality. In reality I am a middle aged data analyst with 3 kids and a wife and mortgage. I work, I coach baseball, I do my job to raise a family and in my spare time I may get on here and write for fun and my own enjoyment. That is my reality. And that means you can call me whatever you want and when I grow tired of you I will go back to my reality for a bit.

3. Pussy? Dude you are the very epitome of the word...:lol: You just threw a temper tantrum in two threads calling me names all because YOU edited a quote against the TOS. YOU did that man, and a mod saw it and did something about it. No one went crying to him to my knowledge and I certainly didn't say anything to any mod. You do not know me, or probably anyone else on here in reality yet you run off at the mouth like you are some internet badass.... Pussy? LOL, you are the biggest one here man...:clap2:
Oh noes! Will Mommy be mad again? You could not be more of a pussy.

LOL, look douchebag I have been as patient with your silly childish ass as I am gonna be... Understand a few things here...

1. You can call me pussy as many times as you want, and all it will do is make you an ever bigger troll. It will not make me mad, will not upset me, nor will it bother me one bit what some shut in, moms basement dwelling, cheetoh munching, low self esteem having, man diaper wearing, troglodyte with an internet addiction thinks of me... Got it yet?

2. This is a web forum. Its text on a screen and not reality. In reality I am a middle aged data analyst with 3 kids and a wife and mortgage. I work, I coach baseball, I do my job to raise a family and in my spare time I may get on here and write for fun and my own enjoyment. That is my reality. And that means you can call me whatever you want and when I grow tired of you I will go back to my reality for a bit.

3. Pussy? Dude you are the very epitome of the word...:lol: You just threw a temper tantrum in two threads calling me names all because YOU edited a quote against the TOS. YOU did that man, and a mod saw it and did something about it. No one went crying to him to my knowledge and I certainly didn't say anything to any mod. You do not know me, or probably anyone else on here in reality yet you run off at the mouth like you are some internet badass.... Pussy? LOL, you are the biggest one here man...:clap2:
He's a sock.......Not sure who, but definitely a sock.
Biden is a clown. He makes me fucking laugh out loud...The guy shouldn't be number two. You would have to be out of your god forsaken mind to think he can do the job of a president.

This country has jumped the shark! Even the suggestion from the number fucking two of our nation of approval what the commies in china do is a outrage. It's insanity!
Last edited:
Biden is a clown. He makes me fucking laugh out loud...The guy shouldn't be number two. You would have to be out of your god forsaken mind to think he can do the job of a president.

This country has jumped the shark! Even the suggestion from the number fucking two of our nation of approval what the commies in china do is a outrage. It's insanity!

Wow, that's intellectually stimulating...
I stated that hispanics, particularly Mexicans breed like cockroaches. That it's in there culture and religious beliefs to have large families. And it's the damn truth.....That I believe it's time to close our southern border and get control of the situation, before we have a tragedy, on the scale of what's going on in Mexico within our borders......That I believe it's time to seriously think about a moratorium on new immigration until we get our own house and financial situation in order.

You are a bigot, an idiot, and unAmerican.

I know lots of people, white enough for even you to not feel intimidated by them, who come from very large families. What do they have in common? Most of them are Catholic. The Catholic faith is not specific to Latinos, you idiot. And not all people who come from large families are Latino or Catholic. Latching on to simplistic generalizations is one of the ways that simpletons like you try to make sense of a world they cannot understand.

You try to claim, 'Oh I am all for immigration!' but then you propose the fucking stupid and impractical notion of completely closing the borders and stopping all legal immigration for ten years.

In conclusion, you are a stupid bigot.
Ooooooooooooh, i'm so offended!

Now, how many of those "white Catholics" are illegal fuckin' aliens, who have zero right to be here?.......How many of them BROKE OUR LAWS to come here and drop their spawn on our soil?

And, why don't you enlighten us on how a moratorium on legal immigration for a specific period of time to get our damn fiscal house in order, too include job creation, will cause impracticality.

You keep spewing that BS, but don't seem able to back it up with links that prove your BS. All I here is your bleeding heart, PC mumbojumbo that proves NOTHING!

Fact is, we don't have enough jobs for our own people. We can't provide jobs for new immigrants. We cannot afford to add more people, immigrants, to our public assistance rolls. We cannot afford to keep our current immigration policies in place without serious reforms......Get a fuckin' clue!

First of all, you don't "cause impracticality." Something either is or is not impractical, moron. It is impractical to stop all immigration for many reasons. The fact that none of them occurred to you is hardly surprising. There are currently so many people involved in some aspect of the immigration process that it would probably take more than ten years to resolve them all. The United States is NOT (thankfully) the isolationist enclave that cowardly sorts like you would have it, so we are enmeshed in all manner of exchanges, agreements, programs, and processes with other peoples and nations such that extracting ourselves to the point where we could stop all kinds of legal immigration would be almost logistically impossible even if we were so inclined as to lock the door and hide under the bed the way some spineless (yes, you) types fantasize about.

Many millions of international students come to the US to study every day of every year. Stopping all of them would be an economic and academic blow to our private k-12 schools and institutions of higher education, to say nothing of the longer-term effects to research and competitiveness. You know that schools and universities employ people, right numbskull?

Many people come to the US each year to live and work who are visiting scholar or experts (or permanent immigrants) with unique skills and backgrounds that make America better and stronger in many ways (yes, one of these ways is economic). Weak, fearful types like you would infect the entire nation with your weakness and fear by stopping them from coming.

Millions and millions of legal immigrants come to the US every year who are spouses or otherwise in support of native-born US citizens. They are vital parts of families that work, pay taxes, and keep America strong in many ways. That mental defectives like you would cut off this legal and natural aspect of immigration and thus disrupt LEGAL AND PRODUCTIVE families is not just stupid, it is virtually treasonous in the effect it would have on my great nation (yes, one of these ways is economic).

Like most of your ilk, you spew your nonsense without stopping for a second to really think about what the hell you are saying.
Go run and tell Mommy all about it, pussy.

Did you ask him if I went to him?

I have asked you several times and you avoid it... So answer the question coward..:lol:

Come on lil fella ask him if I went to him...

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