Joe Biden Hangs His Head Down and Mumbles Incoherently in Meeting with Israeli President Herzog (VIDEO)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Will Biden make it to 2024?

Watch how pathetic this is. His meds aren't working. The article is right. He's completely shot and the country is in a national security crisis.

You can tell the Israeli President is thinking "what the hell".
Watch how pathetic this is. His meds aren't working. The article is right. He's completely shot and the country is in a national security crisis.

Head down and mumbling incoherently? Christians do that all the time I don't see the big deal.
Watch how pathetic this is. His meds aren't working. The article is right. He's completely shot and the country is in a national security crisis.

Herzog was probably thinking "What the fuck is he trying to say? Come on, spit it out, old man." :laughing0301:
I hope he doesn't make it till Friday, but part of me hopes he will make it to 2024 just to have to see him on stage debating trump live.

That'll never happen even if he does make it that far.
There's no way in hell the dems would let biden debate Trump.
He looks like an idiot with the softball shit the media gives him,imagine a hostile like Trump hitting him with the hard questions.
He'd be a mumbling blob of jello after the first sentence with Trump.
Biden is such an embarrassment to send abroad, but what's the alternative? Cackling Kamala?
Tough choice. Considering their lineup, Buttigieg may be their best option, he may not be able to dazzle them, but he sure could baffle them with BS.
Watch how pathetic this is. His meds aren't working. The article is right. He's completely shot and the country is in a national security crisis.

he is reading (ever so poorly) from something in his lap it appears to me...very pathetic.
How low this corrupt ,stolen Biden Administration is going to fall?

It's like a bottomless the infernal regions....getting worse by the second :mad:
Watch how pathetic this is. His meds aren't working. The article is right. He's completely shot and the country is in a national security crisis.

I can NOT believe the Democrats have the hutz-pah to put this guy up without multiple challengers on their side in the primary.

The Left can say what they want about the GOP, but at least multiple people are trying to defeat Trump.
Watch how pathetic this is. His meds aren't working. The article is right. He's completely shot and the country is in a national security crisis.

Trying to compete with those folks gathered in IsNtReal, is futile.

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