Joe Biden and the future of America.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
How would the world react if the Egyptians held a national election running the unwrapped mummified remains of King Tut as a candidate because they had no ideas to improve Egyptian society and no one to inspire the support of the people? It would probably be observed as absurd by the entire planet and most would assume that the Egyptians had gone off their rocker.

How is the world seeing Joe Biden? Biden is a sad and vacuously demented empty suit that did not even get the nod in the last presidential election because his party knew what they would be getting.

If it were not for Biden’s support of the credit card industry and his unwavering efforts to make it harder for consumers to seek protection under bankruptcy laws, Biden would probably be driving the wrong way on a freeway on his way to a head-on collision with a semi-truck. There little doubt that democrats are determined to defeat Donald Trump by hook or crook this time with a combination of street violence and mail-in voter fraud to install the country’s first sock puppet president.

Biden is so far gone that he seldom emerges from his basement bunker and when any public appearance does take place it is meticulously choreographed by his nursing-staff political handlers. Biden is being chiseled and whittled to become America’s first wooden representation of political ventriloquism and people should be very concerned.

Oddly, Biden’s inane comment about choosing “truth over facts” dovetails nicely with left wing Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s diatribe that being morally right is superior to being factually and semantically correct. Truth is stranger than fiction in this coming election and Biden’s cognitive impairment fits hand in glove with AOC’s historically ignorant and gullible worldview on the effects of socialism on functioning democracies.

With chaos and bedlam in the streets, it is increasingly apparent the lunatic fringe has supplanted the leadership of the Democratic Party and a schizophrenic split in that party is favoring the release of the lunatics from the asylum to achieve the removal of Donald Trump. But the consequences are dire, and it could change the country forever.

Americans need to come to grips with the fact that Joe Biden is one step away from being semi-comatose and he is being propped up as a plastic leader to discard democracy in favor of corporate globalization.

We need to keep Trump.
If you go to YouTube, you will see celebrities and well know radical Left politicians HEAVILY advertising for donations to help Democrats take the Senate.
These people are not playing. They fully intend to take over the government at any and all costs.
99% of Americans are still confused as to just how vulnerable we are to Marxists.

Venezuelans were just as confident then as Americans are today that "it couldn't happen"
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How would the world react if the Egyptians held a national election running the unwrapped mummified remains of King Tut as a candidate because they had no ideas to improve Egyptian society and no one to inspire the support of the people? It would probably be observed as absurd by the entire planet and most would assume that the Egyptians had gone off their rocker.

How is the world seeing Joe Biden? Biden is a sad and vacuously demented empty suit that did not even get the nod in the last presidential election because his party knew what they would be getting.

If it were not for Biden’s support of the credit card industry and his unwavering efforts to make it harder for consumers to seek protection under bankruptcy laws, Biden would probably be driving the wrong way on a freeway on his way to a head-on collision with a semi-truck. There little doubt that democrats are determined to defeat Donald Trump by hook or crook this time with a combination of street violence and mail-in voter fraud to install the country’s first sock puppet president.

Biden is so far gone that he seldom emerges from his basement bunker and when any public appearance does take place it is meticulously choreographed by his nursing-staff political handlers. Biden is being chiseled and whittled to become America’s first wooden representation of political ventriloquism and people should be very concerned.

Oddly, Biden’s inane comment about choosing “truth over facts” dovetails nicely with left wing Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s diatribe that being morally right is superior to being factually and semantically correct. Truth is stranger than fiction in this coming election and Biden’s cognitive impairment fits hand in glove with AOC’s historically ignorant and gullible worldview on the effects of socialism on functioning democracies.

With chaos and bedlam in the streets, it is increasingly apparent the lunatic fringe has supplanted the leadership of the Democratic Party and a schizophrenic split in that party is favoring the release of the lunatics from the asylum to achieve the removal of Donald Trump. But the consequences are dire, and it could change the country forever.

Americans need to come to grips with the fact that Joe Biden is one step away from being semi-comatose and he is being propped up as a plastic leader to discard democracy in favor of corporate globalization.

We need to keep Trump.
Dumb Don is nearly as demented as Sniffy Joe, but wingers can’t see it.
How would the world react if the Egyptians held a national election running the unwrapped mummified remains of King Tut as a candidate because they had no ideas to improve Egyptian society and no one to inspire the support of the people? It would probably be observed as absurd by the entire planet and most would assume that the Egyptians had gone off their rocker.

How is the world seeing Joe Biden? Biden is a sad and vacuously demented empty suit that did not even get the nod in the last presidential election because his party knew what they would be getting.

If it were not for Biden’s support of the credit card industry and his unwavering efforts to make it harder for consumers to seek protection under bankruptcy laws, Biden would probably be driving the wrong way on a freeway on his way to a head-on collision with a semi-truck. There little doubt that democrats are determined to defeat Donald Trump by hook or crook this time with a combination of street violence and mail-in voter fraud to install the country’s first sock puppet president.

Biden is so far gone that he seldom emerges from his basement bunker and when any public appearance does take place it is meticulously choreographed by his nursing-staff political handlers. Biden is being chiseled and whittled to become America’s first wooden representation of political ventriloquism and people should be very concerned.

Oddly, Biden’s inane comment about choosing “truth over facts” dovetails nicely with left wing Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s diatribe that being morally right is superior to being factually and semantically correct. Truth is stranger than fiction in this coming election and Biden’s cognitive impairment fits hand in glove with AOC’s historically ignorant and gullible worldview on the effects of socialism on functioning democracies.

With chaos and bedlam in the streets, it is increasingly apparent the lunatic fringe has supplanted the leadership of the Democratic Party and a schizophrenic split in that party is favoring the release of the lunatics from the asylum to achieve the removal of Donald Trump. But the consequences are dire, and it could change the country forever.

Americans need to come to grips with the fact that Joe Biden is one step away from being semi-comatose and he is being propped up as a plastic leader to discard democracy in favor of corporate globalization.

We need to keep Trump.

Joe Biden has no future in America. He will be forgotten as fast as was Fritz Mondale.
That was a well put together essay/editorial. Until you said we need- no, we have our needs met. Air, water, food, clothing and shelter- everything else is a want/desire- so, let's talk semantics. Okay?

Why are there only two choices? Answer: TPTB preference of a Duopoly- the DNC doesn't run the Country nor does the RNC- why is this narrowed down to false narratives? BOTH subscribe to the same "official" bullshit. They just use different rhetoric to sell it so voters will keep doing the same thing over and over and complaining about nothing changing- SMH. EVERYONE in the District of Criminals is am Empty Suit- bought and paid for by tools and enemies (of the people) alike- the wind blowing a different direction still brings a storm. Empty Suits have to have someone tell them it's raining-

Same Official Bullshit: Borrow to spend. Make citizens debt slaves to support a debt based keynesean economic policy, i.e., top down. In days gone by called "trickle down"- sadly the trickle down is not from wealth producers as is natural occurrence, but flooding with fiat money from the gov't borrowing and BOTH sides do it- hence: Duopoly.
Biden is terrible and a mess. The Democratic Party is a shit show.

But Trumpism is ugly and does not represent modern-day America. We're better than the ignorance, arrogance, paranoia and bigotry it represents.

I'd ask the rhetorical question of whether you could get more vapid and dreary, but you'd look upon that as a challenge.

Now, for the drearily predictable "ha-ha" or "thanks" thingy.

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