Joe Biden And The Death Of Free Speech


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Joe Biden And The Death Of Free Speech
The president's first day was marked by a harsh crackdown on the right to protest. So much for a return to normalcy.

Joe Biden and the Death of Free Speech | The American Conservative
25 Jan 2021 ~~ By James Bovard

The media loved Joe Biden’s inauguration: his platitude-laden speech and his calls for “unity” struck the perfect note for a Washington establishment that wants no more guff from the “deplorables.” But few commentators stooped to point out the radical changes of Biden’s big day, such as its being the first inaugural since 1865 with the military openly occupying the nation’s capital.
In his inaugural address, Biden castigated “a riotous mob [that] thought they could use violence to silence the will of the people.” But politicians invoked that same mob to justify silencing protesters for miles around the inauguration. Biden also declared, “That’s America. The right to dissent peaceably, within the guardrails of our republic. It’s perhaps this nation’s greatest strength.” Yet during Biden’s inauguration, new “guardrails” drove free speech into the dirt.
The Washington Post, a bellwether of the media’s adulation of the new president, had no problem with silencing dissent. Its report on the issue was headlined, “In closing Mall, officials try to strike a balance between the First Amendment and securing Biden’s inauguration.” The “balance” was achieved by suspending the First Amendment on the most important protest day on the American calendar.
The ACLU sounded happy to see protests suppressed so long as pro-Trump activists were kept off of the streets and the Mall. Michelman explained: “It can be just as chilling for many would-be demonstrators to know that they’re going to be met with violent counterprotesters as it would be if they were to be met with state violence. Nobody wins when insurrectionists storm the Capitol and wanton violence plays out on the streets of the nation’s capital. That’s not free speech, and that’s not conducive to anyone’s free speech.”
Is speculation about a rising censorship peril misguided, considering the euphoric atmosphere in Washington over Biden taking power? Remember that the Bush administration exploited a presidential popularity surge after the 9/11 attacks to crack down on dissent. Nor is there grounds for optimism in Biden’s half-century record in Washington. When Biden was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, his civil liberties record was dreadful; he boasted of co-authoring almost 20 years of repressive legislation that helped quadruple the nation’s prison population.
Before launching any repressive binges, Biden’s handlers might want to recall that John Adams looked like he was also on a roll, routing the political opposition with the help of that 1798 law. Anyone wondering how that worked out should stroll around the Tidal Basin and visit the Jefferson Memorial.

The “terrorist assault.” on the Capitol is a farse especially after the attacks by Antifa/BLM anarchists that began in 2017 that began at the Inauguration of Donald Trump January 20, 2017 and the destruction of more than seventy Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities throughout America. Gotta love watching you PM/DSA Commie lefties increasingly dramatize that idiotic Capitol riot. Gotta keep amping up the rhetoric, right?
Trump said on 1/6/21:
"These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love and in peace. Remember this day forever!"
Free speech is only free when it is protected by the right to keep and bear arms.
Joe Biden And The Death Of Free Speech
The president's first day was marked by a harsh crackdown on the right to protest. So much for a return to normalcy.

Joe Biden and the Death of Free Speech | The American Conservative
25 Jan 2021 ~~ By James Bovard

The media loved Joe Biden’s inauguration: his platitude-laden speech and his calls for “unity” struck the perfect note for a Washington establishment that wants no more guff from the “deplorables.” But few commentators stooped to point out the radical changes of Biden’s big day, such as its being the first inaugural since 1865 with the military openly occupying the nation’s capital.
In his inaugural address, Biden castigated “a riotous mob [that] thought they could use violence to silence the will of the people.” But politicians invoked that same mob to justify silencing protesters for miles around the inauguration. Biden also declared, “That’s America. The right to dissent peaceably, within the guardrails of our republic. It’s perhaps this nation’s greatest strength.” Yet during Biden’s inauguration, new “guardrails” drove free speech into the dirt.
The Washington Post, a bellwether of the media’s adulation of the new president, had no problem with silencing dissent. Its report on the issue was headlined, “In closing Mall, officials try to strike a balance between the First Amendment and securing Biden’s inauguration.” The “balance” was achieved by suspending the First Amendment on the most important protest day on the American calendar.
The ACLU sounded happy to see protests suppressed so long as pro-Trump activists were kept off of the streets and the Mall. Michelman explained: “It can be just as chilling for many would-be demonstrators to know that they’re going to be met with violent counterprotesters as it would be if they were to be met with state violence. Nobody wins when insurrectionists storm the Capitol and wanton violence plays out on the streets of the nation’s capital. That’s not free speech, and that’s not conducive to anyone’s free speech.”
Is speculation about a rising censorship peril misguided, considering the euphoric atmosphere in Washington over Biden taking power? Remember that the Bush administration exploited a presidential popularity surge after the 9/11 attacks to crack down on dissent. Nor is there grounds for optimism in Biden’s half-century record in Washington. When Biden was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, his civil liberties record was dreadful; he boasted of co-authoring almost 20 years of repressive legislation that helped quadruple the nation’s prison population.
Before launching any repressive binges, Biden’s handlers might want to recall that John Adams looked like he was also on a roll, routing the political opposition with the help of that 1798 law. Anyone wondering how that worked out should stroll around the Tidal Basin and visit the Jefferson Memorial.

The “terrorist assault.” on the Capitol is a farse especially after the attacks by Antifa/BLM anarchists that began in 2017 that began at the Inauguration of Donald Trump January 20, 2017 and the destruction of more than seventy Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities throughout America. Gotta love watching you PM/DSA Commie lefties increasingly dramatize that idiotic Capitol riot. Gotta keep amping up the rhetoric, right?
Trump said on 1/6/21:
"These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love and in peace. Remember this day forever!"
Free speech is only free when it is protected by the right to keep and bear arms.
Without double standards, prog slaves would have no standards at all.

There are definitely those on the left who have proven to be less interested in freedom of expression than they should be. The list of examples is pretty long, involving PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture.

Unfortunately, we now have zealots on the Right who appear to be doing everything they can to make it easier for the Left to clamp down, with more and more expression that addresses violence.

The Trumpsters are playing right into the Regressive Left's hands, and those of us who advocate for freedom of expression sure do wish they would stop doing that. You're walking right into it.
Shut up, and get back into your designated "Free Speech Zone" already!
There are definitely those on the left who have proven to be less interested in freedom of expression than they should be. The list of examples is pretty long, involving PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture.

Unfortunately, we now have zealots on the Right who appear to be doing everything they can to make it easier for the Left to clamp down, with more and more expression that addresses violence.

The Trumpsters are playing right into the Regressive Left's hands, and those of us who advocate for freedom of expression sure do wish they would stop doing that. You're walking right into it.
Right, fighting them will only make things worse. Just accept your chains with a cheery heart.
There are definitely those on the left who have proven to be less interested in freedom of expression than they should be. The list of examples is pretty long, involving PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture.

Unfortunately, we now have zealots on the Right who appear to be doing everything they can to make it easier for the Left to clamp down, with more and more expression that addresses violence.

The Trumpsters are playing right into the Regressive Left's hands, and those of us who advocate for freedom of expression sure do wish they would stop doing that. You're walking right into it.
Right, fighting them will only make things worse. Just accept your chains with a cheery heart.
I know, I know, all or nothing, black or white. That's up to you. You can choose to walk right into it if you want.
Joe Biden And The Death Of Free Speech
The president's first day was marked by a harsh crackdown on the right to protest. So much for a return to normalcy.

Joe Biden and the Death of Free Speech | The American Conservative
25 Jan 2021 ~~ By James Bovard

The media loved Joe Biden’s inauguration: his platitude-laden speech and his calls for “unity” struck the perfect note for a Washington establishment that wants no more guff from the “deplorables.” But few commentators stooped to point out the radical changes of Biden’s big day, such as its being the first inaugural since 1865 with the military openly occupying the nation’s capital.
In his inaugural address, Biden castigated “a riotous mob [that] thought they could use violence to silence the will of the people.” But politicians invoked that same mob to justify silencing protesters for miles around the inauguration. Biden also declared, “That’s America. The right to dissent peaceably, within the guardrails of our republic. It’s perhaps this nation’s greatest strength.” Yet during Biden’s inauguration, new “guardrails” drove free speech into the dirt.
The Washington Post, a bellwether of the media’s adulation of the new president, had no problem with silencing dissent. Its report on the issue was headlined, “In closing Mall, officials try to strike a balance between the First Amendment and securing Biden’s inauguration.” The “balance” was achieved by suspending the First Amendment on the most important protest day on the American calendar.
The ACLU sounded happy to see protests suppressed so long as pro-Trump activists were kept off of the streets and the Mall. Michelman explained: “It can be just as chilling for many would-be demonstrators to know that they’re going to be met with violent counterprotesters as it would be if they were to be met with state violence. Nobody wins when insurrectionists storm the Capitol and wanton violence plays out on the streets of the nation’s capital. That’s not free speech, and that’s not conducive to anyone’s free speech.”
Is speculation about a rising censorship peril misguided, considering the euphoric atmosphere in Washington over Biden taking power? Remember that the Bush administration exploited a presidential popularity surge after the 9/11 attacks to crack down on dissent. Nor is there grounds for optimism in Biden’s half-century record in Washington. When Biden was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, his civil liberties record was dreadful; he boasted of co-authoring almost 20 years of repressive legislation that helped quadruple the nation’s prison population.
Before launching any repressive binges, Biden’s handlers might want to recall that John Adams looked like he was also on a roll, routing the political opposition with the help of that 1798 law. Anyone wondering how that worked out should stroll around the Tidal Basin and visit the Jefferson Memorial.

The “terrorist assault.” on the Capitol is a farse especially after the attacks by Antifa/BLM anarchists that began in 2017 that began at the Inauguration of Donald Trump January 20, 2017 and the destruction of more than seventy Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities throughout America. Gotta love watching you PM/DSA Commie lefties increasingly dramatize that idiotic Capitol riot. Gotta keep amping up the rhetoric, right?
Trump said on 1/6/21:
"These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love and in peace. Remember this day forever!"
Free speech is only free when it is protected by the right to keep and bear arms.
The thread premise is a lie.

President Biden has not ‘cracked down’ on free speech.

Free speech in America is alive and well.
There are definitely those on the left who have proven to be less interested in freedom of expression than they should be. The list of examples is pretty long, involving PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture.

Unfortunately, we now have zealots on the Right who appear to be doing everything they can to make it easier for the Left to clamp down, with more and more expression that addresses violence.

The Trumpsters are playing right into the Regressive Left's hands, and those of us who advocate for freedom of expression sure do wish they would stop doing that. You're walking right into it.
So what you're saying is that Republicans made you do it?
There are definitely those on the left who have proven to be less interested in freedom of expression than they should be. The list of examples is pretty long, involving PC, Identity Politics and Cancel Culture.

Unfortunately, we now have zealots on the Right who appear to be doing everything they can to make it easier for the Left to clamp down, with more and more expression that addresses violence.

The Trumpsters are playing right into the Regressive Left's hands, and those of us who advocate for freedom of expression sure do wish they would stop doing that. You're walking right into it.
So what you're saying is that Republicans made you do it?

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