Jim Webb 2016


May 23, 2014
FNR Election 2016 The Democrats On Air Videos Fox News

I have been posting on this board for some time how the Democratic Party has left White voters only to concentrate on urban voters. It has cost them the House, Senate, and most state houses and governors seats. Jim Webb understands this and he is also a true American hero. the Democratic Party needs to go back to an FDR, Truman, working class issues party again. Fuck all this social justice, gay marriage, hands-up don't shoot bullshit and start bringing manufacturing jobs back to America. Webb will beat her royal highness Hillary in Iowa and Nevada.
FNR Election 2016 The Democrats On Air Videos Fox News

I have been posting on this board for some time how the Democratic Party has left White voters only to concentrate on urban voters. It has cost them the House, Senate, and most state houses and governors seats. Jim Webb understands this and he is also a true American hero. the Democratic Party needs to go back to an FDR, Truman, working class issues party again. Fuck all this social justice, gay marriage, hands-up don't shoot bullshit and start bringing manufacturing jobs back to America. Webb will beat her royal highness Hillary in Iowa and Nevada.
I'm looking forward to seeing what he has to say across the board.

One thing I'll be focusing on is whether and how he bends to the Identity Politics types.

Enough damage has been done.

FNR Election 2016 The Democrats On Air Videos Fox News

I have been posting on this board for some time how the Democratic Party has left White voters only to concentrate on urban voters. It has cost them the House, Senate, and most state houses and governors seats. Jim Webb understands this and he is also a true American hero. the Democratic Party needs to go back to an FDR, Truman, working class issues party again. Fuck all this social justice, gay marriage, hands-up don't shoot bullshit and start bringing manufacturing jobs back to America. Webb will beat her royal highness Hillary in Iowa and Nevada.
I'm looking forward to seeing what he has to say across the board.

One thing I'll be focusing on is whether and how he bends to the Identity Politics types.

Enough damage has been done.

I doubt he will be a conformist politician. The Democrats need someone to pull it away from the extreme left where it now sits.
FNR Election 2016 The Democrats On Air Videos Fox News

I have been posting on this board for some time how the Democratic Party has left White voters only to concentrate on urban voters. It has cost them the House, Senate, and most state houses and governors seats. Jim Webb understands this and he is also a true American hero. the Democratic Party needs to go back to an FDR, Truman, working class issues party again. Fuck all this social justice, gay marriage, hands-up don't shoot bullshit and start bringing manufacturing jobs back to America. Webb will beat her royal highness Hillary in Iowa and Nevada.
Webb is my favorite candidate. I've supported him since he ran for Senate, have heard him speak several times, and have met him once. I'd love nothing more than for him to win the promaries and he'll get my vote.

Bush92 I am completely shocked that we both support the same candidate. I don't know whether to be happy about it or worried! :laugh: But good for you :thup:
I like Walker better than Webb or Hillary but I think Obama has poisoned the well for the Ds and made the Rs more warmongering neo-con than ever . So, I suspect the country is screwed no matter who is elected.
Jim Webb is the ONLY chance the Democrats have in 2016. They need someone who has absolutely no ties to King putt. But alas, the left wingnuts have taken over the party and are already calling Hillary a DINO and Webb a right winger and racist.

I don't know of anyone calling Webb a right winger or Hillary a "DINO"..... Hillary is a corporatist, that there's no doubt of. She's very very pro-big bank and even pro-defense industry. But I'd say on social issues she's more liberal or at least she'll pretend to be to appease voters.
Jim Webb is the ONLY chance the Democrats have in 2016. They need someone who has absolutely no ties to King putt. But alas, the left wingnuts have taken over the party and are already calling Hillary a DINO and Webb a right winger and racist.
I've got to agree plus except for the US, UK and India the rest of the world is in the tank. I would love to see a D victory in 2016.
Jim Webb is the ONLY chance the Democrats have in 2016. They need someone who has absolutely no ties to King putt. But alas, the left wingnuts have taken over the party and are already calling Hillary a DINO and Webb a right winger and racist.

I don't know of anyone calling Webb a right winger or Hillary a "DINO"..... Hillary is a corporatist, that there's no doubt of. She's very very pro-big bank and even pro-defense industry. But I'd say on social issues she's more liberal or at least she'll pretend to be to appease voters.

I have heard those accusations myself on a left of Trotsky board I rarely post on.
It would be interesting to see Webb attack Hillary's foreign policy, but that's about it. Unfortunately he has no chance. The Democrats are going to nominate a woman no matter what.
I kinda see Jim Webb as the Rick Santorum of the Democratic Party in some ways (minus the religious nuttery)
It would be interesting to see Webb attack Hillary's foreign policy, but that's about it. Unfortunately he has no chance. The Democrats are going to nominate a woman no matter what.
That certainly seems true and the Republicans will nominate an unelectable neo-con to erode the D bench even further.

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