Jim Acosta uses his power as a member of the Patriarchy to physically deny female WH Aide the Mic

Will CNN Fire or Punish Acosta?

  • Yes, they have to somehow gain some credibility back and not appear so hostile.

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • No, they are all in on hostility towards this president, and have no intention of doing journalism.

    Votes: 36 97.3%

  • Total voters
This one was my favorite:

Q: That was President Putin who annexed Crimea, sir.

Trump: That was President Obama’s regime. That was during President Obama, right? That was not during me.

Q: It was President Putin, sir, who did the annexation.

Trump: No, no. It was President Obama that allowed it to happen.

Although this one was pretty good too:

. It’s racist to ask about racism. A black reporter noted that at recent campaign rallies, Trump had declared himself a nationalist. “Some people saw that as emboldening white nationalists,” the reporter observed. Trump interrupted her: “I don’t know why you’d say that. That’s such a racist question.” The reporter tried to finish her question, but Trump shot her down. “That’s such a racist question,” he said. “That’s a racist question.”

Trump’s performance was nutty, incoherent, self-absorbed, and full of lies. In short, it was a lot like his other public appearances. But there was one difference: This time, he was speaking a day after voters attempted, through a massive purge of House Republicans, to send him and his party a message. Clearly, he’s not getting the message. The people and their representatives will have to speak louder.

Soros and the banking oligarchs of the E.U were behind the illegal coup d'etat of the Ukraine, no? Crimea and it's peninsula was the sweetest plum on the tree and Putin denied them of it.....can you say "Butthurt"????

Seriously, how do you make it through life being so utterly stupid? You must be getting some kind of "gubermint" stipend because you would starve to death in any other country.
Acosta is the latest example of leftist bullying. The left demands respect and tolerance, but somehow they believe they are exempt from showing the same. Arrogant nasty punks.
Ol' Jimmy boy. Should have been arrested for assault....watch it closely he struck her TWICE!!!!

let's drop in the .gif:....Lock the ABNORMAL UP....WE HAVE THE VIDEO PROOF!!!

Acosta is a coward little punk. Not surprised that posters like bodecea and rightwinger defend the jerk.
Trump held a press conference rant this morning, hoping to blow off some steam, that must have been building up all night. Someone forgot to tell him that the reporters would not be Hannity and Limbaugh. What did he expect? A standing ovation for “saving” the Senate? Reporters did what reporters do and the presser went off the rails very quickly.

Did Jim Acosta notice something odd?

The Trump Post-Election Traumatic Meltdown
Actually Acosta ASSAULTED a WH worker....typical leftist...they love harassing and assaulting people. I won't even bother clicking your garbage link because its complete garbage leftist filth. I saw the ENTIRE thing live so.

It's typical of "leftists" to assault people? Really?
sure, why?
This one was my favorite:

Q: That was President Putin who annexed Crimea, sir.

Trump: That was President Obama’s regime. That was during President Obama, right? That was not during me.

Q: It was President Putin, sir, who did the annexation.

Trump: No, no. It was President Obama that allowed it to happen.

Although this one was pretty good too:

. It’s racist to ask about racism. A black reporter noted that at recent campaign rallies, Trump had declared himself a nationalist. “Some people saw that as emboldening white nationalists,” the reporter observed. Trump interrupted her: “I don’t know why you’d say that. That’s such a racist question.” The reporter tried to finish her question, but Trump shot her down. “That’s such a racist question,” he said. “That’s a racist question.”

Trump’s performance was nutty, incoherent, self-absorbed, and full of lies. In short, it was a lot like his other public appearances. But there was one difference: This time, he was speaking a day after voters attempted, through a massive purge of House Republicans, to send him and his party a message. Clearly, he’s not getting the message. The people and their representatives will have to speak louder.
Trump is right. Obama allowed it.
Please explain. I’m all ears.
This one was my favorite:

Q: That was President Putin who annexed Crimea, sir.

Trump: That was President Obama’s regime. That was during President Obama, right? That was not during me.

Q: It was President Putin, sir, who did the annexation.

Trump: No, no. It was President Obama that allowed it to happen.

Although this one was pretty good too:

. It’s racist to ask about racism. A black reporter noted that at recent campaign rallies, Trump had declared himself a nationalist. “Some people saw that as emboldening white nationalists,” the reporter observed. Trump interrupted her: “I don’t know why you’d say that. That’s such a racist question.” The reporter tried to finish her question, but Trump shot her down. “That’s such a racist question,” he said. “That’s a racist question.”

Trump’s performance was nutty, incoherent, self-absorbed, and full of lies. In short, it was a lot like his other public appearances. But there was one difference: This time, he was speaking a day after voters attempted, through a massive purge of House Republicans, to send him and his party a message. Clearly, he’s not getting the message. The people and their representatives will have to speak louder.

Soros and the banking oligarchs of the E.U were behind the illegal coup d'etat of the Ukraine, no? Crimea and it's peninsula was the sweetest plum on the tree and Putin denied them of it.....can you say "Butthurt"????

Seriously, how do you make it through life being so utterly stupid? You must be getting some kind of "gubermint" stipend because you would starve to death in any other country.
Wow! That is one really wild conspiracy. Where did you hear it from? It seems too far out even for Fox..
This one was my favorite:

Q: That was President Putin who annexed Crimea, sir.

Trump: That was President Obama’s regime. That was during President Obama, right? That was not during me.

Q: It was President Putin, sir, who did the annexation.

Trump: No, no. It was President Obama that allowed it to happen.

Although this one was pretty good too:

. It’s racist to ask about racism. A black reporter noted that at recent campaign rallies, Trump had declared himself a nationalist. “Some people saw that as emboldening white nationalists,” the reporter observed. Trump interrupted her: “I don’t know why you’d say that. That’s such a racist question.” The reporter tried to finish her question, but Trump shot her down. “That’s such a racist question,” he said. “That’s a racist question.”

Trump’s performance was nutty, incoherent, self-absorbed, and full of lies. In short, it was a lot like his other public appearances. But there was one difference: This time, he was speaking a day after voters attempted, through a massive purge of House Republicans, to send him and his party a message. Clearly, he’s not getting the message. The people and their representatives will have to speak louder.
Trump is right. Obama allowed it.
Please explain. I’m all ears.
Obama didn't do anything to stop it. Didn't say a word. I understand you Obama drones would eat his crap if it was spread on toast, but Obama was only an occupier.
Anyone see this live? Scroll down to see the video. Such violence from CNN! :1peleas:

WATCH: Trump Crushes 'Rude' Acosta, Aide Grabs His Mic Away


Acosta's questions were not out of line.
Trump can't handle the heat.
Trump needs to get the fuck out of the kitchen.
Thin-skinned man-baby.


And repeatedly calling Trump a "Nazi" because he was said is a "nationalist vs. a globalist" is not reporting, it's propaganda. Anti-trump propaganda. AS a conservative I am personally tired of being labeled a "racist" and "science denier," and I only get it peripherally. Can you imagine taking the direct but inaccurate insults that Trump takes every day?

I watched Fox News on midterm night and they were talking about all the candidates and different states. ALL of the other networks only talked about one topic all night - Donald Trump. No wonder more people watched FoxNews than any other network for election coverage - including all the "major" networks combined.
No wonder more people watched FoxNews than any other network for election coverage - including all the "major" networks combined.

In reality Faux News Viewers represents about 24% of total viewers

Fox News: 7,784,000 / 2,391,778 in A25-54
NBC: 5,690,000 / 2,282,000 in 25-54
ABC: 5,264,000 / 1,957,000 in 25-54
CNN: 5,070,235 / 2,573,159 in 25-54
MSNBC: 4,479,433 / 1,354,074 in 25-54
CBS: 3,897,000 / 1,296,000 in 25-54

Fox News, CNN Split the 2018 Midterm Election Ratings Battle
Jim Acosta is a total disgrace to his profession!

The WH should never let him back in!

Trump is a total disgrace to his profession

The WH should never let him back in!
Anyone see this live? Scroll down to see the video. Such violence from CNN! :1peleas:

WATCH: Trump Crushes 'Rude' Acosta, Aide Grabs His Mic Away
No doubt Trump wishes he could assassinate and dismember Acosta like his friends the Saudi’s did with our Washington Post journalist.
I wish he would too. Acosta, like so many on the left, is pure scum.

Blame the Press for reporting the stupid shit Trump does & says.

If this was late 1930's in Germany, you'd be praising your buddy Adolf.
Anyone see this live? Scroll down to see the video. Such violence from CNN! :1peleas:

WATCH: Trump Crushes 'Rude' Acosta, Aide Grabs His Mic Away
No doubt Trump wishes he could assassinate and dismember Acosta like his friends the Saudi’s did with our Washington Post journalist.
I wish he would too. Acosta, like so many on the left, is pure scum.

Blame the Press for reporting the stupid shit Trump does & says.

If this was late 1930's in Germany, you'd be praising your buddy Adolf.
It was certainly not her job to forcefully take the microphone, merely retrieve it to hand to another. His reaction to push her arm away is more than we might hope, but hardly damaging.
That poor woman he assaulted will never get over the trauma, poor dear.

Oh FFS! He didn't assault her! He just held onto the mic so she couldn't yank it out of his hand. JFC!! You've said the same thing on every thread about this and have made yourself look more and more like an idiot! If you want to sew what a real assault looks like, go to a shelter for battered women and then come back and vomit this same old shit!

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