Jihadi John' from Islamic State beheading videos unmasked as Londoner


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
And get this, I know you're going to have a really hard time believing this, but his name is "Mohammed" !!!!

I know, amazing huh ? Bet you never saw that one coming !

LONDON (Reuters) - Investigators believe that The "Jihadi John" masked fighter who fronted Islamic State beheading videos is a British man named Mohammed Emwazi, two U.S. government sources said on Thursday.

He was born in Kuwait and comes from a prosperous family in London, where he grew up and graduated with a computer programming degree, according to the Washington Post.

In videos released by Islamic State (IS), the black-clad militant brandishing a knife and speaking with an English accent appears to have decapitated hostages including Americans, Britons and Syrians.

The Washington Post said Emwazi, who used the videos to threaten the West and taunt leaders such as President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron, was believed to have traveled to Syria around 2012 and to have later joined IS.

In each beheading video, he is dressed entirely in black, a balaclava covering all but his eyes and the ridge of his nose. He wears a holster under his left arm.

Hostages gave him the name John as he and other IS Britons had been nicknamed the Beatles. Another was dubbed George.

British government sources and the police refused to confirm or deny the report, citing a live anti-terrorism investigation, a position mirrored by a spokeswoman for Cameron.

"We don't confirm or deny matters relating to intelligence," the spokeswoman said. "I am not going to get into the details of an ongoing police and security investigation."

"We have said since we have seen the awful actions being taken by these terrorists that we are absolutely determined to bring the perpetrators to justice, and the police and the security agencies have been working hard to do that, continue to work hard to do that and that is what we want to see," she said.


more Jihadi John from Islamic State beheading videos unmasked as Londoner - Yahoo News
You guys realize that fighters like John are a small minority within ISIS right? ISIS depends heavily on local networks of militias.
Don't worry, America, you can rest assured that we'll be subsidisng and providing his family with an armed protection detail by the end of next week.
You guys realize that fighters like John are a small minority within ISIS right? ISIS depends heavily on local networks of militias.

Yes of course, plus we need to get off our high horses and remember about the Crusades and stuff.
And get this, I know you're going to have a really hard time believing this, but his name is "Mohammed" !!!!

I know, amazing huh ? Bet you never saw that one coming !

LONDON (Reuters) - Investigators believe that The "Jihadi John" masked fighter who fronted Islamic State beheading videos is a British man named Mohammed Emwazi, two U.S. government sources said on Thursday.

He was born in Kuwait and comes from a prosperous family in London, where he grew up and graduated with a computer programming degree, according to the Washington Post.

In videos released by Islamic State (IS), the black-clad militant brandishing a knife and speaking with an English accent appears to have decapitated hostages including Americans, Britons and Syrians.

The Washington Post said Emwazi, who used the videos to threaten the West and taunt leaders such as President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron, was believed to have traveled to Syria around 2012 and to have later joined IS.

In each beheading video, he is dressed entirely in black, a balaclava covering all but his eyes and the ridge of his nose. He wears a holster under his left arm.

Hostages gave him the name John as he and other IS Britons had been nicknamed the Beatles. Another was dubbed George.

British government sources and the police refused to confirm or deny the report, citing a live anti-terrorism investigation, a position mirrored by a spokeswoman for Cameron.

"We don't confirm or deny matters relating to intelligence," the spokeswoman said. "I am not going to get into the details of an ongoing police and security investigation."

"We have said since we have seen the awful actions being taken by these terrorists that we are absolutely determined to bring the perpetrators to justice, and the police and the security agencies have been working hard to do that, continue to work hard to do that and that is what we want to see," she said.


more Jihadi John from Islamic State beheading videos unmasked as Londoner - Yahoo News
This has been known for quite some time.
College educated too. Couldn't he find a job?

This is what is, again, alarming. His status in the U.K. as far as social class and wealth, if what they say is true, is way beyond most Americans. It's sort of like a trust fund baby from the Upper East Side in Manhattan joining ISIS. There's just no motivation for it economically, that's for sure.
You guys realize that fighters like John are a small minority within ISIS right? ISIS depends heavily on local networks of militias.

Yes, but these are again, heavily disenfranchised within their own culture and society because their country has been torn apart by endless wars, from people within and outside their borders.
College educated too. Couldn't he find a job?

This is what is, again, alarming. His status in the U.K. as far as social class and wealth, if what they say is true, is way beyond most Americans. It's sort of like a trust fund baby from the Upper East Side in Manhattan joining ISIS. There's just no motivation for it economically, that's for sure.
Has someone told the white house?
College educated too. Couldn't he find a job?

This is what is, again, alarming. His status in the U.K. as far as social class and wealth, if what they say is true, is way beyond most Americans. It's sort of like a trust fund baby from the Upper East Side in Manhattan joining ISIS. There's just no motivation for it economically, that's for sure.
Has someone told the white house?

I'm sure they knew about his origins and name first before release to the press, yes. And although the significance is lost on you, I'm sure it's not on Obama and staff.
And get this, I know you're going to have a really hard time believing this, but his name is "Mohammed" !!!!

I know, amazing huh ? Bet you never saw that one coming !

LONDON (Reuters) - Investigators believe that The "Jihadi John" masked fighter who fronted Islamic State beheading videos is a British man named Mohammed Emwazi, two U.S. government sources said on Thursday.

He was born in Kuwait and comes from a prosperous family in London, where he grew up and graduated with a computer programming degree, according to the Washington Post.

In videos released by Islamic State (IS), the black-clad militant brandishing a knife and speaking with an English accent appears to have decapitated hostages including Americans, Britons and Syrians.

The Washington Post said Emwazi, who used the videos to threaten the West and taunt leaders such as President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron, was believed to have traveled to Syria around 2012 and to have later joined IS.

In each beheading video, he is dressed entirely in black, a balaclava covering all but his eyes and the ridge of his nose. He wears a holster under his left arm.

Hostages gave him the name John as he and other IS Britons had been nicknamed the Beatles. Another was dubbed George.

British government sources and the police refused to confirm or deny the report, citing a live anti-terrorism investigation, a position mirrored by a spokeswoman for Cameron.

"We don't confirm or deny matters relating to intelligence," the spokeswoman said. "I am not going to get into the details of an ongoing police and security investigation."

"We have said since we have seen the awful actions being taken by these terrorists that we are absolutely determined to bring the perpetrators to justice, and the police and the security agencies have been working hard to do that, continue to work hard to do that and that is what we want to see," she said.


more Jihadi John from Islamic State beheading videos unmasked as Londoner - Yahoo News
This has been known for quite some time.

I think they suspected it, but it was all the morning news programs this morning and said to be breaking news.
College educated too. Couldn't he find a job?

This is what is, again, alarming. His status in the U.K. as far as social class and wealth, if what they say is true, is way beyond most Americans. It's sort of like a trust fund baby from the Upper East Side in Manhattan joining ISIS. There's just no motivation for it economically, that's for sure.
Has someone told the white house?

An Obama aid told Obama the creeps name this morning. First though, any news involving anything related to Islam must first go through Obama's personal "discrominator".
This is a digital machine that you speak into. For instance, when an aid speaks the name "Muhammed" into the discrominator, Obama hears "Jack".
When the aid speaks the words "Islamic extremists", Obama hears "right wing white males onservative Christians living in Mississippi".
More evidence Barry the Fairy wants to treat terrorism as a law and order issue instead of a military threat. The Brit beheader will be worm food courtesy of a 5.56 round before he's ever tried at the Hague. :rolleyes-41:
More evidence Barry the Fairy wants to treat terrorism as a law and order issue instead of a military threat. The Brit beheader will be worm food courtesy of a 5.56 round before he's ever tried at the Hague. :rolleyes-41:

If it were me, I would start up a special ops to bunt this piece of shit and take him out. Whether it's a drone that finishes him off or a ground operation, I would target him and use it for propaganda purposes.
If it were me, I would start up a special ops to bunt this piece of shit and take him out. Whether it's a drone that finishes him off or a ground operation, I would target him and use it for propaganda purposes.

Zarqawi was mortally wounded in an airstrike outside Baghdad.....the unit that found him said his guts were spilling out as he crawled along the ground...they decided to let him suffer instead of ending it....just rewards.

I've been reading that ISIS is having a lot of problems with deserters and discontents...having trouble making payroll, can't travel in caravans like they did before we started the air campaign, and have lost momentum and morale. I never thought they'd make it this long as far as insurgencies go. When they get kicked out of Mosul, they'll likely withdraw back into Syria and wait for us.
You guys realize that fighters like John are a small minority within ISIS right? ISIS depends heavily on local networks of militias.

Yes of course, plus we need to get off our high horses and remember about the Crusades and stuff.

Nice strawman. This has nothing to do with the Crusades, this has to do with the fact that the ISIS support network and rank and file are not composed of wealthy Jihadis like this individual; they are largely locally based militias and not ideological international warriors of Islam.
You guys realize that fighters like John are a small minority within ISIS right? ISIS depends heavily on local networks of militias.

Yes of course, plus we need to get off our high horses and remember about the Crusades and stuff.

Nice strawman. This has nothing to do with the Crusades, this has to do with the fact that the ISIS support network and rank and file are not composed of wealthy Jihadis like this individual; they are largely locally based militias and not ideological international warriors of Islam.

But Timothy McVeigh !

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