JFK wouldn't be a Democrap today

Shitbag.....the Democraps controlled Congress under Reagan and JFK.

Reagan had to play along with the Democraps to get some of his ideas implemented. In order to spend more on defense, he had to let DEMOCRAPS raise taxes....you stupid piece of shit.

A liberal piece of shit like you trying to claim Reagan believed in raising taxes and JFK did too shows you should be banned from this board for being an idiot or a lying sack of shit.

The empty rhetoric of SniperFire and GoneBezerk obviously cherry picks the career of a man with whom the modern libertarian and ultra right wings would condemn as a communist or socialist or marxist.

Reagan raised taxes three times so obviously he is not a Republican, either.

I love playing with these fool ultra right sickos.
Shitbag.....the Democraps controlled Congress under Reagan and JFK.

Reagan had to play along with the Democraps to get some of his ideas implemented. In order to spend more on defense, he had to let DEMOCRAPS raise taxes....you stupie piece of shit.

A liberal piece of shit like you trying to claim Reagan believed in raising taxes and JFK did too shows you should be banned from this board for being an idiot or a lying sack of shit.

The empty rhetoric of SniperFire and GoneBezerk obviously cherry picks the career of a man with whom the modern libertarian and ultra right wings would condemn as a communist or socialist or marxist.

Reagan raised taxes three times so obviously he is not a Republican, either.

I love playing with these fool ultra right sickos.

Even a lying liberal shitbag such as Fakey can't ignore Reagan's February 1981 Economic Tax Recovery Act presented to Congress, calling for a balanced budget.

JFK was not a neo-con: no evidence of that.

The rising tide comment meant bringing up the lower and working classes to middle class level through more empowerment of the worker at the expense of the corporations.

You and GB are so inept at this.

The empty rhetoric of SniperFire and GoneBezerk obviously cherry picks the career of a man with whom the modern libertarian and ultra right wings would condemn as a communist or socialist or marxist.

Reagan raised taxes three times so obviously he is not a Republican, either.

I love playing with these fool ultra right sickos.
I asked you a very simple YES or NO question. Why are you so afraid of it? Let's try again. Could there could be a better description of trickle-down economics than neocon JFK's famous economic idiom that ' a rising tide lifts all boats'?
So, yes, RR raised taxes three times is what you mean.

You would have primaried RR out of the GOP.

Shitbag.....the Democraps controlled Congress under Reagan and JFK.

Reagan had to play along with the Democraps to get some of his ideas implemented. In order to spend more on defense, he had to let DEMOCRAPS raise taxes....you stupid piece of shit.

A liberal piece of shit like you trying to claim Reagan believed in raising taxes and JFK did too shows you should be banned from this board for being an idiot or a lying sack of shit.

The empty rhetoric of SniperFire and GoneBezerk obviously cherry picks the career of a man with whom the modern libertarian and ultra right wings would condemn as a communist or socialist or marxist.

Reagan raised taxes three times so obviously he is not a Republican, either.

I love playing with these fool ultra right sickos.
It's time for us conservatives to ignore the troll, JaketheFake.

It is only here to lie and spin, while twisting our words to make its pathetic life feel worthy of going another 24 hours.

Let him die on the vine...
JFK was not a neo-con: no evidence of that.

The rising tide comment meant bringing up the lower and working classes to middle class level through more empowerment of the worker at the expense of the corporations.

You and GB are so inept at this.

The empty rhetoric of SniperFire and GoneBezerk obviously cherry picks the career of a man with whom the modern libertarian and ultra right wings would condemn as a communist or socialist or marxist.

Reagan raised taxes three times so obviously he is not a Republican, either.

I love playing with these fool ultra right sickos.
I asked you a very simple YES or NO question. Why are you so afraid of it? Let's try again. Could there could be a better description of trickle-down economics than neocon JFK's famous economic idiom that ' a rising tide lifts all boats'?


You are destroyed.

'John F. Kennedy had an answer when critics tried to portray his tax cut proposal as just a "tax cut for the rich." President Kennedy argued that it was a tax cut for the economy, that changed incentives meant a faster growing economy and that "A rising tide lifts all boats."

Kennedy Gave Right Answer on Tax Cuts
JFK cut taxes to stimulate the economy.....liberals ignore that FACT.

JFK investigated MLK Jr for his activities and would never support Jackson/Sharpton today......liberals ignore that FACT.

JFK got us tangled in a bad war in Vietnam (worse than Bush's Iraq)......liberals ignore that FACT.

JFK would not belong to the socialist, anti-military Democrap party of today....that is a FACT.

JFK was a democrat of the 50's and 60's, he wouldn't be a democrat of the new millennium.
Yep....the socialists/anti-US scum rose to power in the Democraps during the 1960s....thanks to the war started by (drumroll) JFK.

JFK was a rich, white elitist New Englander that believes in lowering taxes to stimulate the economy, maintain a strong national defense, etc....but also jumped on the social issues of the day with the cvil rights mess going on in the south.

JFK much like MLK Jr would not want to be associated with the left-wing goons that run the Democraps today using race, unions, etc to divide the voting masses. They roll over in their graves when Sharpton and Jackson represent the Democraps today.

JFK cut taxes to stimulate the economy.....liberals ignore that FACT.

JFK investigated MLK Jr for his activities and would never support Jackson/Sharpton today......liberals ignore that FACT.

JFK got us tangled in a bad war in Vietnam (worse than Bush's Iraq)......liberals ignore that FACT.

JFK would not belong to the socialist, anti-military Democrap party of today....that is a FACT.

JFK was a democrat of the 50's and 60's, he wouldn't be a democrat of the new millennium.
Now that Republicans have decided JFK would not be a Democrat today, I wonder what they think he would be? A Republican?

Would FDR be a Democrat today?
Uh, the point is you are a bunch of radical scum today compared to Democraps under JFK.

Many Democraps have come over to our side....you call them "neo-cons."

You are insane so many of your former party members have run out of building before they catch something from you, but then you blame them and us......because you are insane.

Democraps have perfected the model of using race, unions, wealth status, etc and FREE stuff to get out the vote for Democraps.

JFK would disgusted at rich people like him and Romney being dragged through the mud for votes in today's politics. He would also be disgusted decades later blacks are still claiming they are living in the 1950s when they put a 1/2 black in the White House.

Pretty much JFK would spit in your face over what you did to his party and what you did to this country.

Now that Republicans have decided JFK would not be a Democrat today, I wonder what they think he would be? A Republican?

Would FDR be a Democrat today?

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