JFK called Hitler a "legend", FDR praised Mussolini...the secret past of liberals (links inside)


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
"Hitler has something mysterious about him. he was the stuff of legends" - JFK wrote in his diary

JFK visited Hitler's Bavarian holiday home as well as a teahouse that Hitler counstructed on a mountaintop. JFK wrote: "who has visited these 2 places can easily imagine how Hitler in a few years will emerge from the hatred currently surrounding him as on of the most important personalities that ever lived"

A Berliner in 1963 – but did former US president John F Kennedy once

now as for FDR, he once said about Mussolini: "i am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished. I don't mind telling you in confidence that I am keeping in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman."

Noam Chomsky: US Had A ‘Pretty Supportive Attitude’ Toward Fascism In 1930s

stay tuned, there's more where that came from!
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Back in the Lenin & then Stalin days, the Left loved Russia. Today with Putin, the Right loves Russia. Politics is sort of funny, huh?
Bravo Madge! Hack-Troll-boi discovers "links". Can "reason" be far behind? We can but hope.
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as usual, no response from liberal nutjobs to the actual content of the post!
as usual, no response from liberal nutjobs to the actual content of the post!

Hey, I was so shocked that you actually found the link procedure I fell down.

Very well, here ya go. Article sez:

>> The book, John F Kennedy among the Germans, suggests that in the late 1930s Kennedy, who was a student in his twenties, accepted Nazi race theories and approved of fascist rule. <<

--- but then completely fails to cite any evidence therefor. And of course JFK was a noted WWII figure serving in the Navy heroically. WWII, I'll save you a link, was against Germany. And then just to state the obvious, "important" and "the stuff of legends" are not qualitative judgments. Do you know what that word means? And the other state-the-obvious is that JFK would have turned twenty years old during 1937 and was a long way from being in politics.


Next step for you seems to be to read beyond your own headline and figure out that they're not always honest. In fact they rarely are.
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“I have come to the conclusion that fascism is right for Germany and Italy. What are the evils of fascism compared to communism?”

sounds more like trump
as usual, no response from liberal nutjobs to the actual content of the post!

Hey, I was so shocked that you actually found the link procedure I fell down.

Very well, here ya go. Article sez:

>> The book, John F Kennedy among the Germans, suggests that in the late 1930s Kennedy, who was a student in his twenties, accepted Nazi race theories and approved of fascist rule. <<

--- but then completely fails to cite any evidence therefor. And of course JFK was a noted WWII figure serving in the Navy heroically. WWII, I'll save you a link, was against Germany.

Next step for you seems to be to read beyond your own headline and figure out that they're not always honest. In fact they rarely are.

How JFK secretly ADMIRED Hitler: Explosive book reveals former President's praise for the Nazis as he travelled through Germany before Second World War | Daily Mail Online


now you can bitch about somethin else...
"would you like to clarify who in the USA loved him?"

read Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg
WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE TRUMP SUPPORTERS AT? i want you folks to have my back on this one! (literally and figuratively!)
So what? George bush's father openly traded with Hitler sold him the gas he used to kill the jews

In Bush’s case, covering up the historical origins of fascism in Germany serves a particular, indeed personal, function. While the president’s father had dealings with the bin Ladens, his grandfather made a considerable share of the family fortune through his dealings with Nazi Germany. Some have suggested that the Bushes’ assets have their ultimate source, in part, in the exploitation of slave labor at Auschwitz itself.

From the 1920s into the 1940s—after the Second World War had begun—Prescott Bush was a partner and executive in the Brown Brothers Harriman holding company on Wall Street and a director of one of its key financial components, the Union Banking Corporation (UBC).

Together with his father-in-law George Herbert Walker—the current president’s great grandfather—Prescott Bush controlled another asset of the holding company, the Hamburg-Amerika shipping line, which was utilized by the Nazi regime to transport its agents in and out of North America.

Another subsidiary of the Harriman group, Harriman International Co., struck a deal with Hitler’s regime in 1933 to coordinate German exports to the US market.

UBC, meanwhile, managed all of the banking operations outside of Germany for Fritz Thyssen, the German industrial magnate and author of the book I Paid Hitler, in which he acknowledged having financed the Nazi movement from 1923 until its rise to power.

In October 1942, 10 months after it had entered the Second World War, the US government seized UBC and several other companies in which the Harrimans and Prescott Bush had interests. In addition to Bush and Roland Harriman, three Nazi executives were named in the order issued by Washington to take over the bank.

An investigation carried out in 1945 revealed that the bank run by Prescott Bush was linked to the German Steel Trust run by Thyssen and Flick, one of the defendants at Nuremberg. This gigantic industrial firm produced fully half the steel and more than a third of the explosives, not to mention other strategic materials, used by the German military machine during the war years.

On October 28, 1942, the US government confiscated the assets of two firms that served as fronts for the Nazi regime—the Holland-American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation, both controlled by UBC. A month later, it seized Nazi interests in the Silesian-American Corporation (SAC), directed by Prescott Bush and his father-in-law, George Walker.

The seizure order, issued under the Trading with the Enemy Act, described Silesian-American as a “US holding company with German and Polish subsidiaries” that controlled large and valuable coal and zinc mines in Silesia, Poland and Germany. It added that, since September 1939 (when Hitler unleashed the Second World War) these properties had been under the control of the Nazi regime, which had utilized them to further its war effort.

Among SAC’s assets was a steel plant in Poland in the same district as Auschwitz. The plant reportedly used the concentration camp’s inmates as slave labor.

Among those who have investigated the links between the Bushes and the Nazis is John Loftus, a former prosecutor in the Justice Department’s War Crimes Unit, who now heads the Florida Holocaust Museum in Saint Petersburg. Loftus has charged that the Bush family received $1.5 million from its interest in UBC, when the bank was finally liquidated in 1951. “That’s where the Bush family fortune came from: It came from the Third Reich,” Loftus said in a recent speech.

Loftus argues that this money—a substantial sum at that time—included direct profit from the slave labor of those who died at Auschwitz. In an interview with journalist Toby Rogers, the former prosecutor said: “It is bad enough that the Bush family helped raise the money for Thyssen to give Hitler his start in the 1920s, but giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war is treason. The Bush bank helped the Thyssens make the Nazi steel that killed Allied solders. As bad as financing the Nazi war machine may seem, aiding and abetting the Holocaust was worse. Thyssen’s coal mines used Jewish slaves as if they were disposable chemicals. There are six million skeletons in the Thyssen family closet, and a myriad of criminal and historical questions to be answered about the Bush family’s complicity.”

Prescott Bush was by no means unique, though his financial connections with the Third Reich were perhaps more intimate than most. Henry Ford was an avowed admirer of Hitler, and together GM and Ford played the predominant role in producing the military trucks that carried German troops across Europe. After the war, both auto companies demanded and received reparations for damage to their German plants caused by allied bombing.

Standard Oil and Chase Bank, both controlled by the Rockefellers, invested heavily in Nazi Germany, as did many of Wall Street’s leading brokerage houses. These business dealings continued after the war had begun, with Standard Oil shipping fuel to the Nazis through Switzerland as late as 1942 and collaborating with I.G. Farben, the firm that manufactured Zyklon B gas for the Nazi death chambers and operated a synthetic rubber plant using slave labor from Auschwitz.

The Holocaust and the Bush family fortune - World Socialist Web Site
what do you mean SO WHAT? your hero, JFK, liked Hitler....WHAT DO YOU MEAN SO WHAT? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH
"Hitler has something mysterious about him. he was the stuff of legends" - JFK wrote in his diary

JFK visited Hitler's Bavarian holiday home as well as a teahouse that Hitler counstructed on a mountaintop. JFK wrote: "who has visited these 2 places can easily imagine how Hitler in a few years will emerge from the hatred currently surrounding him as on of the most important personalities that ever lived"

A Berliner in 1963 – but did former US president John F Kennedy once

now as for FDR, he once said about Mussolini: "i am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished. I don't mind telling you in confidence that I am keeping in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman."

Noam Chomsky: US Had A ‘Pretty Supportive Attitude’ Toward Fascism In 1930s

stay tuned, there's more where that came from!
Socialists love their own, that's why Hitler is so endeared by progressives… fact
"Hitler has something mysterious about him. he was the stuff of legends" - JFK wrote in his diary

JFK visited Hitler's Bavarian holiday home as well as a teahouse that Hitler counstructed on a mountaintop. JFK wrote: "who has visited these 2 places can easily imagine how Hitler in a few years will emerge from the hatred currently surrounding him as on of the most important personalities that ever lived"

A Berliner in 1963 – but did former US president John F Kennedy once

now as for FDR, he once said about Mussolini: "i am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished. I don't mind telling you in confidence that I am keeping in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman."

Noam Chomsky: US Had A ‘Pretty Supportive Attitude’ Toward Fascism In 1930s

stay tuned, there's more where that came from!
Socialists love their own, that's why Hitler is so endeared by progressives… fact

thanks for the help...these snowflakes are a pain in the ass! (figuratively not literally)
what do you mean SO WHAT? your hero, JFK, liked Hitler....WHAT DO YOU MEAN SO WHAT? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH
your hero george bush worked directly with hitler does that mean anything to you? what about reagan funding the Taliban? your not saying this in any historical context your doing some shitty parody of a argument like haha he liked hitler lalala neener neener

are you going to show Lincoln admiring some southern confederate general next?
what do you mean SO WHAT? your hero, JFK, liked Hitler....WHAT DO YOU MEAN SO WHAT? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH
your hero george bush worked directly with hitler does that mean anything to you? what about reagan funding the Taliban? your not saying this in any historical context your doing some shitty parody of a argument like haha he liked hitler lalala neener neener

are you going to show Lincoln admiring some southern confederate general next?
Abraham Lincoln is the only president in the history of the country to suspend habeas corpus, absolutely unforgivable the fucking piece of shit.

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