JFK assassination: CIA and New York Times are still lying to us

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
JFK assassination: CIA and New York Times are still lying to us - Salon.com

Fifty years later, a complicit media still covers up for the security state. We need to reclaim our history ...

We’ll never know, we’ll never know, we’ll never know. That’s the mocking-bird media refrain this season as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of America’s greatest mystery – the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson hijacked a large chunk of her paper’s Sunday Book Review to ponder the Kennedy mystery. And after deliberating for page after page on the subject, she could only conclude that there was some “kind of void” at the center of the Kennedy story. Adam Gopnik was even more vaporous in the Nov. 4 issue of the New Yorker, turning the JFK milestone into an occasion for a windy cogitation on regicide as cultural phenomenon. Of course, constantly proclaiming “we’ll never know” has become a self-fulfilling prophecy for the American press. It lets the watchdogs off the hook, and excuses their unforgivable failure to actually, you know, investigate the epic crime. When it comes to this deeply troubling American trauma, the highly refined writers of the New Yorker and the elite press would rather muse about the meta-issues than get at the meat. ......

“A Cruel and Shocking Act” by former New York Times investigative reporter Philip Shenon has been soaking up most of the media spotlight in recent days. The book proclaims itself to be a “secret history of the Kennedy assassination.” Based largely on interviews with Warren Commission staff lawyers, the book reveals how the investigation was immediately taken over by the very government agencies — the CIA, FBI and Secret Service — that had the most to hide when it came to the assassination. The other new book, “History Will Prove Us Right,” was written by Howard Willens, a Warren Commission lawyer who refused to speak with Shenon. As suggested by the title — which is taken from a defiant statement by the commission chairman, Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren – Willens’ book is a stubborn defense of the report that he helped produce. But ironically, after grinding one’s way through Willens’ serviceably written but highly revealing story, a reader can only come to the same conclusion that Shenon’s sexier expose’ demands – namely, that the Warren Report was the result of massive political cunning and investigative fraud.

If they want the big money top stories and press interviews from the gubbermint they better cater to them.

Catering to them means telling their misrepresentations and lies
Lee Oswald was a traitor. Why was he allowed (welcomed?) back into the US at the peak of the Cold War after renouncing his citizenship and deserting from the Military? Was he a tool of the CIA?
Lee Oswald was a traitor. Why was he allowed (welcomed?) back into the US at the peak of the Cold War after renouncing his citizenship and deserting from the Military? Was he a tool of the CIA?

since when is changing citizenship status unpatriotic? people do it in hordes
What reason is there for anyone in the CIA today to lie about the JFK thing? Why would the editor of the NYTs lie?
Lee Oswald was a traitor. Why was he allowed (welcomed?) back into the US at the peak of the Cold War after renouncing his citizenship and deserting from the Military? Was he a tool of the CIA?

since when is changing citizenship status unpatriotic? people do it in hordes

yeah but they dont go and threaten to reveal high secret government classified documents to another country,let alone do it with russia during the height of the cold war who was their most hated enemy at the time,and allow you to come back into the united states without escaping prosecution.:cuckoo:That is unless you are working for the government as Oswald was as an intellegence officer for the CIA doing an intelligence mission for them.

Me or you couldnt have done that back then and come back to the states without escaping prosecution.:cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao: this below is why the story about Oswald by the warren commission is such a joke.

Its amazing the many number of people out there who have been brainwashed and STILL today believe that oswald killed Kennedy like that one poster that recently posted a thread defending the lies of the warren commission that oswald did it.there has never been a shread of evidence that proved it.I will comment on that in another thread I plan to make but for now,i am going to show the laughable lies of the warren commission that hold no water.

1.The warren commission said oswald was this lone nut who was seeking fame and attention and thats why he killed Kennedy.Problem with their lies is he did not fit the profile of someone seeking fame.

In other cases of assassins trying to kill the president, they proudly boasted that they did it and gave their reason for it.Example-when John Hinckley tried to kill Reagan,he proudly admitted he did it and that he did it to try and impress Jody Foster.

Well Oswald after he was arrested,DENIED doing it.You can hear him say-I did not shoot anybody.Im just a patsy.Also he was at a party of his handler George Demorenshield and Demoresnsheild as well as others at the party said that Oswald PRIASED Kennedy. thats HARDLY the behaviour of an assassin seeking fame and attention is to deny it. wake up already for god sakes.

2.The warren commission said oswald was this stupid idiot who had nothing in his life going for him and that since he was frustrated with his life,he killed kennedy for fame.Problem with that lie is Oswald was far from being stupid as the warren commission made him out to be.In fact he was extremely intelligent and had a very high IQ.He was a rader operater at atsugi air force base in japan which was home to U2 spy planes the CIA ran.We know for a fact now from documents released through the ARRB in the 90's that Oswald indeed as suspected by many reseachers over the years,that Oswald was working as an agent for the CIA.

3.Again the warren commission painted oswald as this idiot who didnt know anything problem is no idiot gets to work as a radar operater in atsugi japen for the CIA if they are allegeddly an idiot. lol.

Also if he was this idiot they made him out to be,he would not be able to master the russian language he did.Marina when she met him she said he spoke russian FLUENTLY so well that she thought he was a russian citizen.Yet somehow this supposed idiot masters the russian language and speaks it fluently just from reading a book on the russian language in the marines.Yeah and Im the King of england.lol.

4.Oswald then at the height of the cold war goes over to russia to the american embassy there and renounces his american citizenship there and offers to turn over classified documents to the russians.yet he somehow has NO PROBLEM whatsoever getting back into the united states after being a a traiter.He should have been prosecuted the very minute he stepped on shore to the united states unless of course he was working for the government.
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JFK assassination: CIA and New York Times are still lying to us - Salon.com

Fifty years later, a complicit media still covers up for the security state. We need to reclaim our history ...

We’ll never know, we’ll never know, we’ll never know. That’s the mocking-bird media refrain this season as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of America’s greatest mystery – the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson hijacked a large chunk of her paper’s Sunday Book Review to ponder the Kennedy mystery. And after deliberating for page after page on the subject, she could only conclude that there was some “kind of void” at the center of the Kennedy story. Adam Gopnik was even more vaporous in the Nov. 4 issue of the New Yorker, turning the JFK milestone into an occasion for a windy cogitation on regicide as cultural phenomenon. Of course, constantly proclaiming “we’ll never know” has become a self-fulfilling prophecy for the American press. It lets the watchdogs off the hook, and excuses their unforgivable failure to actually, you know, investigate the epic crime. When it comes to this deeply troubling American trauma, the highly refined writers of the New Yorker and the elite press would rather muse about the meta-issues than get at the meat. ......

“A Cruel and Shocking Act” by former New York Times investigative reporter Philip Shenon has been soaking up most of the media spotlight in recent days. The book proclaims itself to be a “secret history of the Kennedy assassination.” Based largely on interviews with Warren Commission staff lawyers, the book reveals how the investigation was immediately taken over by the very government agencies — the CIA, FBI and Secret Service — that had the most to hide when it came to the assassination. The other new book, “History Will Prove Us Right,” was written by Howard Willens, a Warren Commission lawyer who refused to speak with Shenon. As suggested by the title — which is taken from a defiant statement by the commission chairman, Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren – Willens’ book is a stubborn defense of the report that he helped produce. But ironically, after grinding one’s way through Willens’ serviceably written but highly revealing story, a reader can only come to the same conclusion that Shenon’s sexier expose’ demands – namely, that the Warren Report was the result of massive political cunning and investigative fraud.

this is a major shock to me that YOU would actually post this.I was under the impression you believed this was a free country and there was no government corruption going on? that you belived they never lied to us?:cuckoo:

Too bad your open minded about the jfk assassination,but just the opposite when it comes to 9/11.

Lets see,you can acknowledge the truth that the CIA killed kennedy,yet you cant face facts they were behind 9/11 as well even though a CIA operative has come forward and admitted so and the evidence is overwhelming that George Herbert Walker Bush was involved in the JFK assassination with Nixon and Johnson as well.:cuckoo:

Yet even though Bush sr was involved in the JFK assassination with his long time friend Nixon and Nixons friend Lbj as well and his son was running the country and ignored all warnings form all other countries and threatened to arrest FBI agents who said there were going to be terrorists attacks in new york,you somehow have the conclusion,Bush jr,the son of an evil monster who was also the former director of the CIA,and particpated in the greatest crime in the 19th century,somehow him and the CIA are not involved in 9/11 even though this evidence below in these videos "you probably wont watch" is overwhelming and proves Bush sr was involved in the JFK assassiantion up his ears.:cuckoo:

You're obviously one of these people that can be objective about the jfk assassination,but 9/11 hits too close to home for you and is too scary for you to comrprehend that they could murder 3000 people,that you wont look at the evidence.:rolleyes:
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