Jews As The Chosen People

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Lol. No, for evil to be the absence of good someone had to make GOOD. God made everything GOOD. Again, evil is not a thing in and of itself. This really isn’t that difficult. Are you seriously not understanding that, or are you just trolling?
Then why did god make cancer? Deformed babies? Disease? Give some men a lust to rape children? WHY?

Hint: you don't know. :biggrin:
... Many Jews were in Alexandria and Rome before the civil war in Palestine in the 1st century. Most did not return from Babylon from 500 BC, only around 45,000 did. They roamed all over. If anything David Silverman said atheist jews are just atheist, and even if they consider themselves a culture that is not true, because they all identify with the country they are in. Also in only 1948 did they declare themselves a state. Before that they were never a country or a state.

First: It's for me compeletely unimportant what David Silverman said. If he's a Jew then he's a Jew - if not then not. He's old enough to know what he is. If he says he is not a Jew then I do not doubt in his words. Why should I doubt this? But - and this is a very big fat "but" - is he able to convince the knive of an Antisemite not to kill him?

And while we spoke here in the internet the history of the Jews has a new fact: Pittsburgh. 11 Jews murdered in a synagogue. The 46 years old murderer - ¿how is someone able to be 46 years old and such an unbelievable idiot? - had published a lot of antisemitic nonsense in the internet.

He was a jew and also the Pres of the American Atheist org, that is a bunch of Jews he is talking to.

Okay - You are an Antisemite. So what? Everyone should buy arms on his own [because the USA is not able to protect their unarmed citizens] - that's the anarchistic message of your president of the USA. The problems of David ... what was his surname? ... which he has, because he is an atheist, are for sure not in the middle of my interests. I do not think a godless murderer will kill him during church service.

Even Jews are anti Semite. ...


Yes they are.
Lol. No, for evil to be the absence of good someone had to make GOOD. God made everything GOOD. Again, evil is not a thing in and of itself. This really isn’t that difficult. Are you seriously not understanding that, or are you just trolling?
Then why did god make cancer? Deformed babies? Disease? Give some men a lust to rape children? WHY?

Hint: you don't know. :biggrin:

I’ve never in all my years on the Internet encountered someone who asks the same questions over and over and over, as much as you do, when they have been thoroughly answered, at least 1000 times. That seems to be your trolling schtick, that you clearly get a kick out of.

I already answered that question yesterday. So go back and look at the post again. And again, if you want a perfect world, you can, just get saved. But let me make something crystal clear. You’re not going to get a perfect world apart from God.
Lol. No, for evil to be the absence of good someone had to make GOOD. God made everything GOOD. Again, evil is not a thing in and of itself. This really isn’t that difficult. Are you seriously not understanding that, or are you just trolling?
Then why did god make cancer? Deformed babies? Disease? Give some men a lust to rape children? WHY?

Hint: you don't know. :biggrin:

I’ve never in all my years on the Internet encountered someone who asks the same questions over and over and over, as much as you do, when they have been thoroughly answered, at least 1000 times. That seems to be your trolling schtick, that you clearly get a kick out of.

I already answered that question yesterday. So go back and look at the post again. And again, if you want a perfect world, you can, just get saved. But let me make something crystal clear. You’re not going to get a perfect world apart from God.
So why did god put so much evil in this world? If I was a god, I wouldn't make deformed babies. That seems sick.

And if god wants me to choose a certain thing, then why give me all these other options and then say "go ahead, you have free will"? Why not simply just not play mind games?
Lol. No, for evil to be the absence of good someone had to make GOOD. God made everything GOOD. Again, evil is not a thing in and of itself. This really isn’t that difficult. Are you seriously not understanding that, or are you just trolling?
Then why did god make cancer? Deformed babies? Disease? Give some men a lust to rape children? WHY?

Hint: you don't know. :biggrin:

I’ve never in all my years on the Internet encountered someone who asks the same questions over and over and over, as much as you do, when they have been thoroughly answered, at least 1000 times. That seems to be your trolling schtick, that you clearly get a kick out of.

I already answered that question yesterday. So go back and look at the post again. And again, if you want a perfect world, you can, just get saved. But let me make something crystal clear. You’re not going to get a perfect world apart from God.
So why did god put so much evil in this world? If I was a god, I wouldn't make deformed babies. That seems sick.

And if god wants me to choose a certain thing, then why give me all these other options and then say "go ahead, you have free will"? Why not simply just not play mind games?
When did you stop beating your wife?
That's what God said, and I'm gonna take his word for it.

Lol. No, for evil to be the absence of good someone had to make GOOD. God made everything GOOD. Again, evil is not a thing in and of itself. This really isn’t that difficult. Are you seriously not understanding that, or are you just trolling?
Then why did god make cancer? Deformed babies? Disease? Give some men a lust to rape children? WHY?

Hint: you don't know. :biggrin:

I’ve never in all my years on the Internet encountered someone who asks the same questions over and over and over, as much as you do, when they have been thoroughly answered, at least 1000 times. That seems to be your trolling schtick, that you clearly get a kick out of.

I already answered that question yesterday. So go back and look at the post again. And again, if you want a perfect world, you can, just get saved. But let me make something crystal clear. You’re not going to get a perfect world apart from God.
So why did god put so much evil in this world? If I was a god, I wouldn't make deformed babies. That seems sick.

And if god wants me to choose a certain thing, then why give me all these other options and then say "go ahead, you have free will"? Why not simply just not play mind games?
When did you stop beating your wife?
You have nothing, got it. Your concession is duly noted.
Lol. No, for evil to be the absence of good someone had to make GOOD. God made everything GOOD. Again, evil is not a thing in and of itself. This really isn’t that difficult. Are you seriously not understanding that, or are you just trolling?
Then why did god make cancer? Deformed babies? Disease? Give some men a lust to rape children? WHY?

Hint: you don't know. :biggrin:

I’ve never in all my years on the Internet encountered someone who asks the same questions over and over and over, as much as you do, when they have been thoroughly answered, at least 1000 times. That seems to be your trolling schtick, that you clearly get a kick out of.

I already answered that question yesterday. So go back and look at the post again. And again, if you want a perfect world, you can, just get saved. But let me make something crystal clear. You’re not going to get a perfect world apart from God.
So why did god put so much evil in this world? If I was a god, I wouldn't make deformed babies. That seems sick.

And if god wants me to choose a certain thing, then why give me all these other options and then say "go ahead, you have free will"? Why not simply just not play mind games?
When did you stop beating your wife?
You have nothing, got it. Your concession is duly noted.
By doing exactly what you’ve been doing? Lol. Yes, thank you for conceding that you have nothing. So when did you stop beating your wife?
Then why did god make cancer? Deformed babies? Disease? Give some men a lust to rape children? WHY?

Hint: you don't know. :biggrin:

I’ve never in all my years on the Internet encountered someone who asks the same questions over and over and over, as much as you do, when they have been thoroughly answered, at least 1000 times. That seems to be your trolling schtick, that you clearly get a kick out of.

I already answered that question yesterday. So go back and look at the post again. And again, if you want a perfect world, you can, just get saved. But let me make something crystal clear. You’re not going to get a perfect world apart from God.
So why did god put so much evil in this world? If I was a god, I wouldn't make deformed babies. That seems sick.

And if god wants me to choose a certain thing, then why give me all these other options and then say "go ahead, you have free will"? Why not simply just not play mind games?
When did you stop beating your wife?
You have nothing, got it. Your concession is duly noted.
By doing exactly what you’ve been doing? Lol. Yes, thank you for conceding that you have nothing. So when did you stop beating your wife?
Is this what god wants you to ask? Is that what Jesus would want to know as well?
I’ve never in all my years on the Internet encountered someone who asks the same questions over and over and over, as much as you do, when they have been thoroughly answered, at least 1000 times. That seems to be your trolling schtick, that you clearly get a kick out of.

I already answered that question yesterday. So go back and look at the post again. And again, if you want a perfect world, you can, just get saved. But let me make something crystal clear. You’re not going to get a perfect world apart from God.
So why did god put so much evil in this world? If I was a god, I wouldn't make deformed babies. That seems sick.

And if god wants me to choose a certain thing, then why give me all these other options and then say "go ahead, you have free will"? Why not simply just not play mind games?
When did you stop beating your wife?
You have nothing, got it. Your concession is duly noted.
By doing exactly what you’ve been doing? Lol. Yes, thank you for conceding that you have nothing. So when did you stop beating your wife?
Is this what god wants you to ask? Is that what Jesus would want to know as well?

Actually, I think this entire discussion has been a good demonstration of Proverbs 26. First I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and answered your questions in a normal, sincere way. Then when I realized you were just trolling and playing games, I replied to you in the same exact way that you kept replying.

Proverbs 26:4
“Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him.”

Proverbs 26:5
“Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.”
I’ve never in all my years on the Internet encountered someone who asks the same questions over and over and over, as much as you do, when they have been thoroughly answered, at least 1000 times. That seems to be your trolling schtick, that you clearly get a kick out of.

I already answered that question yesterday. So go back and look at the post again. And again, if you want a perfect world, you can, just get saved. But let me make something crystal clear. You’re not going to get a perfect world apart from God.
So why did god put so much evil in this world? If I was a god, I wouldn't make deformed babies. That seems sick.

And if god wants me to choose a certain thing, then why give me all these other options and then say "go ahead, you have free will"? Why not simply just not play mind games?
When did you stop beating your wife?
You have nothing, got it. Your concession is duly noted.
By doing exactly what you’ve been doing? Lol. Yes, thank you for conceding that you have nothing. So when did you stop beating your wife?
Is this what god wants you to ask? Is that what Jesus would want to know as well?
Why didn't God give you the ability to fly like superman?
If god didn’t want me to use my free will as I see fit, then why give it to me?

I don't know ... he gave me a penis and hasn't let me use it for years.

try to delete this information-----it will smack you in the head the
next time you stop at a bar for a drink

I wish I could delete that information. Anyway, I doubt he goes to bars for a drink...But he could always take matters into his own hands. If that doesn't work he can always play golf .
Hey now... picking on golf is fighting words.
Why does god need to give me a chance? Did he not make me the way he wanted me to be in the first place?

both "GOD" and your mom and dad lost control of you at age two----when you
learned the word "NO" and its POWER
So your god is such a weenie that he lost control of me? :lol:

gave up......But Inspired Judah Lowe Ben Bezalel to warn the world with
with his writing "THE GOLEM" Always remember the symbolism
of the name JUDAH ---the first "king" of the children of Israel, Jacob's
third son. Bezalel means "in the shadow of "GOD" " The created
monster expressed free-choice at age two
If god didn’t want me to use my free will as I see fit, then why give it to me?

read the book----by rabbi Judah ben Bezalel-----HE MADE A MISTAKE
Do I really have to read the book to find out why he believes God made a mistake?

Or could you just skip to the executive summary and tell me why he believes that?
Why so many good thing?
Why does god make so much cancer?
Why does God make cures for cancer?
Why make cancer in the first place?
Why make it so most people don’t get cancer in the first place?
You can't answer why god makes cancer. Got it. (Now I bet you copy what I just said, lol)
Maybe because he is seeking certain outcomes under certain conditions.

Or maybe the certain outcomes he is seeking can only be achieved through certain conditions.

Or maybe he wanted to give man opportunities to rise to the occasion.

Or maybe he is testing us to see who is smart enough to recognize that the good far outweighs the bad.

Or maybe he wants us to love him for who he is and not what he can do for us.

But whatever the reason, one thing is certain, we lack complete knowledge and he doesn't. So rather than expect him to do magical things so that bad things don't happen to good people, maybe you should ask yourself what it was you were supposed to learn from your tragedies.
You can't answer my questions, you're stumped. :lol:
You can’t answer my questions, you’re stumped. :lol:
Now you copy me like a child. I win.
But you keep repeating questions that I have answered dozens of times before that you never disputed so I win.
You just copied me again, lol.
You misspelled beat.

I think we should start praying for Taz. Every day. The amount of time he/she spends on this topic is interesting. Maybe, despite the trolling and game playing, there’s a part of him/her that is actually seeking God. What do you think?
You can’t answer my questions, you’re stumped. :lol:
Now you copy me like a child. I win.
But you keep repeating questions that I have answered dozens of times before that you never disputed so I win.
You just copied me again, lol.
You misspelled beat.

I think we should start praying for Taz. Every day. The amount of time he/she spends on this topic is interesting. Maybe, despite the trolling and game playing, there’s a part of him/her that is actually seeking God. What do you think?
I'll start. Lord, please help Taz reach rock bottom as soon as humanly possible so that she abandons her selfish ways and learns to love.
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