Jewish Activists Set Sail for Gaza

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
A group of Jewish activists have set sail for Gaza in an effort to defy the Israeli sea blockade. The group said they were taking a symbolic load of medicine, a water-purifying kit and other humanitarian aid. Activists on board include eighty-two-year-old Holocaust survivor Reuven Moskovitz and former Israeli Air Force pilot Yonatan Shapira.

Yonatan Shapira: "Israelis’ propaganda is always self-defensive. Israel tries to be the victim, to put itself as a victim. This is what I received as a child all the way throughout growing until I went to the army to fight in order to be this victim that protects himself."

Democracy Now! | Headlines for September 27, 2010
These are some heroic people.

Since they are Jews.

I doubt the IDF will murder the people on this ship like they did on the other one.

Not so heroic, Muhammadan, since Gazans are up to their ears in food...
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The problem is the religion of peace Hamas stealing the food from their own people...
Gaza: UN suspends aid operation after second Hamas-linked theft of supplies
Flotilla aid refused by Hamas

Muhammadan, shouldn't you be prostrating yourself in mosque like a good slave of allah, instead of posting in the internet?
I doubt the IDF will murder the people on this ship like they did on the other one.

Muhammadan, I doubt your fellow religion of peace'ers will ever stop savagely killing their own women and children...

"We Desire Death Like You Desire Life"
[ame=]YouTube - Hamas boast of using civilians as human shields[/ame]

Allah sucks. Muhammad was a pedophile
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A group of Jewish activists have set sail for Gaza in an effort to defy the Israeli sea blockade. The group said they were taking a symbolic load of medicine, a water-purifying kit and other humanitarian aid. Activists on board include eighty-two-year-old Holocaust survivor Reuven Moskovitz and former Israeli Air Force pilot Yonatan Shapira.

Yonatan Shapira: "Israelis’ propaganda is always self-defensive. Israel tries to be the victim, to put itself as a victim. This is what I received as a child all the way throughout growing until I went to the army to fight in order to be this victim that protects himself."

Democracy Now! | Headlines for September 27, 2010

"symbolic"..yes I see, so they are not really in this to help anyone, they just want to make a statement and garner some props......wonderful.
A group of Jewish activists have set sail for Gaza in an effort to defy the Israeli sea blockade. The group said they were taking a symbolic load of medicine, a water-purifying kit and other humanitarian aid. Activists on board include eighty-two-year-old Holocaust survivor Reuven Moskovitz and former Israeli Air Force pilot Yonatan Shapira.

Yonatan Shapira: "Israelis’ propaganda is always self-defensive. Israel tries to be the victim, to put itself as a victim. This is what I received as a child all the way throughout growing until I went to the army to fight in order to be this victim that protects himself."

Democracy Now! | Headlines for September 27, 2010

"symbolic"..yes I see, so they are not really in this to help anyone, they just want to make a statement and garner some props......wonderful.

Afterward, they can all do symbolic shopping in the new Gaza mall...
[ame=]YouTube - Luxury mall opens in Gaza[/ame]
These are some heroic people.

Since they are Jews.

I doubt the IDF will murder the people on this ship like they did on the other one.

Muhammadan, what are you and your fellow religion of peace'ers doing to help the poor oppressed Palestinians in Lebanon?

Nothing, right? Why am I not surprised, Arab trash?

Lebanon has marginalized Palestinian refugees for too long," said Nadim Houry, Beirut director at Human Rights Watch. "Parliament should seize this opportunity to turn the page and end discrimination against Palestinians."

Lebanon's estimated 300,000 Palestinian refugees live in appalling social and economic conditions - most of them in crowded camps that lack essential infrastructure.
Lebanon: Seize Opportunity to End Discrimination Against Palestinians | Human Rights Watch
A group of Jewish activists have set sail for Gaza in an effort to defy the Israeli sea blockade. The group said they were taking a symbolic load of medicine, a water-purifying kit and other humanitarian aid. Activists on board include eighty-two-year-old Holocaust survivor Reuven Moskovitz and former Israeli Air Force pilot Yonatan Shapira.

Yonatan Shapira: "Israelis’ propaganda is always self-defensive. Israel tries to be the victim, to put itself as a victim. This is what I received as a child all the way throughout growing until I went to the army to fight in order to be this victim that protects himself."

Democracy Now! | Headlines for September 27, 2010

"symbolic"..yes I see, so they are not really in this to help anyone, they just want to make a statement and garner some props......wonderful.

Afterward, they can all do symbolic shopping in the new Gaza mall...
[ame=]YouTube - Luxury mall opens in Gaza[/ame]

Private enterprise at work. Don't you like free markets?
"symbolic"..yes I see, so they are not really in this to help anyone, they just want to make a statement and garner some props......wonderful.

Afterward, they can all do symbolic shopping in the new Gaza mall...
[ame=]YouTube - Luxury mall opens in Gaza[/ame]

Private enterprise at work. Don't you like free markets?

Hamas built the mall with funds stolen from foreign aid, dumbass.

Bitch slap!
In the next 2 or 3 decades Israel will no longer exist as a viable state.

1) The arab population will have doubled or even tripled within it's borders.

2) Europe will be heavily muslim. And the EU will vote anti Israel / pro muslim on most issues.

3) Israel will be seen as an aparthied nation by the rest of the world. And face heavy economic boycotts much like S.Africia did in the 80's.

4) The American people will demand that the U.S. government no longer hand Israel a blank check and will make Israel toe the line on human rights abuses to recieve any aid.

5) Former and current leaders of Israel will be afraid to travel to other countries. For fear that they will be arrested and tried in the World Court for genocide and gross human rights violations.

6) American politicians will start speaking out against Israel without fear of being labeled anti-semitic.

7) Several Islamic nations will have gone nuclear and Israel will have to step down as the bully of the ME
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Afterward, they can all do symbolic shopping in the new Gaza mall...
YouTube - Luxury mall opens in Gaza

Private enterprise at work. Don't you like free markets?

Hamas built the mall with funds stolen from foreign aid, dumbass.

Bitch slap!

The stores are locally owned and the mall is a private venture, but the grand opening was televised and attended by Abu Osama al-Kurd, the Hamas government Minister of Labor.[2][1] All of the sales clerks are employed directly by the mall, and all of the shops use the same shopping bags imprinted with the mall's logo.

According to The Independent, "There is a widespread assumption in Gaza that Hamas... or at least businessmen close to the Islamic faction, are behind the venture."[2] Hamas denies this and one of the mall's investors, Sarraj Abu Sleem, told a reporter that, "The government supports this economic project but the only help it has given us has been to grant us a licence

Gaza Mall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wrong again, marc.
In the next 2 or 3 decades Israel will no longer exist as a viable state.[/B]

Muhammadan, you Arab trash haven't even transitioned out of the Middle Ages when you buried your babies alive.

Israel is a global leader in information technology, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals (Teva, the largest generic pharma company in the world), medical technology, solar power, electric transportation, chemicals, water purification technology, military technology and agriculture.

Israel has more IT companies listed on NASDAQ than any other country, except the US.

Israel is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world ($200 billion GDP) and one of the wealthiest countries in the world on a per capita income basis. Israel's per capita is 3x that of Turkey.

Israel was recently inducted into the elite Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development signifying Israel as a global economic leader.

Today, fully one-third of all Arabs and one-half of Arab women are illiterate, according to the Arab League.

20% of Arabs subsist on only $2 a day.

The Arab Muslim worlds are last in every category, from education to healthcare to literacy to productivity to industrial development.

Not one Arab Muslim country has invented anything in 1,000 years.
Not one Arab Muslim country even manufactures one product with global demand.

You're doomed, Muhammadan. Soon, you'll be virgin chasing in paradise, slave of allah.
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A group of Jewish activists have set sail for Gaza in an effort to defy the Israeli sea blockade. The group said they were taking a symbolic load of medicine, a water-purifying kit and other humanitarian aid. Activists on board include eighty-two-year-old Holocaust survivor Reuven Moskovitz and former Israeli Air Force pilot Yonatan Shapira.

Yonatan Shapira: "Israelis’ propaganda is always self-defensive. Israel tries to be the victim, to put itself as a victim. This is what I received as a child all the way throughout growing until I went to the army to fight in order to be this victim that protects himself."

Democracy Now! | Headlines for September 27, 2010

"symbolic"..yes I see, so they are not really in this to help anyone, they just want to make a statement and garner some props......wonderful.

Afterward, they can all do symbolic shopping in the new Gaza mall...
[ame=]YouTube - Luxury mall opens in Gaza[/ame]

I have to admit, that made me laugh like hell...owe you one.
In the next 2 or 3 decades Israel will no longer exist as a viable state.[/B]

Muhammadan, you Arab trash haven't even transitioned out of the Middle Ages when you buried your babies alive.

Israel is a global leader in information technology, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals (Teva, the largest generic pharma company in the world), medical technology, solar power, electric transportation, chemicals, water purification technology, military technology and agriculture.

Israel has more IT companies listed on NASDAQ than any other country, except the US.

Israel is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world ($200 billion GDP) and one of the wealthiest countries in the world on a per capita income basis. Israel's per capita is 3x that of Turkey.

Israel was recently inducted into the elite Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development signifying Israel as a global economic leader.

Today, fully one-third of all Arabs and one-half of Arab women are illiterate, according to the Arab League.

20% of Arabs subsist on only $2 a day.

The Arab Muslim worlds are last in every category, from education to healthcare to literacy to productivity to industrial development.

Not one Arab Muslim country has invented anything in 1,000 years.
Not one Arab Muslim country even manufactures one product with global demand.

You're doomed, Muhammadan. Soon, you'll be virgin chasing in paradise, slave of allah.
You can brag all you want about how great Israel is and all of it's accomplishments.

And how the arabs and muslims are far behind in comparison.

But the fact remains; that there is a a huge Muslim Tsunami heading towards Israel in the next couple of decades.

That Israel will not be able to overcome or survive.
Private enterprise at work. Don't you like free markets?

Hamas built the mall with funds stolen from foreign aid, dumbass.

Bitch slap!

The stores are locally owned and the mall is a private venture, but the grand opening was televised and attended by Abu Osama al-Kurd, the Hamas government Minister of Labor.[2][1] All of the sales clerks are employed directly by the mall, and all of the shops use the same shopping bags imprinted with the mall's logo.

According to The Independent, "There is a widespread assumption in Gaza that Hamas... or at least businessmen close to the Islamic faction, are behind the venture."[2] Hamas denies this and one of the mall's investors, Sarraj Abu Sleem, told a reporter that, "The government supports this economic project but the only help it has given us has been to grant us a licence

Gaza Mall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wrong again, marc.

Wikipedia is wrong, dumb dumb. I live in the Middle East. I'm inevitably correct.

Go back to sleep.
In the next 2 or 3 decades Israel will no longer exist as a viable state.[/B]

Muhammadan, you Arab trash haven't even transitioned out of the Middle Ages when you buried your babies alive.

Israel is a global leader in information technology, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals (Teva, the largest generic pharma company in the world), medical technology, solar power, electric transportation, chemicals, water purification technology, military technology and agriculture.

Israel has more IT companies listed on NASDAQ than any other country, except the US.

Israel is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world ($200 billion GDP) and one of the wealthiest countries in the world on a per capita income basis. Israel's per capita is 3x that of Turkey.

Israel was recently inducted into the elite Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development signifying Israel as a global economic leader.

Today, fully one-third of all Arabs and one-half of Arab women are illiterate, according to the Arab League.

20% of Arabs subsist on only $2 a day.

The Arab Muslim worlds are last in every category, from education to healthcare to literacy to productivity to industrial development.

Not one Arab Muslim country has invented anything in 1,000 years.
Not one Arab Muslim country even manufactures one product with global demand.

You're doomed, Muhammadan. Soon, you'll be virgin chasing in paradise, slave of allah.
You can brag all you want about how great Israel is and all of it's accomplishments.

And how the arabs and muslims are far behind in comparison.

But the fact remains; that there is a a huge Muslim Tsunami heading towards Israel in the next couple of decades.

That Israel will not be able to overcome or survive.

There is a bug tsunami, too. Nothing to boast about, Muhammadan. Try to advance your backward society instead of fixating on the Jews, whom you are so jealous of.

Your Muslim tsunami is total self-destruction, based on a sick, dysfunctional cult that worships death and that doesn't believe in societal development and advancement, unless your idiotic allah wills it. You're mindless slave of allah imbeciles who prostrate yourselves 5 times each day and follow a cult invented by an illiterate, cave-dwelling psychopath who raped and assassinated women and married a 6 year old little girl when in his 50s.

The Arab Muslim worlds are doomed.
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A group of Jewish activists have set sail for Gaza in an effort to defy the Israeli sea blockade. The group said they were taking a symbolic load of medicine, a water-purifying kit and other humanitarian aid. Activists on board include eighty-two-year-old Holocaust survivor Reuven Moskovitz and former Israeli Air Force pilot Yonatan Shapira.

Yonatan Shapira: "Israelis’ propaganda is always self-defensive. Israel tries to be the victim, to put itself as a victim. This is what I received as a child all the way throughout growing until I went to the army to fight in order to be this victim that protects himself."

Democracy Now! | Headlines for September 27, 2010

"symbolic"..yes I see, so they are not really in this to help anyone, they just want to make a statement and garner some props......wonderful.

Afterward, they can all do symbolic shopping in the new Gaza mall...
[ame=""]YouTube - Luxury mall opens in Gaza[/ame]
The signs of absolute poverty. :eek:
"The report of the fact-finding mission of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla released last week shows conclusively, for the first time, that US citizen Furkan Dogan and five Turkish citizens were murdered execution-style by Israeli commandos.

"The report reveals that Dogan, the 19-year-old US citizen of Turkish descent, was filming with a small video camera on the top deck of the Mavi Marmara when he was shot twice in the head, once in the back and in the left leg and foot and that he was shot in the face at point blank range while lying on the ground"

It should happen to shit like you.

UN Report

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