Jessikka Aro: How pro-"Russian" trolls tried to destroy me


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
is there any way to stop Muscovite army of the paid - trolls?

When Jessikka Aro started investigating pro-Kremlin Twitter accounts, she was targeted by trolls both online and in real life

An investigative journalist's reporting turned her into the target of trolls in a harassment campaign that has continued for years. What kind of toll has it taken on her life?

Jessikka Aro works for the Finnish national broadcaster YLE. In 2014, she was investigating the existence of pro-Russian troll factories. She was uncovering evidence of a state-sanctioned propaganda machine pushing a pro-Kremlin line through Twitter bots - automated accounts - and bot networks."How pro-Russian trolls tried to destroy me
YLE, the government paid for TV channel in Finland. They are somewhere to the left of CNN, the government is paying their wages so what would you think?

As such, the whole thing can be dismissed as not credible. That being said, she probably was targeted by patriotic finns, not for uncovering a plot, but for her stupidity and hallucinations.

I would be pissed as a tax-payer that I would have to fund an idiot, too.
Ignore them, do your reporting and publish honest reporting. The one thing about trolls is they like to be thought of, ignore them. If you allow them to control your life you'll make them feel like they aren't the puppets they are.

"We have to put a stop to the idea that it is a part of everybody's civil rights to say whatever he pleases." Adolf Hitler
YLE, the government paid for TV channel in Finland. They are somewhere to the left of CNN, the government is paying their wages so what would you think?

As such, the whole thing can be dismissed as not credible. That being said, she probably was targeted by patriotic finns, not for uncovering a plot, but for her stupidity and hallucinations.

I would be pissed as a tax-payer that I would have to fund an idiot, too.

Are you Russian Norman?

from the article:

How pro-Russian trolls tried to destroy me

What first got you interested in online misinformation and bots?

In 2014, I realized there was a new phenomenon of Russian information warfare. This was anonymous or fake profiles spreading propaganda on social networks - Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter. I wanted to find out what kind of influence and impact they actually have in Finland, on freedom of speech and public debate.

I asked Finnish people to tell me about their experiences.

[Soon after], propagandists started to spread fake information about me in Russian information spaces. I was framed as some kind of foreign agent or foreign spy. My contact information was put online along with that disinformation. This is the worst problem: some people actually believe it and they contacted me, and called me, and sent nasty text messages and threatening phone calls. So that's where it started. This was September 2014 and it's still going on. And it has gotten so twisted and disturbing.

What else did the trolls do?

One really horrible racist neo-Nazi promoting fake news site started publishing tens or hundreds of pieces on me, in which they frame me as a person who has brain damage or a person who is spreading conspiracy theories.

They have also published my private health information. Some troll activists went through old court files and they found that when I was really young, 20 years old, I received a 300 euro fine for drug use because I had a serious drug problem. They made that into really horrible, propagandist stories trying to frame me some kind of "NATO drug dealer".

Also, they stalk me by releasing information about where I'm going to give presentations, where I'm going to give training courses. They are just really trying to character assassinate me.

At some point there was a music video campaign against me. Troll accounts were sharing a studio-quality song about me, alleging I'm a "stupid blonde" who was only imagining this whole troll phenomenon and I'm some sort of American or NATO spy. They hired an actress to play me in some of these videos, and they shared these videos on Twitter and Facebook.

looks like she was 100% that we KNOW as a FACT that Russian trolls and bots were heavily involved in our election as well, on twitter and facebook....and here, at USMB it continues...
is there any way to stop Muscovite army of the paid - trolls?
Yes, throw them a bottle of Vodka.

for how long it will work ?
YLE, the government paid for TV channel in Finland. They are somewhere to the left of CNN, the government is paying their wages so what would you think?

As such, the whole thing can be dismissed as not credible. That being said, she probably was targeted by patriotic finns, not for uncovering a plot, but for her stupidity and hallucinations.

I would be pissed as a tax-payer that I would have to fund an idiot, too.

Are you Russian Norman?

from the article:

How pro-Russian trolls tried to destroy me

What first got you interested in online misinformation and bots?

In 2014, I realized there was a new phenomenon of Russian information warfare. This was anonymous or fake profiles spreading propaganda on social networks - Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter. I wanted to find out what kind of influence and impact they actually have in Finland, on freedom of speech and public debate.

I asked Finnish people to tell me about their experiences.

[Soon after], propagandists started to spread fake information about me in Russian information spaces. I was framed as some kind of foreign agent or foreign spy. My contact information was put online along with that disinformation. This is the worst problem: some people actually believe it and they contacted me, and called me, and sent nasty text messages and threatening phone calls. So that's where it started. This was September 2014 and it's still going on. And it has gotten so twisted and disturbing.

What else did the trolls do?

One really horrible racist neo-Nazi promoting fake news site started publishing tens or hundreds of pieces on me, in which they frame me as a person who has brain damage or a person who is spreading conspiracy theories.

They have also published my private health information. Some troll activists went through old court files and they found that when I was really young, 20 years old, I received a 300 euro fine for drug use because I had a serious drug problem. They made that into really horrible, propagandist stories trying to frame me some kind of "NATO drug dealer".

Also, they stalk me by releasing information about where I'm going to give presentations, where I'm going to give training courses. They are just really trying to character assassinate me.

At some point there was a music video campaign against me. Troll accounts were sharing a studio-quality song about me, alleging I'm a "stupid blonde" who was only imagining this whole troll phenomenon and I'm some sort of American or NATO spy. They hired an actress to play me in some of these videos, and they shared these videos on Twitter and Facebook.

looks like she was 100% that we KNOW as a FACT that Russian trolls and bots were heavily involved in our election as well, on twitter and facebook....and here, at USMB it continues...
100% he is one of them...

just look what they do

Jessikka Aro @JessikkaAro

Can someone assist me, please? I have received tens or hundreds bot followers, of which I don't receive a notification. What's that about?
The Russian trolls are here and as more and more people become educated about them they become less effective, but there is a long way to go before they cease being a national security threat.
One thing she's talking about Russians, the second Neo-Nazis. Is there any hard left bogeyman that isn't included in her list?

I think it's clear, the trolls are correct... She has drain bamage. And also, is completely irrelevant.
One thing she's talking about Russians, the second Neo-Nazis. Is there any hard left bogeyman that isn't included in her list?

I think it's clear, the trolls are correct... She has drain bamage. And also, is completely irrelevant.

your Friend Putler is the best friends for all extremists from left and right


Europe's Extreme Right And Left United In Support Of Putin | PJ ... -
29.01.2015 - The Russian leader's propaganda machine attracts all sorts of extremist movements in the European Union, on both sides of the political ...

Connections between Europe's radical left and Russia - openDemocracy

13.06.2016 - In a 2014 study, we found that 15 out of the 24 far-right parties examined support Russia politically, and four more were rather open to the ...
One thing she's talking about Russians, the second Neo-Nazis. Is there any hard left bogeyman that isn't included in her list?

I think it's clear, the trolls are correct... She has drain bamage. And also, is completely irrelevant.

your Friend Putler is the best friends for all extremists from left and right


Europe's Extreme Right And Left United In Support Of Putin | PJ ... -
29.01.2015 - The Russian leader's propaganda machine attracts all sorts of extremist movements in the European Union, on both sides of the political ...

Connections between Europe's radical left and Russia - openDemocracy

13.06.2016 - In a 2014 study, we found that 15 out of the 24 far-right parties examined support Russia politically, and four more were rather open to the ...

They are not a serious problem here in the States. We have the Democratic Party with its deep state traitors and criminal syndicates operating openly across the board here, and they dwarf any outside propaganda efforts by a very long shot, Federal judges appointed by the Clinton and Obama machines, bureaucrats in every important agency, State Dept. traitors, FBI traitors, military traitors, you name it, the Swamp is packed to the rafters with vermin here, so the Russians are a very minor blip compared to our own domestic terrorists; their money men are actively hiring thugs and gangsters to violently attack any opposition in the streets and everywhere else, same as both the Left and and Right both did in Wiemar Germany.

I like your posts and information nonetheless, here and elsewhere so don't stop posting and keep up the good work; Russians are indeed an existential threat to everyone within a 1,000 miles of their borders, always have been, always will be, regardless of whatever political ideological window dressing they have at any given moment in time, and posters who have them as their focus are always welcome.

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