Jeff Mackey Sees The Illusion And "Knows" The U.S. Economy Is IMPLODING . . .


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

Jeff Mackey from CNBC Fast Money (link) has joined the ranks of many people who realize the U.S. Economy is headed for Collapse in the very near future.

[ame=""]Jeff Mackey Recognizes The Illusion …[/ame]

Dennis >> . . . Her sources are tell her, the credit markets thawing like that is going to be help in the stock markets. What do you think, Jeff?

Jeff Mackey >> " I have no idea, Dennis. I am going to talk to you like a child. If you understand what I am saying, just say yeah. Yeah! See: You are what happens, when you are trying to talk to car people, at like, a half hour ago. I dismissed these people as idiots years ago, and now that I am trying to finally engage them; they have no idea about what I am talking about. Yeah. And so, it’s either a really simply thing, but you are tweaked, and you get this joke – which I am assuming that 90 percent of you does – but you are just coming off the rails; or, B, you don’t and you are just even more confused now. I am trying to be the voice or reason guiding you to the light.

Dennis >> “ . . . Well, just tell me: This next week, or this week, markets up or markets down?”

Jeff Mackey >> “I . . . do not know. Because I have honestly dismissed this entire game as idiocy the second I started talking to car people; that only occurred to me this morning. Which is either really super enigmatic to you, or you are starting to feel the band-aid come off . . .”

Dennis >> ". . . Do you think like we got to see real improvement in joblessness, before we can see the markets really roll?"

Jeff Mackey >> “Okay, again, I am going to talk to you like a child. Nod if you are with me . . . I am saying that you are talking to people who seem crazy and either I am a tremendous relief to you, or this is a really elaborate joke on me; but I am thinking that you are smart enough to get this joke at this point 34 minutes into the show, when you started talking to auto people that you have gone crazy . . . now ask Fritz . . ."

Dennis >> “. . . Is anyone encouraged? Bank of America selling 13 billion dollars worth of stock. They are halfway to the 34 billion they need in extra capital. Does anyone want to cheer for that?”

Jeff Mackey >> “No. Here. Okay, I am going to make one last stab at this, Dennis. Who knows? I dismissed the Bank of America as lunatics about 8 months ago, and I seemed to understand the world, then. But now, either lunatics are in the game. I do not know where they are playing. I’ve tried for the last 3 hours to communicate with Bank of America on the TV. Because, apparently, either I have gotten off the bus in Crazytown, but I am much happier just trying to get them to speak to me in 5 words or less.”

Dennis >> “Well. You know. A trader friend a mine says that these markets; they are here to make you feel foolish. So. Congratulations. I think all three of you gentlemen are doing a good job for me.”

Jeff Mackey >> “I am going to go with ‘CRAZY’ . . . Yes, or no . . . I am trying be plain . . .”
The Daily Paul people are trying to characterize Jeff Mackey as a talking head melting down, when in reality the guy is showing signs of waking the hell up!

[ame=""]Jim Rogers[/ame]

[ame=""]Peter Schiff[/ame]

[ame=""]Gerald Celente[/ame]

[ame=""]Lyndon LaRouche[/ame]

Now we can add one more name to the list of people declaring that the U.S. Economy is headed for a massive Collapse/Implosion, while those blinded by Loyal Bushie/Obama LIARS are moving around chairs on the USA Titanic. Jeff Mackey’s seeming ‘meltdown’ reaction was generated by the disparity between the ‘facts’ pointing to the coming U.S. Economic COLLAPSE 'versus' the media hype pushing the moronic delusion that things have ANY chance of improving. My post describing the 8 reasons that the stock markets must go down is here. The U.S. Economy was wired for implosion last summer (my thread) . . .

[ame=""]. . . Just Like WTC-7 . . .[/ame]

. . . but the demolition is taking place in s.l.o.w. . . m.o.t.i.o.n . . .

Click here for ideas on how to prepare for the Coming Economic Collapse 2009.


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I don't buy into the doom and gloom of a completely collapsing market, nor do I buy into the idea that we are beginning to see a new bull market. No matter what happens in the credit markets, we still have 20 million vacant homes. Those will begin to sell, but there will not be a need for new housing start ups for quite some time, which means employment isn't going to get much better anytime soon. Housing drives our employment, and until we find more people to buy all these vacant homes, the economy is going to stagnate. It's not likely to get much worse, although it will some, but it certainly won't be getting much better either.
well,, when ya know the government is going to force you to take 29 cents on every dollar you invest what the hell do ya expect? except implosion??
I don't buy into the doom and gloom of a completely collapsing market, nor do I buy into the idea that we are beginning to see a new bull market. No matter what happens in the credit markets, we still have 20 million vacant homes. Those will begin to sell, but there will not be a need for new housing start ups for quite some time, which means employment isn't going to get much better anytime soon. Housing drives our employment, and until we find more people to buy all these vacant homes, the economy is going to stagnate. It's not likely to get much worse, although it will some, but it certainly won't be getting much better either.

you have hit the nail on the head. homes need to sell so new housing starts can rise and you are also correct the unemployment rates will stay elevated for i think a couple of years.
This is where Terral and I actually agree on something, though not to the extent he does.

Yes, the economy is slowing down and will remain slow due to government spending and a silly emphasis on "Green Jobs" that will amount to nothing more than more government subsidies and spending. Our economy runs on oil. Period. Chicken Feed (Ethanol) or Windmills are not suitable replacements either. Face it, we need Oil and Nuclear Power.

The Fed printing all that money then putting it on a credit card for our future generations to pay off will be a boat anchor for sure, but nothing a resurgent U.S. Economy won't pay off in the long term. The American economy is capable of incredible growth, but is being bogged down by those who believe in "Green Jobs" and the Global Warming Anti-Capitalists themselves. Many of whom are on this board.

So what does the Government need to do? Cut taxes and Federal spending. Seeing as how Obama and his ilk will never do that, we must elect true conservative candidates (Not Republican RINOs) to all levels of government from your local City to the Federal level.

What happened recently in California with the tax initiatives being voted down, needs to happen nation wide. Tea Parties started it, and now a huge tax revolt has to happen nation wide if people want to see our economy healthy again.

The recent government bailouts are all you need to know about what the government will do to us and our economy.
Terral, when you have the power to print money endlessly, how exactly does the economy "implode"? The rest of the world is forced to take our dollars. What is the alternative? The Renminbi? As much as I think that's a currency worth investing in, in the coming months and even years, China is not ready to handle the job of issuing the world's reserve currency. So either you think there will be a new currency that is established as a single world currency, or you're just flat out wrong about all of this.

We can never theoretically default on our debts, because we can simply print money to cover them. So either someone invades us, defeats our military, occupies us, and changes the whole game, or you're wrong. Or somehow the new world order comes to fruition and we have a single currency for the whole world. Although, I think there's still quite a lot of work to do on the part of the elites before they're capable of pulling that off.

I'm amazed that guys like you who know the media is corrupt can manage to find little nuances in it that you think actually help your cause.

As much as I respect Schiff too btw, he was wrong about the Dollar this last time around. He'll be right about it THIS time, but who ISN'T? I mean, inflation is ON THE WAY. It's a no-brainer to be getting out of the USD sooner rather than later.

We have the power (albeit illegally) to endlessly print the world's reserve currency. That fact ALONE will always be a roadblock to the end of the world doomsdayers beliefs coming to actual fruition.

If you think there's really an end-game that's going to do us all in, then we just have to wait and see what transpires. I certainly won't be surpised if it happens, believe it or not.
if you see the dollars action last week after bill gross went proclaiming that the s&p will cut our AAA rating, when he opened his mouth that turned the markets. it may happen but i don't think for a while. like paulie said we have the ability to print money until the cows come home.

obtw mad scientist the fed doesn't print money the treasury does.

i like your morphing of the pic paulie...any reason behind it?
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Hi Auditor with Wimpy mentioned:

I don't buy into the doom and gloom of a completely collapsing market, nor do I buy into the idea that we are beginning to see a new bull market.

So what? Auditor can believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, but I believe Jeff Mackey, Jim Rogers, Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente and Lyndon LaRouche from the Opening Post all pointing to the Coming U.S./Global Economic/Stock Market Collapse/Implosion. Lyndon LaRouche addresses the Imminent Hyperinflation Threat in a short 5-minute video here:

[ame=""]LaRouche Addresses Imminent Hyperinflation Threat.[/ame]

If Auditor has ANYBODY of reputation to support his ‘beliefs,’ then please include that evidentiary support in your next thoughtful reply. Boasting about what Auditor ‘does not buy’ is more evidence that someone has his head buried in the sand (pic and pic) and nothing more . . .

No matter what happens in the credit markets, we still have 20 million vacant homes.

Lyndon LaRouche just explained how the ‘Letter Of Credit’ market has already collapsed! He is looking at the ‘driver of the crisis’ from the Financial Derivatives ‘top down’ Sector where the DEBT is measured in quadrillions of dollars (story and story)!!! We are talking about DEBT, as of December 2007, that measures almost $200,000.00 for every person on this planet! Compare the numbers between the advertised National Debt ‘and’ The Truth about the real USA National Debt here and prepare to be shocked. A good article on “The Coming Collapse” is here. Your 20 million empty homes are a symptom of rising Unemployment (Point #1), rising home Foreclosures (Point #2) rising Bankruptcy filings (Point #4) and ‘Demand Destruction’ (Point #6) from my recent post to Wimpy here. Again, if Auditor has ANY EVIDENCE to support the hypothesis and conclusion that the U.S. Stock Market and the U.S. Economy ‘Fundamentals’ will ever improve (other than this), then include that information in your next reply. Otherwise, you appear to be ‘talking the markets up’ with “I believe” testimony amounting to nothing more than wishful thinking . . .

Those will begin to sell, but there will not be a need for new housing start ups for quite some time, which means employment isn't going to get much better anytime soon.

I thought Auditor did not buy into the doom and gloom scenarios explained by my OP financial trend forecasting experts. Here is a little reality check from a guy who has worked construction most of his life like my father and his father (#3): Three years ago our masonry company was completing a new house every other day for contractors we had worked with for a decade. Our company had a commercial division, a residential division and a room addition division that supported about two dozen employees. However, today we are down to the company owner, one mason and one laborer and have not built a single house in the past two years. The masonry company I worked with during the 1970’s and early 1980’s (where my brothers work today) had 350+ employees (including subs) three years ago and specialized in large commercial construction. However, today that company is down to fewer than twenty employees (mostly foremen) who have all been there for twenty+ years. A few unscrupulous contractors have hired more than their fair share of Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals and have lowered prices to levels FAR BELOW what real contractors (with all the overhead) can charge, so companies hiring real Americans end up with no work and more U.S. Citizens go into the unemployment line in lieu of foreclosure and bankruptcy, etc., etc..

Housing drives our employment, and until we find more people to buy all these vacant homes, the economy is going to stagnate.

Again, I thought Auditor did not buy into the doom and gloom conclusions of myself and my OP Financial Experts all pointing to the Coming Economic/Stock Market Collapse! Finding more people is not going to save one job and stop Corporate Elites from Outsourcing more JOBS overseas.

[ame=""]YouTube - Elevator Ad (Americans Fired, Foreign Workers Hired)[/ame]

The Govt continues to import 1.5 MILLION Foreign Nationals EVERY YEAR through the overuse of 23 Guest Worker Programs, which destroys the Consumer Base and eliminates the possibility of simply ‘finding people’ (stop being ridiculous) to buy all of these vacant homes. We have massive unemployment going UP and the number of vacant homes going UP ‘and’ homelessness for U.S. Citizens going UP at the very same time (my recent post).

[ame=""]Tent City Blues . . .[/ame]

It's not likely to get much worse, although it will some, but it certainly won't be getting much better either.

In other words, the Auditor cannot make up his mind one way or the other ‘and’ has no evidence to support any claims for anything related to the stock market or the U.S. Economy and the coming COLLAPSE. Period. What makes the Auditor believe for one second that the Fundamentals of the U.S. Economy are “not likely to get much worse”???? You can come out here and make your mouth say anything using unsupported “I believe” testimony that says much more about the Auditor than anything to do with this “Coming Economic Collapse” that Jeff Mackey is trying to explain to Dennis using simple terms, as if he is a child. Jeff Mackey is using the ‘automakers’ angle (Point #3 here) to try and help Dennis to ‘see the Light,’ but the CNBC commentator/reporter also has his head buried so far in the sand (like you) that nobody can help him.


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Hi Wimpy with the Auditor mentioned:

you have hit the nail on the head. homes need to sell so new housing starts can rise and you are also correct the unemployment rates will stay elevated for i think a couple of years.

The Auditor has hit nothing with his unsupported “I believe” testimony in Post #2. If Wimpy has ANY financial expert (like you see in the OP) with evidence that U.S. Stock Market/Economy Fundamentals will EVER improve, then please paste that information to this thread in your next thoughtful reply. Neither of you guys have bothered to address one point in the Opening Post, because you have nothing to support any case for anything at all :)confused: = as usual). Agreeing with the Auditor that unemployment rates will stay elevated :)cuckoo: = you guys are funny) actually supports the OP hypothesis that the stock markets and the U.S. Economy in general are IMPLODING.

[ame=""]Wimpy And Auditor = Dennis + Terral = Jeff[/ame]

Just put your fat behinds in Dennis’ chair and try to understand what Jeff Mackey is saying using language fit for a child ‘and’ perhaps something will sink in to show you guys “the Light” . . .

Just say, “Yeah” and nod (like bobble head stooges) . . . and pretend you have some idea about what Jeff is talking about . . .


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okay, correct me if i'm off here please....

on the collapse of the dollar note, i see China is trying to convince the IMF to utilize SDR's as the global benchmark

now one would ask why?

well, one of the obvious economic avenues the bobbleheads keep bringing up is, we may endure an inflationary cycle here (see the similar Argentina debacle)

but inflation means devaluation, and that means China might loose out on our debt to them

so....if they could (not saying they can, because they need to constitute an economic consortium powerful enough to pull it off) knock the dollar off it's global fiat leadership i suspect it could be a major problem for our economy
Hi Mad:

This is where Terral and I actually agree on something, though not to the extent he does.

Here again we have a bobble head stooge rushing out to this USMB Board with “I believe” testimony that adds up to NOTHING. Jeff Mackey is trying to explain the reasons WHY this stock market ‘game’ is nothing more than complete lunacy, as if he has just stepped off the bus to CRAZYTOWN. Jeff is trying to use the “automaker collapse” micro-economic example to show you “The Light” that the stock market ‘and’ the U.S. Economy are IMPLODING right before our very eyes. If anybody here can point to ANY of the OP experts and ANY of their ‘doom and gloom’ testimony that appears off in ANY way, then ‘quote >>’ the expert and show us your evidence for something else. The USA is caught up in ‘The Perfect Storm’ where a series of disastrous scenarios are taking place simultaneously in a well-orchestrated U.S./Global Economic Collapse already explained using too many links in the OP and my subsequent posts on Page 1 of this debate . . .

Yes, the economy is slowing down and will remain slow due to government spending and a silly emphasis on "Green Jobs" that will amount to nothing more than more government subsidies and spending.

Slowing down???? :0) The Loyal Bushie/Obama LIARS are using the Media and Disinformation Propaganda to build upon the ILLUSION that the stock market and Economy are showing signs of improvement, when in reality the U.S. Economy Victim is bleeding profusely from every orifice on the operating table and these liars are pointing to band-aids. Peter Schiff explains how Obama’s Govt Will Unleash A WORSE CRISIS in this short video:

[ame=""]Govt Will Unleash Worse Crisis[/ame]

Our economy runs on oil. Period.

No. Our U.S. Economy runs on JOBS and a healthy Consumer Base that is being systematically destroyed by Outsourcing, too many Foreign National workers (legal and illegal) taking JOBS from law-abiding U.S. Citizens. The price of oil is going UP right now, NOT because market fundamentals have improved, but because the U.S. Dollar is collapsing ‘and’ more dollars are required to buy the same commodities. Without a healthy Consumer Base, the Govt is trying to ‘borrow’ trillions and trillions of dollars to make up the difference, which is only going to put “hyperinflation” onto the table. That means the price of oil and gold and copper must go UP, because the dollar is being devalued as one component of the “Perfect Economic Storm.”

Chicken Feed (Ethanol) or Windmills are not suitable replacements either. Face it, we need Oil and Nuclear Power.

All of the oil and nuclear power in the world means NOTHING, if the American Consumer Base implodes and nobody can afford the luxury in the first place. Ron Paul explains how the Govt is driving the USA into a Depression in this short 4-minute video:

[ame=""]Ron Paul On The Stimulus Plan[/ame]

The Fed printing all that money then putting it on a credit card for our future generations to pay off will be a boat anchor for sure, but nothing a resurgent U.S. Economy won't pay off in the long term.

A resurgent U.S. Economy???? :0) What evidence does the Mad Scientist have that Stock Market/U.S. Economy Fundamentals will EVER IMPROVE??? Go ahead and show us your links to ANY expert testimony that the USA will ever see any ‘resurgent U.S. Economy.’ Good luck . . . because these experts all disagree with your fantasy hypothesis . . .

[ame=""]US Dollar Will Default In 2009 Part 1[/ame]

The American economy is capable of incredible growth, but is being bogged down by those who believe in "Green Jobs" and the Global Warming Anti-Capitalists themselves. Many of whom are on this board.

Bullony! The U.S. Economy and the Stock Market Fundamentals can NEVER improve, until the Outsourcing of JOBS stops (and is reversed) and the Foreign Nationals taking U.S. JOBS are sent home. Period! Only then will the unemployment numbers improve and the foreclosure numbers improve and the bankruptcy numbers improve, so the Market Fundamentals improve ‘and’ we begin to enter the realm of a real sustainable recovery.

The out-of-control Obama Administration is dumping trillions and trillions of FED-created and FED-inflated Dollars into a sinking U.S. Economy Ship (pic) filled with a myriad of holes; because the object is to DESTROY the U.S. Economy and Obama’s New World Order “Plan” (link) is working . . .


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The economy has been in a depression for about half the Amrican population for decades.

Not that it cannot get worse, but I find it rather interesting that it only seems to matter now that the investing classes are also experiencing problems.
Hi Paulie with DavidS mentioned:

Terral, when you have the power to print money endlessly, how exactly does the economy "implode"?

Stop drinking the Loyal Bushie/Obama Kool-aid and perhaps Jeff Mackey’s statements to Dennis will begin to show you the Light. Nobody has the power to print worthless money endlessly, because inflation leads to hyperinflation and the dollar will eventually collapse under its own worthless weight. Peter Schiff explains the US Dollar Collapse in this 3-minute video:

[ame=""]The US Dollar Collapse Starts Now!!![/ame]

The rest of the world is forced to take our dollars. What is the alternative?

Stop being silly! Maybe you have not read the New York Times article pointing to Chinese money as the new global currency (story).

[ame=""]Bloomberg Report[/ame]

The Renminbi? As much as I think that's a currency worth investing in, in the coming months and even years, China is not ready to handle the job of issuing the world's reserve currency. So either you think there will be a new currency that is established as a single world currency, or you're just flat out wrong about all of this.

The pilot programs have already started . . . and have been ongoing since the 1990s . . .

[ame=""]Yuan Rivals Dollar As Global Trading Currency[/ame]

We can never theoretically default on our debts, because we can simply print money to cover them.

[ame=""]The US Economy Is Toast[/ame]

Please forgive, but Paulie is living in a fantasy land in a land far, far away in another galaxy somewhere . . .

[ame=""]G20 To Adopt World Currency![/ame]

Maybe Paulie can wake-the-hell up by reading the News in subtitles, as the rest of the civilized world anticipates the collapse of the U.S. Dollar . . .

So either someone invades us, defeats our military, occupies us, and changes the whole game, or you're wrong.

Listen here, Paulie: Your offering in Post #6 has as much evidentiary support for your “I believe” testimony, as the unsupported rhetoric from these other bobble head lunatics who cannot understand the simple English from Jeff Mackey in the Opening Post video.

[ame=""]The US Collapse Of 2009: Glenn Beck[/ame]

Okay, so maybe you can understand Glenn Beck’s use of charts and graphs to demonstrate how the ‘devaluation’ process has been going on for some time. But hey, I know for A FACT that many USMB members are permanent residents of Jeff Mackey’s version of ‘CrazyTown’ . . .

Or somehow the new world order comes to fruition and we have a single currency for the whole world. Although, I think there's still quite a lot of work to do on the part of the elites before they're capable of pulling that off.

And these readers are supposed to accept your “I think” testimony right along with the “I believe” testimony from the other bobble head’s in definite DENIAL of the coming Economic Collapse.

[ame=""]Collapse Of The World Economy In 24 Hours[/ame]

Real Americans are living in ‘frustration’ of higher costs for everything ‘and’ depressed wages at the very same time. This is a ‘multifaceted problem’ that the U.S. Govt is only making far worse!

I'm amazed that guys like you who know the media is corrupt can manage to find little nuances in it that you think actually help your cause.

I am amazed that so many uninformed USMB registered members actually think “I believe” and “I think” testimony amounts to ANYTHING. All of you combined have ‘no thesis’ and ‘no claims’ and ‘no conclusions’ based upon any ‘evidence’ at all! ZERO.

As much as I respect Schiff too btw, he was wrong about the Dollar this last time around. He'll be right about it THIS time, but who ISN'T? I mean, inflation is ON THE WAY. It's a no-brainer to be getting out of the USD sooner rather than later.

Well, since you respect Schiff, then I suppose your “I think” testimony means something . . . Not! . . .

We have the power (albeit illegally) to endlessly print the world's reserve currency. That fact ALONE will always be a roadblock to the end of the world doomsdayers beliefs coming to actual fruition.

This is perhaps the most ridiculous stupidity that anybody could possibly paste to this thread! Lyndon LaRouche explains the ‘hyperinflation’ problem in this video:

[ame=""]LaRouche Warnings . . .[/ame]

Then the bobble head idiots think among themselves that rising stock market and commodity prices represent a 'good thing,' when in reality inflation is mutating into hyperinflation and you guys have apparently no idea about what this even means . . . DavidS boasts about the stock market (Dow Jones) reaching 10,000 in July (which could happen), but in reality this number is only 5000 when the dollar is worth only half as much . . .

If you think there's really an end-game that's going to do us all in, then we just have to wait and see what transpires. I certainly won't be surpised if it happens, believe it or not.
By the time your bobble head is yanked out of the sand, it will be MUCH too late to do one thing about it (my Survival Topic). Our Western Way Of Life is being systematically destroyed and the ‘rage’ is only beginning . . .


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Look at Terral, taking something that a mainstream media talking head says as "truth".

You guys believe the entire media is corrupt and covering up the big truth, but as soon as one says something you like, you wrap your lips around their penis. :rolleyes:

You're taking something that Glenn fucking Beck says as something notable? He's a fucking CLOWN, Terral. The guy's job is to sensationalize and entertain, nothing more. Perhaps you didn't see how bad he treated Ron Paul during primary season when he had the opportunity to have PRAISED him instead, because apparently Beck's political positions are most closely in-line with Paul's. Or ARE they? Hmmmmm. He could have helped springboard Paul's campaign, but instead he listened to his bosses like a good little media bitch and did what he was told, treat Paul like shit and marginalize his campaign. You know, like what EVERY media outlet did during the primary season? HELLO???

Someone else needs to wake the hell up, and his name is Terral.
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Hi Auditor with Wimpy mentioned:

I don't buy into the doom and gloom of a completely collapsing market, nor do I buy into the idea that we are beginning to see a new bull market.

So what? Auditor can believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, but I believe Jeff Mackey, Jim Rogers, Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente and Lyndon LaRouche from the Opening Post all pointing to the Coming U.S./Global Economic/Stock Market Collapse/Implosion. Lyndon LaRouche addresses the Imminent Hyperinflation Threat in a short 5-minute video here:

[ame=""]LaRouche Addresses Imminent Hyperinflation Threat.[/ame]

If Auditor has ANYBODY of reputation to support his ‘beliefs,’ then please include that evidentiary support in your next thoughtful reply. Boasting about what Auditor ‘does not buy’ is more evidence that someone has his head buried in the sand (pic and pic) and nothing more . . .

No matter what happens in the credit markets, we still have 20 million vacant homes.

Lyndon LaRouche just explained how the ‘Letter Of Credit’ market has already collapsed! He is looking at the ‘driver of the crisis’ from the Financial Derivatives ‘top down’ Sector where the DEBT is measured in quadrillions of dollars (story and story)!!! We are talking about DEBT, as of December 2007, that measures almost $200,000.00 for every person on this planet! Compare the numbers between the advertised National Debt ‘and’ The Truth about the real USA National Debt here and prepare to be shocked. A good article on “The Coming Collapse” is here. Your 20 million empty homes are a symptom of rising Unemployment (Point #1), rising home Foreclosures (Point #2) rising Bankruptcy filings (Point #4) and ‘Demand Destruction’ (Point #6) from my recent post to Wimpy here. Again, if Auditor has ANY EVIDENCE to support the hypothesis and conclusion that the U.S. Stock Market and the U.S. Economy ‘Fundamentals’ will ever improve (other than this), then include that information in your next reply. Otherwise, you appear to be ‘talking the markets up’ with “I believe” testimony amounting to nothing more than wishful thinking . . .

I thought Auditor did not buy into the doom and gloom scenarios explained by my OP financial trend forecasting experts. Here is a little reality check from a guy who has worked construction most of his life like my father and his father (#3): Three years ago our masonry company was completing a new house every other day for contractors we had worked with for a decade. Our company had a commercial division, a residential division and a room addition division that supported about two dozen employees. However, today we are down to the company owner, one mason and one laborer and have not built a single house in the past two years. The masonry company I worked with during the 1970’s and early 1980’s (where my brothers work today) had 350+ employees (including subs) three years ago and specialized in large commercial construction. However, today that company is down to fewer than twenty employees (mostly foremen) who have all been there for twenty+ years. A few unscrupulous contractors have hired more than their fair share of Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals and have lowered prices to levels FAR BELOW what real contractors (with all the overhead) can charge, so companies hiring real Americans end up with no work and more U.S. Citizens go into the unemployment line in lieu of foreclosure and bankruptcy, etc., etc..

Housing drives our employment, and until we find more people to buy all these vacant homes, the economy is going to stagnate.

Again, I thought Auditor did not buy into the doom and gloom conclusions of myself and my OP Financial Experts all pointing to the Coming Economic/Stock Market Collapse! Finding more people is not going to save one job and stop Corporate Elites from Outsourcing more JOBS overseas.

[ame=""]YouTube - Elevator Ad (Americans Fired, Foreign Workers Hired)[/ame]

The Govt continues to import 1.5 MILLION Foreign Nationals EVERY YEAR through the overuse of 23 Guest Worker Programs, which destroys the Consumer Base and eliminates the possibility of simply ‘finding people’ (stop being ridiculous) to buy all of these vacant homes. We have massive unemployment going UP and the number of vacant homes going UP ‘and’ homelessness for U.S. Citizens going UP at the very same time (my recent post).

[ame=""]Tent City Blues . . .[/ame]

It's not likely to get much worse, although it will some, but it certainly won't be getting much better either.

In other words, the Auditor cannot make up his mind one way or the other ‘and’ has no evidence to support any claims for anything related to the stock market or the U.S. Economy and the coming COLLAPSE. Period. What makes the Auditor believe for one second that the Fundamentals of the U.S. Economy are “not likely to get much worse”???? You can come out here and make your mouth say anything using unsupported “I believe” testimony that says much more about the Auditor than anything to do with this “Coming Economic Collapse” that Jeff Mackey is trying to explain to Dennis using simple terms, as if he is a child. Jeff Mackey is using the ‘automakers’ angle (Point #3 here) to try and help Dennis to ‘see the Light,’ but the CNBC commentator/reporter also has his head buried so far in the sand (like you) that nobody can help him.



Anyone can pick any expert they choose to listen to and believe their line of thinking. That doesn't make your line of thinking correct just because a few so called experts think we're on the verge of collapse. There are just as many, and actually many more, experts who believe we have bottomed out and things are likely to begin improving in the very near future.

I happen to fall in the middle due to the massive housing bubble. You are correct that there is no room for new home building, and that is precisely why I believe this downturn will be protracted, in my view probably for around ten years. We went through this in the 70's and 80's where we had near ten percent unemployment, but the economy did not implode then, and it is highly unlikely to do so now.

Housing is a major problem for one simple reason, we overbuilt. For a stretch of nearly five years, almost all new home sales were due to speculators. If you look at total home sales, buyers who purchased homes for their personal use only accounted for existing home sales. There was no need for the building of any new homes during that period, but speculators created the bubble by purchasing and trying to flip these homes. When they finally realized there were no buyers, we hit a brick wall.

So, who will purchase these homes? Well, we continue to increase our population by nearly 3 million people per year. As population increases, those homes will be filled, and then new home construction will start again. Until then, things are going to be rough for everyone, but that doesn't mean our economy is going to implode or that we're going to see 25% unemployment.

The fact is that right now we have real unemployment of around 4%. When unemployment is at 5%, that is considered full employment. Yes, people are unemployed when there is 5% unemployment, but the vast majority are just between jobs, and those unemployed normally find jobs in a short period of time but their numbers are replaced by others who become unemployed to shortly find new employment also, and the cycle continues.

Now even at a real unemployment rate of around 4%, that still equates to between 5 and 7million jobs, and that is a big number. To make matters worse, there currently are no new technologies driving a speedy recovery. The great economy of the 90's was driven by two things in particular, the advent of cell phones and computers. These were two items that almost every American had to have, as well as all businesses. It was something new that no one had to begin with. With the phenomenal growth in those two areas, the economy boomed. Today, those two items still need to be continually replaced, but replacement sales do not create new jobs; they just keep intact existing jobs.

The bottom line is that we need something new to drive growth again. The housing bubble is the end result of bad speculation. However, we would pretty much be in the same spot, only a few years sooner, had it not been for the housing bubble. However, the banking side of this mess likely would have been avoided. Whatever happens, so long as population growth is under way, the economy is highly unlikely to implode, because population growth is the main driving force of economic growth. One day, that too will change, as there will come a time when the population stabilizes and possibly even begins to contract as is happening in Europe. Then we will have some real concerns.
Hi Wimpy with the Auditor mentioned:

you have hit the nail on the head. homes need to sell so new housing starts can rise and you are also correct the unemployment rates will stay elevated for i think a couple of years.

The Auditor has hit nothing with his unsupported “I believe” testimony in Post #2. If Wimpy has ANY financial expert (like you see in the OP) with evidence that U.S. Stock Market/Economy Fundamentals will EVER improve, then please paste that information to this thread in your next thoughtful reply. Neither of you guys have bothered to address one point in the Opening Post, because you have nothing to support any case for anything at all :)confused: = as usual). Agreeing with the Auditor that unemployment rates will stay elevated :)cuckoo: = you guys are funny) actually supports the OP hypothesis that the stock markets and the U.S. Economy in general are IMPLODING.

[ame=""]Wimpy And Auditor = Dennis + Terral = Jeff[/ame]

Just put your fat behinds in Dennis’ chair and try to understand what Jeff Mackey is saying using language fit for a child ‘and’ perhaps something will sink in to show you guys “the Light” . . .

Just say, “Yeah” and nod (like bobble head stooges) . . . and pretend you have some idea about what Jeff is talking about . . .



Agreeing that unemployment will remain high does not equate to ever increasing unemployment nor does it equate to an imploding stock market. That already happened as the market lost half of it's value. This recent rally is not likely indicitive of a new bull market but rather is a bear rally. I would not be surprised at all to see us back down in the 6000 range again, but any lower is highly unlikely.

BTW, you posted comments from a few doomsday so called experts. Are you telling us there are no experts out there with different views? Or do you just choose to ignore them?

Moneynews - Rogoff: Housing Recovery Will Take Five Years

Moneynews - Rupert Murdoch: The Worst Is Over

Moneynews - Kessler: No Bull Market Yet

There are many more so called experts who don't buy into the idea that we are headed to global disaster. Your scenario is just one of the multitude of possibilities.
Terral, when you have the power to print money endlessly, how exactly does the economy "implode"? The rest of the world is forced to take our dollars. What is the alternative? The Renminbi? As much as I think that's a currency worth investing in, in the coming months and even years, China is not ready to handle the job of issuing the world's reserve currency. So either you think there will be a new currency that is established as a single world currency, or you're just flat out wrong about all of this.

We can never theoretically default on our debts, because we can simply print money to cover them. So either someone invades us, defeats our military, occupies us, and changes the whole game, or you're wrong. Or somehow the new world order comes to fruition and we have a single currency for the whole world. Although, I think there's still quite a lot of work to do on the part of the elites before they're capable of pulling that off.

I'm amazed that guys like you who know the media is corrupt can manage to find little nuances in it that you think actually help your cause.

As much as I respect Schiff too btw, he was wrong about the Dollar this last time around. He'll be right about it THIS time, but who ISN'T? I mean, inflation is ON THE WAY. It's a no-brainer to be getting out of the USD sooner rather than later.

We have the power (albeit illegally) to endlessly print the world's reserve currency. That fact ALONE will always be a roadblock to the end of the world doomsdayers beliefs coming to actual fruition.

If you think there's really an end-game that's going to do us all in, then we just have to wait and see what transpires. I certainly won't be surpised if it happens, believe it or not.

There's an end game just as it was with the depression of the 1930's its called WWIII. Think it cant happen??? its how banks make recoveries when unemployment's high, the local peasants cant afford the market, petrolium skyrockets, and paper money bailouts flooding the market with little or no value.......Bank run ons total recall(Fund a WAR!!)??
Sure its a "NO-BRAINER", ever wonder why the Federal Reserve(centralized bank) and IRS(Enforcement for central bank) are thick as thieves???and no one to date has abolished these 2 debacles. Now their getting it(taxes, or are we getting it?) from both ends or a double whammy, not only will you pay the current sky rocketing taxes, but you will also pay for their inflationary failed bailouts as well for decades to come.............Some are calling it the Trap Door Spider effect...

What you tolerate today... YOU will entertain tomorrow.. -Whitelion
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Terral, when you have the power to print money endlessly, how exactly does the economy "implode"? The rest of the world is forced to take our dollars. What is the alternative? The Renminbi? As much as I think that's a currency worth investing in, in the coming months and even years, China is not ready to handle the job of issuing the world's reserve currency. So either you think there will be a new currency that is established as a single world currency, or you're just flat out wrong about all of this.

We can never theoretically default on our debts, because we can simply print money to cover them. So either someone invades us, defeats our military, occupies us, and changes the whole game, or you're wrong. Or somehow the new world order comes to fruition and we have a single currency for the whole world. Although, I think there's still quite a lot of work to do on the part of the elites before they're capable of pulling that off.

I'm amazed that guys like you who know the media is corrupt can manage to find little nuances in it that you think actually help your cause.

As much as I respect Schiff too btw, he was wrong about the Dollar this last time around. He'll be right about it THIS time, but who ISN'T? I mean, inflation is ON THE WAY. It's a no-brainer to be getting out of the USD sooner rather than later.

We have the power (albeit illegally) to endlessly print the world's reserve currency. That fact ALONE will always be a roadblock to the end of the world doomsdayers beliefs coming to actual fruition.

If you think there's really an end-game that's going to do us all in, then we just have to wait and see what transpires. I certainly won't be surpised if it happens, believe it or not.

There's an end game just as it was with the depression of the 1930's its called WWIII. Think it cant happen??? its how banks make recoveries when unemployment's high, the local peasants cant afford the market, petrolium skyrockets, and paper money bailouts flooding the market with little or no value.......Bank run ons total recall(Fund a WAR!!)??
Sure its a "NO-BRAINER", ever wonder why the Federal Reserve(centralized bank) and IRS(Enforcement for central bank) are thick as thieves???and no one to date has abolished these 2 debacles. Now their getting it(taxes, or are we getting it?) from both ends or a double whammy, not only will you pay the current sky rocketing taxes, but you will also pay for their inflationary failed bailouts as well for decades to come.............Some are calling it the Trap Door Spider effect...

What you tolerate today... YOU will entertain tommarrow.. -Whitelion

We won't 'collapse' though. We'll see really bad inflation. I personally won't be losing much because of it though, because instead of buying a bunch of crap I didn't need like big screen TV's, that second car that just HAD to be brand new, the iphone, the vacations, what have you, I had the foresight to LEARN about economics and I saw the OBVIOUS writing on the wall and protected my savings via precious metals and other avenues.

Am I completely protected 100% from inflation and deflation? No. Am I going to fare better than the average joe? You're damn fucking right I am.

Rather than cry about it, I took some steps. Rather than wave signs that said 9/11 was an inside job and the new world order is going to kill us all, I picked the few politicians who were GOOD, and I donated my time to them. I may very well end up getting a governor in my state that is actually REAL because of it.

I'll take that any day of the week over fucking bitching about inside jobs and new world orders and end games on the fucking INTERNET of all places.
By the way Terral, there's no Y in Macke's name. Just in case you'd like to clean up your act a bit.

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