Jeb Bush suspends campaign

Not really a surprise much like Christie his time had passed this should benefit Rubio.
Why? Seriously.

It will benefit Rubio - I imagine most Bush supporters will go to him over Trump or Cruz.

Ok. Why? He is for all intensive purposes lazy. He was also popped lying about his family and their ...................relocation to the US. So, why?

Because he's the only one of the three who's not crazy?
Not really a surprise much like Christie his time had passed this should benefit Rubio.
Why? Seriously.

It will benefit Rubio - I imagine most Bush supporters will go to him over Trump or Cruz.

Ok. Why? He is for all intensive purposes lazy. He was also popped lying about his family and their ...................relocation to the US. So, why?

Because he's the only one of the three who's not crazy?
More Rinos to poach...
Carson needs to give it up too.
Carson and Kasich need to decide if they want Trump to have the nomination. If they don't get out soon, Trump will probably run the rest of the table with a plurality of the vote. If they get out Rubio has a chance. Cruz may also do better, but I see the bulk of the bottom candidate votes will go to Rubio.
The sad irony in all this, his stupid pathetic brother got a turn at the white house and brought the country to it knees and because his name is Bush, people are still reeling from the aftermath.....but when you have to bring in that brother to help you, its time to go....good riddance.......Had he taken on Trump when the bitch was attacking him left and right back in the day, he's be a front runner today. Again, bad things happen when evil is allowed to flourish!!

That's good for Rubio!

Yes the new choice of the far left !


This is as ridiculous as it is wrong – Rubio: hostile to the privacy rights of women, the equal protection rights of gay Americans, and as of late hostile to immigrants.

See this is why Rubio is the choice of the far left!

Bush was their original choice as they wanted it to be Clinton vs Bush, but now they choose Rubio!

Silly far left drone!
Not really a surprise much like Christie his time had passed this should benefit Rubio.
Why? Seriously.

It will benefit Rubio - I imagine most Bush supporters will go to him over Trump or Cruz.

Ok. Why? He is for all intensive purposes lazy. He was also popped lying about his family and their ...................relocation to the US. So, why?

Because he's the only one of the three who's not crazy?
More Rinos to poach...

The term "RINO" is hilarious to me.

Tell me, what claim do you nutjobs have on the word "Republican", particularly since most of the Republican Party has disagreed with you guys for the last 4 or 5 candidates they've put forward for President?
To be kind, Jeb really was a lousy candidate for president. Will he endorse Rubio...?
Let's say Mr. Can't Get More Than 10 People To Vote For Him endorses Rubio.
That's 10 more votes for Rubio.
Are you retarded?

Actually, I think your "10 more votes" analogy is retarded. Jeb has gotten almost 31,000 votes so far in South Carolina with only 50% counted so far. I believe that's more than 10...

See the far left is for Rubio!

No, I'm for Hillary vs. Trump in the General Election! Rubio is even more childish than Trump.

Se how the far left gets their signals crossed!

But goes to show that they do not believe in real choices, they need their choices picked for them.
Not really a surprise much like Christie his time had passed this should benefit Rubio.
Why? Seriously.

It will benefit Rubio - I imagine most Bush supporters will go to him over Trump or Cruz.

Ok. Why? He is for all intensive purposes lazy. He was also popped lying about his family and their ...................relocation to the US. So, why?

Because he's the only one of the three who's not crazy?

He is bought and paid for. He is just as crazy. Tea or the Chamber?

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