Jeb Bush: I'm Concerned About Asian 'Anchor Babies,' Not Hispanic Ones

...Jeb Bush just invented the Worst Way Ever to Show You're Not Anti-Hispanic.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and this was your turn...

I'm right once from midnight to noon, and a second time from noon to midnight.
"GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush claimed on Monday that his use of the term “anchor babies” was not offensive because he was referring to the practice of people, primarily Asians, coming to the U.S. and “taking advantage” of birthright citizenship."

Bush is as much an ignorant, hateful idiot as the other republican candidates.
I've got a question....................

The term "anchor baby" is used for those who come into this country, give birth to a child who is a U.S. citizen, and use the birth of the child as a reason to stay in this country, because they don't want to leave their child, and, as a U.S. citizen, the child has a right to stay in this country.

Most of that is done by people coming into this country from the southern border.

On the other hand, those Chinese women are coming here, having the child, getting U.S. citizenship for the child, and then returning to China with a dual citizenship child.

Now for the question.....................if the Asians go back home after giving birth, how can those children be considered "anchor babies" if the mothers don't stay in the United States?

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