Jay Sekulow: The Transcript Is Out, Second Whistleblower Has Nothing

That was the full transcript.
And yet it's not word for word, and these calls are typically transcribed word for word.

How do you reconcile this?

Yes it is word for word.
That's the spin their doing that it wasn't.
Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics

Memorandum of phone conversation.

5 pages of a 30 minute phone call. I read it in five...reading slowly

It is NOT a transcript and doesn't claim to be. The transcript is still locked down in that "super secret server" used to protect covert operations and code names of intel agents.

I did read it.
The call wasn't 30 min. it was around 11 min.
Do you see it yet?
The spins and theories and not correct direct information being reported.
And of course some has to be redacted for those reasons.
It's all speculations and theories .

It was proved no quid pro co, no pressure from the President of Ukraine and even that was spun like they think their mind readers.

Duh, that's because Trump only released about 11 minutes of the 30-minute call. He is hiding about 20 minutes from Congress. Reminds me of the missing 18 1/2 minutes in Watergate.

Yeah probably details for the 2nd javelins he asked for.

And yes the spins, theories and innuendos are exactly being used to remind the public of that 18 1/2 minutes
See how we are being manipulated yet?
...please refrain from suggesting that my strict definition of those words is somehow an adoption of such racist/anti-semetic ideologies.

I don't believe that I suggested any such things. I'm merely presenting my understanding of the definitions and distinctions between white nationalists and white supremacists.

I was responding to Fort Fun Indiana, not you. Your post was quoted internally in the response. Look closer.
Hold on, some breaking news...the second whistleblower transcript proves beyond a doubt that during the lunchtime call someone entered the oval office...and in a whispered voice Trump was heard requesting spicy brown mustard for his hotdog.

Is that some sort of cultural appropriation? Quick, mustard historians, attack.
My God, this swamp can not be drained
Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool

The 'bailout' in 2008 was a fucking money laundering scheme

The Clinton Foundation, USAID, IMF
is Whitewater/Madison Guaranty on fucking steroids

Ukraine...I've got so many fucking tabs open
and have been researching for days now,
and once I started using google translate
to read articles from Ukraine in English...well, all I can say is
As outlined in my above post, that is simply a re-imagined characterization of the words "white" and "nationalism" by the modern globalist movement to impose a pejorative definition of those combined words.
As outlined in this post,that is desperate, contrived equivocation invented by white supremacists, for white supremacists.
David Duke fights for preserving our White European heritage and traditions! No, I will not remove him. If you find that offensive then you have a white guilt problem.

If you like limited government, lower taxes and enforcing immigration laws, then you might consider being a little more discreet with your views on white nationalism. I believe your views drive some to vote Democrat.
That's what he's here for, to smear the Republican Party.

This is what The KKK does. MAGA Douche does not like President Trump. In fact, he hates him.

This is why he does The David Duke thing. They do this all the time. They attach themselves to their enemies to discredit them and try to get them branded racists, and then their Democrat allies hammer that point home.

The KKK is exclusively Democrat. Always has been, and always will be. They are pathological liars just like their fathers, The Slave Master Democrat Party.
It must really suck for the Democratic White supremacists that Trump released the transcript. They were figuring on this second scammer to come in and revive the first scammers allegations, since he is allegedly dealing with first hand information. It was all a play for time that would be used by our crooked media to sway public opinion. But Trump, as usual, beat the White supremacists at their own game by releasing the transcript. Now, the White supremacists are so confused that they are just sticking with their original plan, even though the transcript makes them look like chicken little alarmists. The only thing I can figure is that Democrats enjoy looking like ignoramuses. Viva Trump for putting the Democratic White supremacists in their place.
David Duke fights for preserving our White European heritage and traditions! No, I will not remove him. If you find that offensive then you have a white guilt problem.

If you like limited government, lower taxes and enforcing immigration laws, then you might consider being a little more discreet with your views on white nationalism. I believe your views drive some to vote Democrat.
That's what he's here for, to smear the Republican Party.

This is what The KKK does. MAGA Douche does not like President Trump. In fact, he hates him.

This is why he does The David Duke thing. They do this all the time. They attach themselves to their enemies to discredit them and try to get them branded racists, and then their Democrat allies hammer that point home.

The KKK is exclusively Democrat. Always has been, and always will be. They are pathological liars just like their fathers, The Slave Master Democrat Party.
False. I voted for Trump and donate money all the time to his campaign. On a side note, David Duke has been a Republican for over 30 years. He got 60% of the White vote in Louisiana knocking out the Republican incumbent Buddy Roemer when he ran for governor. Once again, 60% of the White vote! Actually Trump ran on Dukes policies that he ran for president on back in the early 90s. Don't believe me! Watch this video

Sound familiar?
Dr David Duke
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David Duke fights for preserving our White European heritage and traditions! No, I will not remove him. If you find that offensive then you have a white guilt problem.

If you like limited government, lower taxes and enforcing immigration laws, then you might consider being a little more discreet with your views on white nationalism. I believe your views drive some to vote Democrat.
That's what he's here for, to smear the Republican Party.

This is what The KKK does. MAGA Douche does not like President Trump. In fact, he hates him.

This is why he does The David Duke thing. They do this all the time. They attach themselves to their enemies to discredit them and try to get them branded racists, and then their Democrat allies hammer that point home.

The KKK is exclusively Democrat. Always has been, and always will be. They are pathological liars just like their fathers, The Slave Master Democrat Party.
False. I voted for Trump and donate money all the time to his campaign. On a side note, David Duke has been a Republican for over 30 years. He got 60% of the White vote in Louisiana when he ran for governor. Once again, 60% of the White vote! Actually Trump ran on Dukes policies that he ran for president on back in the early 90s. Don't believe me! Watch this!

Sound familiar?
Dr David Duke
Oh, I love this little conversation.

Today's GOP.
The dems are saying wait that was a 30 min call but not a 30 min transcript...they forget there was an interpreter...that doubles the time of the call....they really think we are all as dumb as their faithful idiots....
There was no interpreter. Ukrainian president speaks English very well.
The dems are saying wait that was a 30 min call but not a 30 min transcript...they forget there was an interpreter...that doubles the time of the call....they really think we are all as dumb as their faithful idiots....
There was no interpreter. Ukrainian president speaks English very well.
He speaks better English than most of the Russian trolls on USMB.
Id talk to you more if you took that damn David Duke photo off of your signature.

We have a number of white nationalists on this forum.

I hate the term "white nationalist," as it does not accurately characterize the kind of people it's been used to define as of late. The literal definition of the terms "white" and "nationalist" are:

"white" -- a caucasian person

"nationalist"--a person who is "America first," as opposed to promoting "supranational" interests, aka "globalism." "Patriotism is a form of nationalism." The American Revolution is considered one of the first manifestations of nationalism.

There is absolutely nothing pejorative about either those terms, and it's despicable that the media has re-defined the words "white" and "nationalist" as amounting to something inherently evil.

Let's define what you're referring to as what it really is--"white supremacist."
Yes, but they get all pissy when you do that.
David Duke fights for preserving our White European heritage and traditions! No, I will not remove him. If you find that offensive then you have a white guilt problem.

If you like limited government, lower taxes and enforcing immigration laws, then you might consider being a little more discreet with your views on white nationalism. I believe your views drive some to vote Democrat.
That's what he's here for, to smear the Republican Party.

This is what The KKK does. MAGA Douche does not like President Trump. In fact, he hates him.

This is why he does The David Duke thing. They do this all the time. They attach themselves to their enemies to discredit them and try to get them branded racists, and then their Democrat allies hammer that point home.

The KKK is exclusively Democrat. Always has been, and always will be. They are pathological liars just like their fathers, The Slave Master Democrat Party.
David Duke fights for preserving our White European heritage and traditions! No, I will not remove him. If you find that offensive then you have a white guilt problem.

If you like limited government, lower taxes and enforcing immigration laws, then you might consider being a little more discreet with your views on white nationalism. I believe your views drive some to vote Democrat.
That's what he's here for, to smear the Republican Party.

This is what The KKK does. MAGA Douche does not like President Trump. In fact, he hates him.

This is why he does The David Duke thing. They do this all the time. They attach themselves to their enemies to discredit them and try to get them branded racists, and then their Democrat allies hammer that point home.

The KKK is exclusively Democrat. Always has been, and always will be. They are pathological liars just like their fathers, The Slave Master Democrat Party.
View attachment 283666
So, you are a KKK member too?

Thanks for letting us know.
The dems are saying wait that was a 30 min call but not a 30 min transcript...they forget there was an interpreter...that doubles the time of the call....they really think we are all as dumb as their faithful idiots....
There was no interpreter. Ukrainian president speaks English very well.
He speaks better English than most of the Russian trolls on USMB.
You are a real moron aren't you?...the call has more people on it than Trump and the Ukrainian president...there are military state dept officials on both sides listening to the call...and no president relies on his or her second language for a call like that..the call is also being recorded for others if necessary...what is wrong with you?...

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