Jason Chaffetz, other GOP, voted to cut funding for embassy security


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Right-Wing Media's Libya Consulate Security Mythology Falls Apart

The conservative media talking point that the White House abdicated its responsibility to secure the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, took a hit Wednesday when CNN's Soledad O'Brien pressed Congressman Jason Chaffetz to acknowledge that he joined House Republicans in voting to cut funding for embassy security.

Since the September attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, the right-wing media have attacked the Obama administration for supposedly not having enough security at the compound. That myth is undermined by a State Department explanation that "no reasonable security presence could have successfully fended" off the attack.

Chaffetz, a surrogate for Mitt Romney's presidential campaign who is helping to lead an investigation into the attack, appeared to discuss that investigation on CNN's Starting Point with Soledad O'Brien. During the interview, Chaffetz echoed the right-wing media talking point that security was insufficient in Benghazi. But O'Brien pointed out the fundamental hypocrisy in this argument by noting that Chaffetz, like other Republicans in the House, voted to cut funding for embassy security.

O'Brien asked: "Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?" Chaffetz responded: "Absolutely. Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country."
That's the new democrat position. Republicans cut the funding for Embassy security. Unfortunately for democrats, Jason Chaffetz is on the committee now grilling the State Department.

Cut funding for PBS, NPR and Planned Parenthood, use the money for Embassy Security. Simple.
Exactkly what does that have to do with the State Department and The Admninistration KNOWINGLY and FALSLEY blaming the first ammendment on the death of 4 Americans?
If you are not totally as stupid as the average democrat and you KNOW that there is no money for security for whatever reason, you get your people OUT OF THERE! How hard is this to determine. Britian did it in JUNE.

Ambassador Stevens asked to be removed he said "Send a plane, a DC3". Had obama given up just ONE personal trip, maybe we could have gotten those people out.
Congress, and especially the House, is in charge of the country's wallet.

Only the Congress can increase or decrease funding.

It not about funding it was about dropping the ball and not ramping up security on 9/11 and after repeated requests.

Save your straw man arguments for someone they will work on.

Media Matters...:lol: That was your first mistake. :cool:
Right-Wing Media's Libya Consulate Security Mythology Falls Apart

The conservative media talking point that the White House abdicated its responsibility to secure the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, took a hit Wednesday when CNN's Soledad O'Brien pressed Congressman Jason Chaffetz to acknowledge that he joined House Republicans in voting to cut funding for embassy security.

Since the September attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, the right-wing media have attacked the Obama administration for supposedly not having enough security at the compound. That myth is undermined by a State Department explanation that "no reasonable security presence could have successfully fended" off the attack.

Chaffetz, a surrogate for Mitt Romney's presidential campaign who is helping to lead an investigation into the attack, appeared to discuss that investigation on CNN's Starting Point with Soledad O'Brien. During the interview, Chaffetz echoed the right-wing media talking point that security was insufficient in Benghazi. But O'Brien pointed out the fundamental hypocrisy in this argument by noting that Chaffetz, like other Republicans in the House, voted to cut funding for embassy security.

O'Brien asked: "Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?" Chaffetz responded: "Absolutely. Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country."

Congress, and especially the House, is in charge of the country's wallet.

Only the Congress can increase or decrease funding.
The funds and resources of our diplomatic corps is directly controlled by the Executive.

There were funds and resources available. This piece is nothing more than a full out lie by people desperate to keep their dictator in power.

This massacre is directly attributed to the Obama Administration.
This falls on Hillary and Obama, dont try to distract from the real problem here because it wont work.

Exactkly what does that have to do with the State Department and The Admninistration KNOWINGLY and FALSLEY blaming the first ammendment on the death of 4 Americans?

It not about funding it was about dropping the ball and not ramping up security on 9/11 and after repeated requests.

Save your straw man arguments for someone they will work on.

Media Matters...:lol: That was your first mistake. :cool:

The funds and resources of our diplomatic corps is directly controlled by the Executive.

There were funds and resources available. This piece is nothing more than a full out lie by people desperate to keep their dictator in power.

This massacre is directly attributed to the Obama Administration.

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Exactkly what does that have to do with the State Department and The Admninistration KNOWINGLY and FALSLEY blaming the first ammendment on the death of 4 Americans?

It has nothing to do with it. It also has nothing to do with current security. Considering the appropriation in question has only passed the house adn has not passed the senate or teh white house. This is typical LOLberal spin in order to try and place blame where it doesn't belong.

Are the LOLberal media outlets talking about

H.R. 1: Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011?

Because if so, since they didn't bother to cite any legislation sources (how convenient), this bill has yet to pass the senate or the white house.

It's foolishness from those covering tracks for the failure of the dministration and a way to tow people into thinking we need more security money instead of appropriating the current resources properly. Then of course the lies of the white house on what happened.
Exactkly what does that have to do with the State Department and The Admninistration KNOWINGLY and FALSLEY blaming the first ammendment on the death of 4 Americans?

It has nothing to do with it. It also has nothing to do with current security. Considering the appropriation in question has only passed the house adn has not passed the senate or teh white house. This is typical LOLberal spin in order to try and place blame where it doesn't belong.

Are the LOLberal media outlets talking about

H.R. 1: Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011?

Because if so, since they didn't bother to cite any legislation sources (how convenient), this bill has yet to pass the senate or the white house.

It's foolishness from those covering tracks for the failure of the dministration and a way to tow people into thinking we need more security money instead of appropriating the current resources properly. Then of course the lies of the white house on what happened.

Very true! :clap2:
Right-Wing Media's Libya Consulate Security Mythology Falls Apart

The conservative media talking point that the White House abdicated its responsibility to secure the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, took a hit Wednesday when CNN's Soledad O'Brien pressed Congressman Jason Chaffetz to acknowledge that he joined House Republicans in voting to cut funding for embassy security.

Since the September attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, the right-wing media have attacked the Obama administration for supposedly not having enough security at the compound. That myth is undermined by a State Department explanation that "no reasonable security presence could have successfully fended" off the attack.

Chaffetz, a surrogate for Mitt Romney's presidential campaign who is helping to lead an investigation into the attack, appeared to discuss that investigation on CNN's Starting Point with Soledad O'Brien. During the interview, Chaffetz echoed the right-wing media talking point that security was insufficient in Benghazi. But O'Brien pointed out the fundamental hypocrisy in this argument by noting that Chaffetz, like other Republicans in the House, voted to cut funding for embassy security.

O'Brien asked: "Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?" Chaffetz responded: "Absolutely. Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country."

cutting spending and NOT having security there are TWO different things.
Right-Wing Media's Libya Consulate Security Mythology Falls Apart

The conservative media talking point that the White House abdicated its responsibility to secure the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, took a hit Wednesday when CNN's Soledad O'Brien pressed Congressman Jason Chaffetz to acknowledge that he joined House Republicans in voting to cut funding for embassy security.

Since the September attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, the right-wing media have attacked the Obama administration for supposedly not having enough security at the compound. That myth is undermined by a State Department explanation that "no reasonable security presence could have successfully fended" off the attack.

Chaffetz, a surrogate for Mitt Romney's presidential campaign who is helping to lead an investigation into the attack, appeared to discuss that investigation on CNN's Starting Point with Soledad O'Brien. During the interview, Chaffetz echoed the right-wing media talking point that security was insufficient in Benghazi. But O'Brien pointed out the fundamental hypocrisy in this argument by noting that Chaffetz, like other Republicans in the House, voted to cut funding for embassy security.

O'Brien asked: "Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?" Chaffetz responded: "Absolutely. Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country."

cutting spending and NOT having security there are TWO different things.

The Drama Queen is confused. Too many synthetic drugs mixed with alcohol. :eusa_whistle:

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