Japanese Prime Minister insulted by biden white house

Japanese Prime Minister Joshihide Suga was the first world leader to visit the White House since Biden’s installation, and the poor form began with no-one greeting the head of the Japanese government upon arrival. When you consider the leftist narrative about stopping Asian hate, there is a rather ironic aspect to this visit and snub.

This is unacceptable
Did you think this nonsense up all by yourself?
"Components of a state visit[edit]
typical component of a state visit.
State visits typically involve some or all the following components (each host country has its own traditions):

I dont think a Marine guard qualifies an an accredited head of mission
You don't think? For sure. I didn't know. I bet you don't know whether or not the Prime Minister was insulted. I guess not.
The headline says "No one Met the Japanese Prime Minister" and then in the body of the story it admits Kamala Harris (the sitting VICE PRESIDENT) met the Japanese Prime Minister, which begs the question ...
It appears that Harris arrived downstairs AFTER the Japanese not before
Aside from the fact that you're just slinging unsubstantiated nonsense (again), how would that alter the reality that the "story" you quoted was a blatant half truth that only a fool would believe or repost? Aren't you ashamed to have been so easily duped by a completely disreputable source? If not, you should be.
The source is only disreputable in lib la la land where everything is upsidedown
Newsflash: INTEGRITY AND OBJECTIVITY DON'T HAVE A POLITICAL BIAS, stop trying so hard to appear gullible and ignorant

One of the hallmarks of disreputable sources is putting one thing in the headline and the opposite in the body of the story in order to intentionally mislead readers to a predetermined conclusion, which is EXACTLY what your source did.
The headline and the body of my source of the story did not contradict themselves
The headline says "No one Met the Japanese Prime Minister" and then in the body of the story it admits Kamala Harris (the sitting VICE PRESIDENT) met the Japanese Prime Minister, which begs the question ...
It appears that Harris arrived downstairs AFTER the Japanese not before
Aside from the fact that you're just slinging unsubstantiated nonsense (again), how would that alter the reality that the "story" you quoted was a blatant half truth that only a fool would believe or repost? Aren't you ashamed to have been so easily duped by a completely disreputable source? If not, you should be.
The source is only disreputable in lib la la land where everything is upsidedown
Newsflash: INTEGRITY AND OBJECTIVITY DON'T HAVE A POLITICAL BIAS, stop trying so hard to appear gullible and ignorant

One of the hallmarks of disreputable sources is putting one thing in the headline and the opposite in the body of the story in order to intentionally mislead readers to a predetermined conclusion, which is EXACTLY what your source did.
The headline and the body of my source of the story did not contradict themselves
Umm.. yeah okay apparently contradict means something completely different on your Planet than it does here on Earth, but I do get where you're coming from ....

You like being lied to as long as the lies reinforce your existing worldview. :rolleyes:
The headline says "No one Met the Japanese Prime Minister" and then in the body of the story it admits Kamala Harris (the sitting VICE PRESIDENT) met the Japanese Prime Minister, which begs the question ...
It appears that Harris arrived downstairs AFTER the Japanese not before
Aside from the fact that you're just slinging unsubstantiated nonsense (again), how would that alter the reality that the "story" you quoted was a blatant half truth that only a fool would believe or repost? Aren't you ashamed to have been so easily duped by a completely disreputable source? If not, you should be.
The source is only disreputable in lib la la land where everything is upsidedown
Newsflash: INTEGRITY AND OBJECTIVITY DON'T HAVE A POLITICAL BIAS, stop trying so hard to appear gullible and ignorant

One of the hallmarks of disreputable sources is putting one thing in the headline and the opposite in the body of the story in order to intentionally mislead readers to a predetermined conclusion, which is EXACTLY what your source did.
The headline and the body of my source of the story did not contradict themselves
Umm.. yeah okay apparently contradict means something completely different on your Planet than it does here on Earth, but I do get where you're coming from ....

You like being lied to as long as the lies reinforce your existing worldview. :rolleyes:

the only misinformation was was when the story call the guard a member of the Army instead of the Marine Corp
The headline says "No one Met the Japanese Prime Minister" and then in the body of the story it admits Kamala Harris (the sitting VICE PRESIDENT) met the Japanese Prime Minister, which begs the question ...
It appears that Harris arrived downstairs AFTER the Japanese not before
Aside from the fact that you're just slinging unsubstantiated nonsense (again), how would that alter the reality that the "story" you quoted was a blatant half truth that only a fool would believe or repost? Aren't you ashamed to have been so easily duped by a completely disreputable source? If not, you should be.
The source is only disreputable in lib la la land where everything is upsidedown
Newsflash: INTEGRITY AND OBJECTIVITY DON'T HAVE A POLITICAL BIAS, stop trying so hard to appear gullible and ignorant

One of the hallmarks of disreputable sources is putting one thing in the headline and the opposite in the body of the story in order to intentionally mislead readers to a predetermined conclusion, which is EXACTLY what your source did.
The headline and the body of my source of the story did not contradict themselves
Umm.. yeah okay apparently contradict means something completely different on your Planet than it does here on Earth, but I do get where you're coming from ....

You like being lied to as long as the lies reinforce your existing worldview. :rolleyes:

the only misinformation was was when the story call the guard a member of the Army instead of the Marine Corp

Uh-huh ..

Story Headline: "It Was Worse Than We Thought: NO ONE Met Japanese Prime Minister at the White House Door Except Stationary Army Guard"

First line of the story: " In a highly disrespectful and embarrassing move, Kamala Harris welcomed Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga to the White House on Friday. "

... nope , no misleading contradictions there. :rolleyes:

Have a nice day.
First line of the story: " In a highly disrespectful and embarrassing move, Kamala Harris welcomed Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga to the White House on Friday. "
We know she wasnt at the door to greet the Japanese PM

Then where, and when?

how long did the PM have to wait while Harris put her face on?

was he offered a chair by the downstairs maid till harris made her appearance?
First line of the story: " In a highly disrespectful and embarrassing move, Kamala Harris welcomed Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga to the White House on Friday. "
We know she wasnt at the door to greet the Japanese PM

Then where, and when?

how long did the PM have to wait while Harris put her face on?

was he offered a chair by the downstairs maid till harris made her appearance?

WWWWWOOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHHHHH ... The sound of the point (which is: that your disreputable source used a common and easy to spot gimmick to mislead readers) sailing right over your head.

Like I said, by all appearances you like being lied to as long at the lie pays service to your existing beliefs, which is fine given you have the right to be willfully ignorant.

Japanese Prime Minister Joshihide Suga was the first world leader to visit the White House since Biden’s installation, and the poor form began with no-one greeting the head of the Japanese government upon arrival. When you consider the leftist narrative about stopping Asian hate, there is a rather ironic aspect to this visit and snub.

This is unacceptable
This is an old story but still important

Kamala Harris is a trainwreck

She must be derailed before reaching the Oval Office

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