January 6 is Patriots Day ------ January 6 Will Forever Be Ashli Babbitt Day

Real insurrection is the southern border. You all know exactly what the fuck is going on.

The Dems are flooding the country will illegals to get their votes.

If you claim this is not the case, you are liars.

If these people were all conservatives, that border would be sealed like the Nasville tranny shooter manifesto.
Every Republican who attacked our Capitol is a Traitor
No. A relative few participated in the riot and probably most just got caught up in the emotion and acted like idiots. Only those doing the government's bidding can be categorized as traitors. And that wouldn't be from Trump. That would be from the Democrats.
No one breached the White House. Didn't get close to any door. I believe ONE person made it over the fence and they were dealt with by the Secret Service....hopefully it was painful :)
And it was a protest..over cops killing unarmed black men. No one tried to overthrow the country..or its Constitution.
But rightwinger asked why didn't she do as the cop was told. Meaning it would've saved her life and he justifies the shooting through that. Then all the blacks that are shot because they won't listen to the cop be justified as well?
Ashli 'I Got This' Babbitt got what she deserved, after ignoring multiple warnings from cops. Then Rep. and now Senator Markwayne Mullin who was right there, said the cop had no option other than shooting her.
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How about every child going to school with a backpack. THEY MIGHT HAVE GUNS! Maybe they are about to commit a school shooting and should be shot.
No...thanks to the NRA blood cult, children have to go to school with bullet proof plates in their backpacks. But we should just get over it, eh?
No Capitol Policeman would EVER make such an agreement
Their duty is to protect members of Congress
We all watched the police risk their lives by abiding with the deal to not shoot.

Let's move on to considering what would have happened if the police did have the AR-15's available there and decided that they had to sacrifice dozens of Americans.

And fwiw, the bad guys had their AR's hidden close by if the deal didn't hold.

Oh, and fwiw, there must have been a deal made in a backroom to allow the congress members to all escape!
No...thanks to the NRA blood cult, children have to go to school with bullet proof plates in their backpacks. But we should just get over it, eh?
America has made choices.

Ask your 2Aguy how that's working out for them?
Many minorities are shot by police
Yes unarmed just like Ashley but you justify that shooting because she didn't do as the cop told her. Now in your own words all the minorities that get shot after the refuse to do as the cop tells them, should also be justified? Look at Floyd, he constantly refuse to do as he was told. So you're saying the summer of love shouldn't of happened because Floyd's death was justified? Or are you gonna be a hypocrite?
But rightwinger asked why didn't she do as the cop was told. Meaning it would've saved her life and he justifies the shooting through that. Then all the blacks that are shot because they won't listen to the cop be justified as well?
You are trying to equate J6th with the protests of the summer of 2020. They happened for different reasons.
Babbitt was at the Capitol because she believed the lie...and died because of it.
I agree, remember the man that influenced her to attack the capital and try to force her way into where the Congress was meeting to fullfil their constitutional duty.

Remember how she broke through the final law enforcement barricade to get though to the House chamber, carrying a backpack. You know, like the one the Boston Bombers used at the marathon. Remember she presented a clear and present danger to law enforcement, members of Congress, civilians and staff.

Never forget that he actions were her own, but she was influenced by someone that should never get close to the Oval Office again.

Idiocy. ^^^

She was influenced by the perception of a stolen vote, you idiot.

How can you be so entirely clueless?

The vast majority of Americans understand this. It's only a tiny but loud community that keeps pushing this in our faces.

For what it's worth, no one's buying your bullshit. You're not convincing a single soul.

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