jane the traitor


Diamond Member
May 8, 2004
Austin, TX
thought this might go here:

> This is a great story, I wish I was closer to Montana! The radio station
> America FM was doing one of their "Is anyone listening" bits this morning.
> This first one was, "Ever have a celebrity pull up and say 'Do you know
> who I am?' routine."
> A woman called in and said that a few years back, while visiting her
> cattle rancher uncle in Billings, MT., they had occasion to go to dinner
> at a restaurant that does not take reservations. The wait was about 45
> minutes. Lots of other rancher types and their spouses were already
> waiting. In comes Ted Turner and Jane Fonda. They want a table. The
> hostess says they'll have to wait about 45 minutes. Jane Fonda asks the
> hostess if she knows who she is." Yes, but you'll still have to wait 45
> minutes" Then Jane says, "Is the manager in?" The manager comes out, "May
> I help you?" Do you know who I am?" ask both Jane and Ted. "Yes, but these
> folks have all been waiting already and I can't put you in ahead of them"
> Then Ted asks to speak to the owner. The owner comes out. Jane again asks,
> "Do you know who I am?" The owner says, "Yes, I do. Do you know who I am?
> I am the owner of this restaurant and a Vietnam Veteran. Not only will you
> not get a table ahead of all of my friends and neighbors here, but you
> also will not be eating in my restaurant tonight or any other night Good
> bye." Only in America, what a great country! To all who received this
> e-mail. This is a true story and the name of the steak house is :
> Sir Scott's Oasis Steakhouse 204 W Main MANHATTAN, MT 59741 (406) 284-6929
> If you ever get there, give this fella a sharp salute, buy a steak and tip
> the waitress!
> Keep passing this on. We should never forget this unprosecuted traitor!
> And let's not forget what "our gal" Hillary said to the troops in Iraq,
> "This war has no support from the American public"!!!!
Checked this out at snopes.com and it says the veracity of the story is still undetermined.....

But what would make the story even better is that the Attorney General of the United States happens to be waiting in line at the same time and turns to Ms. Fonda and says......

"You're under arrest for the crime of treason", puts her in cuffs and leads her out the door. She winds up in Fort Levenworth Prison (or wherever they put the likes of her) for the rest of her life.

Afterwards, she dies then, on the way to morgue, the gurney with her body suddenly loses control and crashes into a truck carrying meat to a dog food plant, where her body is processed and fed to doggies everywhere.

In the end, her remains wind up as dog turds all across the country (giving new meaning to the term "the fruited plain").....

But the story doesn't end......

She finds herself waiting in line at the Pearly Gates and it's a 45 century wait, she tells the angel in charge if he knows who she is and he says "yes, but it's still a 45 century wait"..... she asks to call the manager who is of course, St. Peter, and asks "Do you know who I am?" to which he replies.... "I sure do, do you know who I am? I'm a former fisherman and the first pope. And there is no way in heaven or hell that I'm letting you in this place today or any other day! Be gone child of Satan and off to everlasting fire with you....."

And as the story ends and the credits roll..... we see Jane Fonda being forced to do aerobics in hell, neck deep in the blood of those patriots that she helped to kill, having to listen to "The Star Spangled Banner" forever and ever and ever.....

P.S. Now, if I can only work in a part for Charleton Heston, we'd have another classic on our hands. What does Cecile B. DeMille got that I aint got?

P.P.S Ok, I heard that.... well, Cecile B DeMille doesn't have as many rep points as I do

P.P.P.S. OK, so what, you seen one Oscar you seen 'em all....
Even if Dillo's story may not be true, it certainly SHOULD be. The sorry fact is that AMERICANS completely overlooked traitor Jane's acts and made her a multi-millionnaire $ aerobics queen while many of the soldiers who fought the North Vietnamese couldn't even get a job and became homeless.

Hotel Especen; Hanoi-Vietnam :: 7 APR 95, 1911 hours:

The following public domain information is a transcript from the US Congress House Committee on Internal Security, Travel to Hostile Areas, HR 16742, 19-25 September, 1972, page 7671.

[Radio Hanoi attributes talk on DRV visit to Jane Fonda; from Hanoi in English to American servicemen involved in the Indochina War, 1 PM GMT, 22 August 1972

Text: Here's Jane Fonda telling her impressions at the end of her visit to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam;
(follows recorded female voice with American accent);

This is Jane Fonda. During my two week visit in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, I've had the opportunity to visit a great many places and speak to a large number of people from all walks of life--workers, peasants, students, artists and dancers, historians, journalists, film actresses, soldiers, militia girls, members of the women's union, writers.
I visited the (Dam Xuac) agricultural coop, where the silk worms are also raised and thread is made. I visited a textile factory, a kindergarten in Hanoi. The beautiful Temple of Literature was where I saw traditional dances and heard songs of resistance. I also saw unforgettable ballet about the guerrillas training bees in the south to attack enemy soldiers. The bees were danced by women, and they did their job well.

In the shadow of the Temple of Literature I saw Vietnamese actors and actresses perform the second act of Arthur Miller's play All My Sons, and this was very moving to me--the fact that artists here are translating and performing American plays while US imperialists are bombing their country.

I cherish the memory of the blushing militia girls on the roof of their factory, encouraging one of their sisters as she sang a song praising the blue sky of Vietnam--these women, who are so gentle and poetic, whose voices are so beautiful, but who, when American planes are bombing their city, become such good fighters.

I cherish the way a farmer evacuated from Hanoi, without hesitation, offered me, an American, their best individual bomb shelter while US bombs fell near by. The daughter and I, in fact, shared the shelter wrapped in each others arms, cheek against cheek. It was on the road back from Nam Dinh, where I had witnessed the systematic destruction of civilian targets-schools, hospitals, pagodas, the factories, houses, and the dike system.

As I left the United States two weeks ago, Nixon was again telling the American people that he was winding down the war, but in the rubble-strewn streets of Nam Dinh, his words echoed with sinister (words indistinct) of a true killer. And like the young Vietnamese woman I held in my arms clinging to me tightly--and I pressed my cheek against hers--I thought, this is a war against Vietnam perhaps, but the tragedy is America's.

One thing that I have learned beyond a shadow of a doubt since I've been in this country is that Nixon will never be able to break the spirit of these people; he'll never be able to turn Vietnam, north and south, into a neo-colony of the United States by bombing, by invading, by attacking in any way. One has only to go into the countryside and listen to the peasants describe the lives they led before the revolution to understand why every bomb that is dropped only strengthens their determination to resist.

I've spoken to many peasants who talked about the days when their parents had to sell themselves to landlords as virtually slaves, when there were very few schools and much illiteracy, inadequate medical care, when they were not masters of their own lives.

But now, despite the bombs, despite the crimes being created--being committed against them by Richard Nixon, these people own their own land, build their own schools--the children learning, literacy--illiteracy is being wiped out, there is no more prostitution as there was during the time when this was a French colony. In other words, the people have taken power into their own hands, and they are controlling their own lives.

And after 4,000 years of struggling against nature and foreign invaders--and the last 25 years, prior to the revolution, of struggling against French colonialism--I don't think that the people of Vietnam are about to compromise in any way, shape or form about the freedom and independence of their country, and I think Richard Nixon would do well to read Vietnamese history, particularly their poetry, and particularly the poetry written by Ho Chi Minh.

[recording ends]

I am currently reading a book by David Horowitz titled "Left Illusions". The book is a collection of articles that he wrote from the 1970s until about 2001 or 2002.

David Horowitz was a member of the American Communist Party and the "New Left" during the 1960s. His parents, also, were members of the American Communist Party (hence he was what is sometimes referred to as a "red diaper baby"). He was also one of the first to organize protests against the Vietnam War in the early 1960s.

In the late 1960s, his secretary was murdered by the Black Panthers and thus began his long conversion to conservatism and a renunciation of his Leftist political beliefs.

Because of his background, he has a unique perspective of the Left and is one of its harshest critics. He whole heartedly condemns the Anti-War protests of the 1960s and blames them for the American defeat in Vietnam. According to him, the primary, although unspoken, aim of the anti-war movement was a communist victory in Vietnam, but the public postion of the movement was that they simply wanted American troops withdrawn.

As a result of the American defeat in Vietnam, the Communists took over and, in three years, killed more people than had died in all the previous years of the Vietnam War. His estimate is around 3 million people died in Cambodia alone because of the Khmer Rouge. Hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese died after 1975 either as the result of being killed outright or died in "re-education" camps. In addition, many were killed in Laos after the Vietnamese invaded that country in the years after the Vietnam war.

Furthermore, he states that a top North Vietnamese general admitted that if the North Vietnamese were never able to defeat the American forces. However, their plan was to win the Vietnam war, not by force of arms but by demoralizing the Americans through the efforts of the American news media and the anti-war movement. A strategy that not only worked, but has had a long lasting effect on the American attitude toward foreign involvement in any war even up to this day.

In addition, he gives Nixon credit for being the president who attempted to actually win the war but was unable to because of the media's lynching of him during Watergate.

His perspective on the Vietnam war has given me a whole new light on current events i.e. the Left's opposition to the war in Iraq and the media's duplicity in its efforts to ensure an American defeat. It is the 1960s all over again and if we repeat the same mistakes of that time period, it may mean a reversal of American power that may never be overcome.
Karl I have read the book "Communism And The New Left" which was put out by U.S. News & World Report back in 1970 which chronicles the communist movement in the late sixties by various groups. An interesting adjunct to the Horowitz chronicles. This book goes into all the various different communistic groups including the Black Panthers, as well as all the usual suspects.....Jerry Rubin, Maxwell Stanford, and David Dellinger.
thought this might go here:

> This is a great story, I wish I was closer to Montana! The radio station
> America FM was doing one of their "Is anyone listening" bits this morning.
> This first one was, "Ever have a celebrity pull up and say 'Do you know
> who I am?' routine."
> A woman called in and said that a few years back, while visiting her
> cattle rancher uncle in Billings, MT., they had occasion to go to dinner
> at a restaurant that does not take reservations. The wait was about 45
> minutes. Lots of other rancher types and their spouses were already
> waiting. In comes Ted Turner and Jane Fonda. They want a table. The
> hostess says they'll have to wait about 45 minutes. Jane Fonda asks the
> hostess if she knows who she is." Yes, but you'll still have to wait 45
> minutes" Then Jane says, "Is the manager in?" The manager comes out, "May
> I help you?" Do you know who I am?" ask both Jane and Ted. "Yes, but these
> folks have all been waiting already and I can't put you in ahead of them"
> Then Ted asks to speak to the owner. The owner comes out. Jane again asks,
> "Do you know who I am?" The owner says, "Yes, I do. Do you know who I am?
> I am the owner of this restaurant and a Vietnam Veteran. Not only will you
> not get a table ahead of all of my friends and neighbors here, but you
> also will not be eating in my restaurant tonight or any other night Good
> bye." Only in America, what a great country! To all who received this
> e-mail. This is a true story and the name of the steak house is :
> Sir Scott's Oasis Steakhouse 204 W Main MANHATTAN, MT 59741 (406) 284-6929
> If you ever get there, give this fella a sharp salute, buy a steak and tip
> the waitress!
> Keep passing this on. We should never forget this unprosecuted traitor!
> And let's not forget what "our gal" Hillary said to the troops in Iraq,
> "This war has no support from the American public"!!!!

now thats a veteran ,
but Hillery is right , we support our military not the war they were sent into . soldier lives are to damn important to piss away on bull shit .
no one could do a better job then them but they were sent in the wrong country .
Jane Fonda was an American patriot.

And history proved her actions correct.

what homemade crap are you drinking ,
she does to the homeland of our enemy , photo ops on one of the guns used to shoot down our aircraft .
its like she would have gone to Berlin to celebrate with hitler .

how stupid are you ? why she was never thrown in prison for her act I don't know except everyone said it was a police action .

now how again were her actions correct ? if I remember right her father was pissed about it .

was it her giving comfort to the enemy ?
Karl I have read the book "Communism And The New Left" which was put out by U.S. News & World Report back in 1970 which chronicles the communist movement in the late sixties by various groups. An interesting adjunct to the Horowitz chronicles. This book goes into all the various different communistic groups including the Black Panthers, as well as all the usual suspects.....Jerry Rubin, Maxwell Stanford, and David Dellinger.

the black panthers came about when black people said enough , we treated our own people like shit ,
ya they were not nice , didn't kiss our ass , but they are the only group that has some justification ,

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