Jane Roe' in Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case says she was paid to support pro-life movement

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
First she said she was a murderer and a liar, and then she's corrupt and a liar.

Is there ANYTHING you soulless dumbfucks won't fall for?

Me thinks not.
She fucked up the country, and went to the highest bidder.

What a bitch..go to hell twat
Same with Juanita Broaddrick. The promise of first class travel and room service in 5 star hotels. Just advance our fake narrative.

Let’s be brutally honest here. Ken Starr threatened to charge Broaddrick with perjury and throw her in jail if she didn’t recant her Affidavit in the Paula Jones Trial. Since Susan McDougall was already sitting in jail for her refusal to commit perjury and implicate Clinton, Broaddrick recanted her sworn affidavits and has been accusing Clinton of rape ever since.

I believe she was extorted into lying.
Same with Juanita Broaddrick. The promise of first class travel and room service in 5 star hotels. Just advance our fake narrative.

Let’s be brutally honest here. Ken Starr threatened to charge Broaddrick with perjury and throw her in jail if she didn’t recant her Affidavit in the Paula Jones Trial. Since Susan McDougall was already sitting in jail for her refusal to commit perjury and implicate Clinton, Broaddrick recanted her sworn affidavits and has been accusing Clinton of rape ever since.

I believe she was extorted into lying.
Extorted into accusing Clinton of rape? Could be. Or she’s just a liar who enjoys being catered to by big money Republicans.
Same with Juanita Broaddrick. The promise of first class travel and room service in 5 star hotels. Just advance our fake narrative.

Let’s be brutally honest here. Ken Starr threatened to charge Broaddrick with perjury and throw her in jail if she didn’t recant her Affidavit in the Paula Jones Trial. Since Susan McDougall was already sitting in jail for her refusal to commit perjury and implicate Clinton, Broaddrick recanted her sworn affidavits and has been accusing Clinton of rape ever since.

I believe she was extorted into lying.
Extorted into accusing Clinton of rape? Could be. Or she’s just a liar who enjoys being catered to by big money Republicans.

It’s part of the public record and Starr has bragged of doing it. She had told her husband and her lover that Clinton raped her (she was cheating on both of them) so Starr threatened to charge her with perjury using the testimony of her ex husband. Her former lover, now husband, could refuse to testify against her.

Again, Susan McDougall has said that if she could have implicated Clinton without committing perjury, she would have. She sat in jail for over a year. Broaddrick has good reason to fear a similar fate.
She fucked up the country, and went to the highest bidder.

What a bitch..go to hell twat
That depends. How much ae you willing to pay her to go to hell?

It reminds me of a lawyer joke.

A young lawyer is working late one night when his door opens and in walks Satan himself. “I have an offer,” says Satan. “If you give me your soul and the soul of everyone in your family, I’ll make you a full partner in your firm.”

The lawyer stares icily at the devil for a full minute before demanding, “So what’s the catch?”
She NEVER had an abortion and she was NOT paid by PRO assholes she was paid by the baby hating demonic pircks who the fk screams abortion daily.
She NEVER had an abortion and she was NOT paid by PRO assholes she was paid by the baby hating demonic pircks who the fk screams abortion daily.
Of course she never had an abortion. Abortion was illegal. The baby was put up for adoption.
She NEVER had an abortion and she was NOT paid by PRO assholes she was paid by the baby hating demonic pircks who the fk screams abortion daily.

Ranting insanely decrying truth, Justice and the American way.

Freedom be damned. Women have no privacy and no right to decide their own fate bOr that of their families. The lunatic right will tell you how to live your life.

I don’t think so. Y
I hope this lady is in hell, no morals what so ever.

I'm glad you started the thread. I don't wish ill on anyone, and McCorvey seems to have been burdened with a lot of issues. Both "sides" sort of used her, but paying her to say something seems beyond bizarre. The RR defense seems to be the ends justify the means. I don't think that's in Jesus' message. LOL
She NEVER had an abortion and she was NOT paid by PRO assholes she was paid by the baby hating demonic pircks who the fk screams abortion daily.

Ranting insanely decrying truth, Justice and the American way.

Freedom be damned. Women have no privacy and no right to decide their own fate bOr that of their families. The lunatic right will tell you how to live your life.

I don’t think so. Y

In one week during January 1973, President Richard M. Nixon was inaugurated to his second term, former President Lyndon B. Johnson died, the United States and North Vietnam entered into the Paris Peace Accords, and the Supreme Court legalized abortion. Only the last of these events continues to affect and haunt the moral and constitutional order every minute of every day.
The Court’s decision in Roe vs. Wade is arguably its most controversial in the post-World War II era. Its effect has been as pernicious to human life as was its 19th century intellectual progenitor, Dred Scott vs. Sanford, in which the Supreme Court ruled that African-Americans are not persons.

Roe declares that the states may not ban abortions during the first trimester of a woman’s pregnancy because the states have no interest in or right to protect the baby during that time period. This made-up rule was a radical and unconstitutional departure from nearly 200 years of jurisprudence, during which the states themselves decided what interests to protect, guided since the end of the Civil War by the prohibition on slavery, and the requirements of due process and equal protection.

During the second trimester of pregnancy, the Court declared in Roe, states may regulate abortions but only to protect the health of the mother, not the life or health of the baby, in which, the Court found, the states have no interest. This, too, was a radical departure from well-settled law.

Under Roe, during the third trimester of pregnancy, the states may ban abortions or they may permit them; they may protect the life of the baby or they may not protect it. This diabolic rule, the product of judicial compromise and an embarrassing and destructive rejection of the Civil War era constitutional amendments, permits the states to allow abortions up to the moment before birth, as is the law in New Jersey, where the state even pays for abortions for those who cannot afford them.

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She NEVER had an abortion and she was NOT paid by PRO assholes she was paid by the baby hating demonic pircks who the fk screams abortion daily.

Ranting insanely decrying truth, Justice and the American way.

Freedom be damned. Women have no privacy and no right to decide their own fate bOr that of their families. The lunatic right will tell you how to live your life.

I don’t think so. Y

In one week during January 1973, President Richard M. Nixon was inaugurated to his second term, former President Lyndon B. Johnson died, the United States and North Vietnam entered into the Paris Peace Accords, and the Supreme Court legalized abortion. Only the last of these events continues to affect and haunt the moral and constitutional order every minute of every day.
The Court’s decision in Roe vs. Wade is arguably its most controversial in the post-World War II era. Its effect has been as pernicious to human life as was its 19th century intellectual progenitor, Dred Scott vs. Sanford, in which the Supreme Court ruled that African-Americans are not persons.

Roe declares that the states may not ban abortions during the first trimester of a woman’s pregnancy because the states have no interest in or right to protect the baby during that time period. This made-up rule was a radical and unconstitutional departure from nearly 200 years of jurisprudence, during which the states themselves decided what interests to protect, guided since the end of the Civil War by the prohibition on slavery, and the requirements of due process and equal protection.

During the second trimester of pregnancy, the Court declared in Roe, states may regulate abortions but only to protect the health of the mother, not the life or health of the baby, in which, the Court found, the states have no interest. This, too, was a radical departure from well-settled law.

Under Roe, during the third trimester of pregnancy, the states may ban abortions or they may permit them; they may protect the life of the baby or they may not protect it. This diabolic rule, the product of judicial compromise and an embarrassing and destructive rejection of the Civil War era constitutional amendments, permits the states to allow abortions up to the moment before birth, as is the law in New Jersey, where the state even pays for abortions for those who cannot afford them.

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Yes you are. And gullible to boot. Yet another alt-right screed from yet another questionable source.

it’s like you run screaming from truth and facts at every opportunity.

I hope this lady is in hell, no morals what so ever.

I'm glad you started the thread. I don't wish ill on anyone, and McCorvey seems to have been burdened with a lot of issues. Both "sides" sort of used her, but paying her to say something seems beyond bizarre. The RR defense seems to be the ends justify the means. I don't think that's in Jesus' message. LOL

That's the thing both sides used her, mean while 50 million kids have been murdered over what? A stupid bitch who had no morals what so ever.
I hope this lady is in hell, no morals what so ever.

Dude. She was a sick old woman in a nursing home, and this "documentary" director with an agenda comes in and starts nattering at her. Who the hell knows what was said prior to him turning on the camera for his "gotcha!" moment?

It's actually pretty certain that her pro-life position was genuine, and her so-called "deathbed confession" was a scam perpetrated on a senile old woman.
Same with Juanita Broaddrick. The promise of first class travel and room service in 5 star hotels. Just advance our fake narrative.

Let’s be brutally honest here. Ken Starr threatened to charge Broaddrick with perjury and throw her in jail if she didn’t recant her Affidavit in the Paula Jones Trial. Since Susan McDougall was already sitting in jail for her refusal to commit perjury and implicate Clinton, Broaddrick recanted her sworn affidavits and has been accusing Clinton of rape ever since.

I believe she was extorted into lying.

What in the holy everloving hell are you babbling about?
Same with Juanita Broaddrick. The promise of first class travel and room service in 5 star hotels. Just advance our fake narrative.

Let’s be brutally honest here. Ken Starr threatened to charge Broaddrick with perjury and throw her in jail if she didn’t recant her Affidavit in the Paula Jones Trial. Since Susan McDougall was already sitting in jail for her refusal to commit perjury and implicate Clinton, Broaddrick recanted her sworn affidavits and has been accusing Clinton of rape ever since.

I believe she was extorted into lying.
Extorted into accusing Clinton of rape? Could be. Or she’s just a liar who enjoys being catered to by big money Republicans.

It’s part of the public record and Starr has bragged of doing it. She had told her husband and her lover that Clinton raped her (she was cheating on both of them) so Starr threatened to charge her with perjury using the testimony of her ex husband. Her former lover, now husband, could refuse to testify against her.

Again, Susan McDougall has said that if she could have implicated Clinton without committing perjury, she would have. She sat in jail for over a year. Broaddrick has good reason to fear a similar fate.

And again I ask, what the fuck are you driveling on about?

I realize that you're non compos mentis, but this is ridiculous, even for you.
She NEVER had an abortion and she was NOT paid by PRO assholes she was paid by the baby hating demonic pircks who the fk screams abortion daily.
Of course she never had an abortion. Abortion was illegal. The baby was put up for adoption.

Only someone who's really desperate to cling to and support abortion - or who has allowed their emotions to think for them instead of their brain - would believe that she was faking her pro-life stance.

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