Jan. 6th, The Law, and Nancy Pelosi's Dereliction of Duty

The Speaker of the House, authorizes the use of Federal Troops, through emergency procedures. Much is said about the 2 hour gap when the President said nothing. Is that 2 hours the time the president had to wait for The Speaker of the House to declare an emergency? We all know that Pelose literally hates and has extreme contempt for Trump. How did that contempt play into this?
It is clear, Pelosi did not think there was any danger, at all. Pelosi safely called an emergency recess. Safely evacuated. After Pelosi was long gone, flash grenades were fired, and all hell broke loose.
I accidentally jumped the gun posting this thread. I should of had it deleted until I was better prepared to complete my posting of the relevant laws, precedents, and rules.

The Speaker of the House, authorizes the use of Federal Troops, through emergency procedures. Much is said about the 2 hour gap when the President said nothing. Is that 2 hours the time the president had to wait for The Speaker of the House to declare an emergency? We all know that Pelose literally hates and has extreme contempt for Trump. How did that contempt play into this?
Are you saying that the then president of the United States was helpless?
And had to wait 2 hours for some one else too decide what to do?
However, I can say that Don Trump violated the rule, broke the law, by
...1. Ordering an illegal march down Pennsylvania Avenue on busy weekday.
It is not proven the march was illegal.

What is proven, that along the march's path, National Guard troops were attached to the Metro Police to control traffic and provide for safe passage. There were pedestrian barriers, troops and police, directing everything to the capitol.

Sounds like responsible leadership to me. Of course the Metro police chief did not have the power to defy, antagonize, or ignore the president of the united states. Nancy Pelosi had that power, and abused the power, as she abused her power in the past, violating House Practice.
Are you saying that the then president of the United States was helpless?
And had to wait 2 hours for some one else too decide what to do?
Hardly, the National Guard were deployed with D.C. Metro Police, thus the National Guard were there, with the President as he waited to hear the Electoral Vote count.

We can see what the House of Representatives does if Trump only appears to be close to crossing a line, the House of Representatives impeached Trump over his last phone call, to the Ukraine. Pelosi was baiting Trump, daring him to make a call deploying Federal Troops into her jurisdiction without authorization.
In emergencies and non-emergencies requests for assistance to the Executive branch of government must be in writing.
People argued that the Chief of Police could have ordered the National Guard to the Capitol grounds, he did not have that authority.

It has been shown in this thread, by those arguing, that the order allowing the National Guard, finally did come from the Speaker of the House.

I have not even begun with the laws rules precedents and practices of the capitol police board

It is obvious, that the sergeant at arms as a member of the capitol police board is representing the speaker

There are 2 Sergeant-at-Arms on that board. Odd how you single out one of them. Regardless, what you have not shown is that Pelosi told Irving not to deploy the DCNG.
Actually, Don Trump as President of the United States had all the authority he needed to pick up the phone and call Mitch and Nancy and say: "Hey guys, looks bad over your way, what would you like to have the President of the United States, and Commander in Chief do?
Let's get our heads together and see how we can get the DOD to bring some force and order to that mob of seditionists, cop-batterers, and thieves. Let's be git-er-done executives. OK, guys?"

I'm pretty sure Don Trump had the authority to make that call.
I'm pretty sure the recipients would have welcomed the call.

But....................but, damningly, he didn't.
Instead, he sat on his hands and watched on the telly the attack on our legislators go on for about 187 minutes. 3 hours plus.
WTH!! What kind of "I-Alone-Can-Fix-It" leadership is that?


Actually, poster 'elektra' if you go read the Final Report of the J6 Committee you will learn otherwise.
Here's the link:

Too, you may wish to go back and re-watch all of the televised J6 Hearings.
Here's one compilation on YouTube. I'm confident you can find other 'full hearing' videos.

Well, I cannot.

However, I can say that Don Trump violated the rule, broke the law, by
...1. Ordering an illegal march down Pennsylvania Avenue on busy weekday.
2. by.... secretly planning for at least a week this illegal march and intentionally refusing to get the legally required permits which would have alerted law enforcement, and traffic control authorities.
3. by......not giving even an informal heads-up...a collegial phone-call to Capitol law enforcement or the Sergeants at Arms, or Mitch McConnell, or Nancy Pelosi.......that he was going to intentionally provoke a mob that he knew to be armed and then send them directly at our legislators sitting at the Capitol of the
United States.

What kind of responsible leadership is that?

As commander of the DCNG, I'm not sure if Trump himself could have called them up.
There are 2 Sergeant-at-Arms on that board. Odd how you single out one of them. Regardless, what you have not shown is that Pelosi told Irving not to deploy the DCNG.
We have already shown that the Senate President is largely ceremonial. It is also true that the Speaker of the House is the dominate position, being 2nd inline for the presidency after the vice president.
Sergeant at Arms must report directly to the Speaker of the House during imminent threats, that is how the Speaker knows to make a decision to call an emergency recess. Anything less could result in the loss of life.

You have not shown that. Not to mention, but, the Capitol Police Board can call them up.
We have already shown that the Senate President is largely ceremonial. It is also true that the Speaker of the House is the dominate position, being 2nd inline for the presidency after the vice president.

Despite being 2nd in line to the president, the Speaker of the House is only in charge if the House. The Senate Majority Leader is in charge of the Senate. But you ignore that in terms of who told who, what. I find that interesting.
There are 2 Sergeant-at-Arms on that board. Odd how you single out one of them. Regardless, what you have not shown is that Pelosi told Irving not to deploy the DCNG.
she does not have to tell irving not to deploy, she simply has to refuse to declare an emergency
But again, there is a manual or plan that addresses this which we do not have access to
The Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol.
Both can not fight over who declares an emergency. I have not found a single law stating the Senate Majority leader appoints that sergeant at arms. Maybe he does, I been busy reading and searching other laws.

The problem with your argument, and those on your side, and many on my side as well. Is that the only knowledge many on both sides have, is a half a second google search, post the link, if it conforms to their opinon.

I admit, I am not done, I got some searching to do the Senate side.

and, I could admit more as I go, buy you have been a prick, I most hold back a thought or two so you dont take another opportunity to take a cheap shot at contradicting me.

Of what I been a prick about? Like you, I too have been biting my tongue. Am I a prick for merely challenging you? Or for you relying on text in laws which weren't yet on the books on J6?
Despite being 2nd in line to the president, the Speaker of the House is only in charge if the House. The Senate Majority Leader is in charge of the Senate. But you ignore that in terms of who told who, what. I find that interesting.
I have to research this. Why dont you give it a try, for fun, you dont even have to post in reply and if I see no reply I wont care and use a non-reply to declare victory.

Try this and show yourself how much work one point takes to make, or find. Find the Senate's equivalent to this document and find out how many times the sergeant at arms is in it. This manual has 1500 pages. Thus far what I have found on the Senate side is only a 100 pages. That does not seem possible so I have more research to do. See if you can post it before me. It will take me days, if not a week to get to it and then find it, read it, and post the relevant stuff. What is the equivalent for the Senators. 1500 pages, the Senate side can not be only a 100 pages, unless the Senate is not the equivalent of the House.

Of what I been a prick about? Like you, I too have been biting my tongue. Am I a prick for merely challenging you? Or for you relying on text in laws which weren't yet on the books on J6?
The law I quoted was on the books, you in no way showed it was not, and never ever replied to that point I made.
Of what I been a prick about? Like you, I too have been biting my tongue. Am I a prick for merely challenging you? Or for you relying on text in laws which weren't yet on the books on J6?
Fuck, you are right, I am sorry I leshed out at you, I mean lashed out at you. I need to start a prick-list, you are not on it. I will have to delete that post.

carry on,
True, they just focus on perverting and sexually maiming our youth, with democrat support.

He couldn't have deployed troops at 3:04pm on J6 without having previously acted on Trumps authorization................ :biggrin:
How have they affected you and your family?
There are 2 Sergeant-at-Arms on that board. Odd how you single out one of them. Regardless, what you have not shown is that Pelosi told Irving not to deploy the DCNG.
I followed Pelosi for years, she always is the dominate, alpha, compared to any equal republican in the senate. There is much we do not know, not have the Emergency Plan to Protect the Capitol. I am going to address that later. Not for the sake of argument. More because I want all my links, to the .gov sites, here.

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