jan 29 2023 Zelenskiy: Ukraine needs more weapons, faster


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
So the midget wants more weapons
Sell your yacht and mansion could be a good start.

Translation: the stuttering fuck needs another $50M in the bank.

Those racketeering charges aren't going to defend themselves....

biden nuke war.png
Translation: the stuttering fuck needs another $50M in the bank.

Those racketeering charges aren't going to defend themselves....

View attachment 752302

That's exactly why Biden goaded Russia into war with Ukraine and then sent enough weapons to start WW3: By the time this is all over, there won't be any evidence of his and his son's corrupt dealings left to be found in Ukraine because all the evidence will have been destroyed, along with the country. Criminals often commit subsequent crimes to cover up previous crimes.

Xi exultant as Biden goads Putin into invading Ukraine - The Sunday Guardian Live
Well hopefully they will have to move already approved money around for "Billions to Ukraine Fridays" since the House is no longer in dem hands.

I hope Tater meets with the same resistance as Trump did when he tried moving money around for a border wall.
As far as I am concerned......Our border first, all else after.
$50 BILLION dollars so far (that we know about), and counting.... that has gone to the Ukraine.

For WHAT exactly?

New weapons? No, those are being handed over for FREE.
New uniforms for the people in the trenches? No, they are still fighting in their own clothes.
Hospitals to care for the injured and dead? No, they're still laying in the streets.
Food banks to feed the people? No, they're still starving.
To bring in clean water supplies? No.
To bring in medical supplies? No.
To provide housing and heat? No.

So WHERE has this $50 BILLION gone to?

Money laundering into Zelenskyys and Putins private accounts to keep this coverup of a "war" going on, so the Demonicreeps can feel all cozy that their scams and schemes are still hidden from the world?


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