The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016

For a guy who fancies himself a "G" man and who is trying to cash in on a book he most likely had someone ghost write for him, this guy is both a fraud or an idiot or both.

241 times he said to Congress "I don't know" upon the advice of his FBI Lawyers.

Rep. Gaetz Blasts Comey's 'Selective Amnesia': 'Pretty Inconceivable to Me'

Rep. Matt Gaetz blasted James Comey for having "selective amnesia" during his closed-door testimony before the House Judiciary Committee.

The former FBI director spent six hours Friday testifying before lawmakers on a range of topics, including his handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe, the genesis of the Russia investigation and alleged bias at the bureau.

On "The Story" Friday, Gaetz (R-Fla.) said he was particularly interested in Comey's responses to questions about his June 2017 conversation with President Trump, in which Comey believes Trump may have obstructed justice by referencing the Michael Flynn investigation.

"As soon as Comey's done with the president, he prepares a memo and then meets with his senior team at the FBI. He couldn't tell us who was in the room, who was out of the room," Gaetz said, adding that Comey also did not share what senior officials like Andrew McCabe or Bill Priestap thought of the possible obstruction.

"That creates a problem for us, because we want to get a sense of what people's viewpoint was during this particular critical moment in time," Gaetz explained.

He added it's "bizarre" that Comey thought the president of the United States may have committed a crime, but he didn't share that with anyone above him in the chain of command at the Justice Department, such as then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Gaetz said it's also "pretty inconceivable" that Comey claimed he was unaware that then-FBI General Counsel James Baker was ever in possession of the infamous anti-Trump dossier.

"The director of the FBI somehow knows nothing about it. Another case of selective amnesia."

A Related Story:

Lawyers stopping Comey from answering questions in Hill testimony, Issa says

Sessions didn't claim " I don't remember" like 2 dozen times in front of Congress?
We will never know the whole truth. We have criminals doing illegal investigations on criminals. The Republicans only want half the truth, the half that doesn’t implicate them, Comey only wants to tell half the the truth, the half that doesn’t expose his malfeasance. It’s a charade.
Sessions didn't claim " I don't remember" like 2 dozen times in front of Congress?
When asked if a long list of people had ever spoken to any Russians, he answered, “I don’t know”. Unless you suspect he had been with them their entire lives, of course he wouldn’t know.

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