James Carville: I want to punch 'piece of s--t' unvaccinated people in the face

The article clearly notes why they were turned away.
Yes. Because transplant programs have an ethical duty to use their limited resource to the greatest extent possible.

“Mr Ferguson has been in hospital since last Thanksgiving weekend, 26 November 2021, and he suffers from a hereditary heart issue that causes his lungs to fill with blood and fluid, according to a GoFundMe.”

The person in your story was currently admitted to the hospital you claimed “turned them away”.
Yes. Because transplant programs have an ethical duty to use their limited resource to the greatest extent possible.

“Mr Ferguson has been in hospital since last Thanksgiving weekend, 26 November 2021, and he suffers from a hereditary heart issue that causes his lungs to fill with blood and fluid, according to a GoFundMe.”

The person in your story was currently admitted to the hospital you claimed “turned them away”.

You made the vast generalization.
Right. A terrible person who wants people to stop dying needlessly. Just really terrible. Thanks for your ignorant opinion.
Needlessly. Suicide rate for teenage girls is up 50% because of unnecessary lockdowns and mask mandates. My own daughter was in agonizing pain for three weeks because of her 2nd vaccine shot. Spare me your bullshit. If you're old and or compromised then get the vaccine. In Europe kids get one shot not two. You are a bad doctor and a terrible person. I 100% stand by that.
Some have. Almost no one has denied people healthcare on account of their vaccination status. Certainly no hospital would.

Stop lying.

You made the vast generalization.
You are splitting hairs. People are denied transplants all the time because of various factors but no one would declare that they’re “denied healthcare”.
Needlessly. Suicide rate for teenage girls is up 50% because of unnecessary lockdowns and mask mandates. My own daughter was in agonizing pain for three weeks because of her 2nd vaccine shot. Spare me your bullshit. If you're old and or compromised then get the vaccine. In Europe kids get one shot not two. You are a bad doctor and a terrible person. I 100% stand by that.
You’re an ignorant asshole know it all who sits at home while the rest of us deal with the cascade of bullshit that had been heaped upon us by people such as yourself who can’t tell their elbows from their assholes yet think they’re medical experts who know more than people who have spent their lives learning about it.

You’re a liar. You’re a moron. You’re a jerk.
Transplant is unlike any other part of medicine. Rationing is real. Ignorant rubes like yourself don’t understand.

Like I said, y’all just leave a path of death and destruction that you never have to deal with.

And you try to brush off being called out when wrong.

Plenty of transplant cases are in their situation because of poor life choices. Is COVID vaccination the only one you care about?
I don't know about you, but I miss the days of my youth when the left was liberal instead of so extremely illiberal, and the mantras were "do your own thing" and "question authority" instead of "do what we tell you or we will cancel your sorry ass" and "how DARE you question the global elites who developed and unleashed a virus created by gain of function tinkering"
I'm one of the former.....I didn't change, they did.

The "don't trust wnyone over 30" crowd became older than 30, and turned into everything that they claimed to detest.....It's bloody psychotic.
You’re an ignorant asshole know it all who sits at home while the rest of us deal with the cascade of bullshit that had been heaped upon us by people such as yourself who can’t tell their elbows from their assholes yet think they’re medical experts who know more than people who have spent their lives learning about it.

You’re a liar. You’re a moron. You’re a jerk.
Sit at home? I just told you my own youngest child suffered needlessly for three weeks and now still has to wear a mask while playing basketball. All because you so called "experts" deem it so. You are a liar, a loser and a terrible doctor. Karma is a bitch.
And you try to brush off being called out when wrong.

Plenty of transplant cases are in their situation because of poor life choices. Is COVID vaccination the only one you care about?
People need to make better life choices before they’re transplant candidates.

Drinkers need to be sober before getting a liver transplant.

Smokers need to quit before getting a lung transplant.

Morbidly obese people need to lose weight before getting a kidney transplant.

Organs are a precious resource. Not getting an organ isn’t being denied healthcare because we can’t just hand them out to everyone who needs one. We have to use them the most effective way possible.
Sit at home? I just told you my own youngest child suffered needlessly for three weeks and now still has to wear a mask while playing basketball. All because you so called "experts" deem it so. You are a liar, a loser and a terrible doctor. Karma is a bitch.
Yes. Sit at home. I’ve been dealing with people suffering and dying from COVID for two years now and the last one year was almost entirely preventable because the right wing media has decided to go completely off the rails.
Yes. Sit at home. I’ve been dealing with people suffering and dying from COVID for two years now and the last one year was almost entirely preventable because the right wing media has decided to go completely off the rails.
Bullshit...not people. Old people, obese people and compromised people. ZERO healthy people under 30. Correct?

Asshole liar.
now that even vaccinated people are spreading it, why the fuck should they care?

Just wait until we get the developmental retardation data on children due to making them mask 6-7 hours a day for bullshit reasons. Talk about making things worse.

I've had 2 shots and had Omicron, should I be forced to get the booster? What's the point?
Why should they care? I just explained why. Some people are trying to act responsibly and make sacrifices. Have been for two years now, while others are making efforts to rebel against it. Hospitals are still largely being filled by the unvaccinated. The strain on hospitals is what leads to restrictions. We are ALL tired of the restrictions, as much as like to lie and say the Left loves them.
They're pissed because they're easily bullied and gaslighted, and are indignant that others aren't as weak willed as they are.

Well suck on it, you groveling subservient lemmings.
Haha, you know you’re talking about James Carvel, right?!
Bullshit...not people. Old people, obese people and compromised people. ZERO healthy people under 30. Correct?

Asshole liar.
Go ahead and dehumanize people who are suffering. That’s about what I’d expect from someone as ignorant and self centered as yourself.

Meanwhile Joe Rogan is making millions. You think he gives a shit about any of this? No. Not as long as the checks cash.
now that even vaccinated people are spreading it, why the fuck should they care?

Just wait until we get the developmental retardation data on children due to making them mask 6-7 hours a day for bullshit reasons. Talk about making things worse.

I've had 2 shots and had Omicron, should I be forced to get the booster? What's the point?

It has always been about compliance and nothing more.

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