JAIL TIME!!! Obama Executive Order 13526 Makes Mrs. Clinton Guilty


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
RUSH: Mrs. Clinton -- apparently, obviously clear here -- is gonna get away with violating all kinds of national security. The latest thing that she's guilty of here -- and it's a felony. Andy McCarthy wrote about this today at National Review Online. (shuffling papers) Let me find it here. What it is, Obama issues an executive order, number 13526.

"In the first year of his administration (December 29, 2009, to be exact), President Obama issued Executive Order 13526, entitled 'Classified National Security Information.' It explains that information is deemed classified if its disclosure would cause 'damage to the national security.' Beyond that, whether the classified information is categorized as 'top secret,' 'secret,' or 'confidential' depends on how serious the damage would be.

"With that as background, the order makes clear that there is one category of information that is automatically deemed classified: information from foreign governments. Section 1.1(d) of the executive order decrees: 'The unauthorized disclosure of foreign government information is presumed to cause damage to the national security.'" I'm sorry; guilty! There is no way Mrs. Clinton can say that this did not happen with these e-mails that she has or has not released.


We can document it. There have been e-mails about foreign governments, disclosure of foreign government information. Hell, she's out soliciting donations from them, for the Clinton Crime Family Foundation, for crying out loud, and her future presidency. She's in violation of executive order. The executive order governs the executive branch. I know you're probably saying, "Wait a minute, Rush! Are you validating an Obama executive order?"

Obama Executive Order 13526 Makes Mrs. Clinton Guilty - The Rush Limbaugh Show


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Hillary Clinton May Have Broken US Secrecy Rules With Emails From Tony Blair and Downing Street!!!

Telegraph (UK) ^ | September 01, 2015 | Raf Sanchez
Hillary Clinton May Have Broken US Secrecy Rules With Emails From Tony Blair and Downing Street New emails show Clinton had sensitive information from Blair and UK officials on her personal email J. William Leonard said the British messages handled by Mrs Clinton's personal email account were "born classified" By Raf Sanchez, 01 Sep 2015 Hillary Clinton may have broken US secrecy rules by handling classified information from Tony Blair and the British government on her personal email account. Newly disclosed emails from Mrs Clinton's time as US secretary of state show she regularly received sensitive details from Mr Blair...
I would like to extend to Hillary, a hearty welcome to the illustrious Lowdown Dindu-nuffin club. Her membership now gives her the exclusive privilege to smash and grab that favorite tv set in the store window she's always wanted, to empty out the shelves in her local grocery store, and to sit on a curb drinking a 4.0 liter of Red Dog.

You're a "Dindu-nuffin" now, HIllary. Wear it with pride.
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I love NaziCon conspiracy theories! Give us more!

Here you go, old, wrinkled Squaw, want to laugh at this one also?

The curious nexus of Hillary Clinton, David Petraeus and Paula Broadwell

Flopping Aces ^ | 09-01-15 | DrJohn
A revelation coming out of Hillary Clinton's emails was her keen interest in the Presidential ambitions of one General David Petraeus:

"Clemons had dinner this week with Petraeus, who freely talked about running for president," Blumenthal wrote to Clinton. "Will he write about Petraeus?" Clinton wrote back five minutes later. Moments later, Blumenthal sent Clinton Clemons' post mentioning the off-the-record dinner and discussing the relative political merits of Petraeus, Vice President Joe Biden and Clinton herself. "Clemons... told me more detail about [Petraeus'] attitude and interest," Blumenthal said, adding a couple of nuggets. Within four months someone decided to...
I would like to extend to Hillary, a hearty welcome to the illustrious Lowdown Dindu-nuffin club. Her membership now gives her the exclusive privilege to smash and grab that favorite tv set in the store window she's always wanted, to empty out the shelves in her local grocery store, and to sit on a curb drinking a 4.0 liter of Red Dog.

You're a "Dindu-nuffin" now, HIllary. Wear it with pride.

she won't go to trial, let alone jail, because she will not be charged with a crime she did not commit.... I have no idea why that is so hard for you guys salivating, to understand.

Your right wing media, does not get to pick and choose our criminals and be judge, jury and executioners all before even the first 'charge' is made.

We live in America, and one is innocent, until proven guilty.

Your DESPERATION, is apparent....your political posturing and dogma is apparent, and you will fail, again....because your house of lies is built on sand....not because she is guilty of anything and has the power to wiggle her way out of whatever....

The right wing media is going to deservedly fail again, hide and watch. :beer:

Try debating ideas, political positions for a change, instead of your typical mudslinging and paid for by my taxes...republican congress critters, manufactured, dog and pony shows that always go no where....

Americans deserve such a debate.... instead you keep pulling this kind of petty crapola...as if this even matters in the overall picture of anything....
Keep dreamin guys.

So few of these criminally insane sociopaths get held to account that I'll shit my pants if hitlary does.

Emails show Clinton's close ties to teachers union! Why would a SoS have TIES to the Teachers union?

Washington Examiner ^ | 9/1/15 | Sean Higgins
Emails released by the State Department Monday night show that the leader of the American Federation of Teachers, one of the nation's top unions, had direct access to the office of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Several emails show that requests from Tina Flournoy, union President Randi Weingarten's assistant at the time, for private meetings or phone calls were given priority by Clinton. For example, in a July 20, 2010, message to Clinton's private account "[email protected]," Flournoy, using her American Federation of Teachers address, said: "Have a little issue I would like to discuss with you over the phone. Not...
You people are precious. Obama's DOJ is going to go after Hillary Clinton? In your wet dreams, LOL.

Even if it means knocking her out of the running, and getting Biden in top position. Between the Obamas and the Clintons, surely you know how dirty those people really are?

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