Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Some of my favorite witnessing tools are the Jack Chick Tracts because they can be left anywhere and people enjoy reading them! This is a link to some of the great Jack Chick tracts that have been printed over the years. The cartoon drawings are part of the attraction for reading. Millions of people have read them and many have been saved as a result of reading them. Enjoy! Chick Cartoon Tracts

Are Roman Catholics Christians
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My grandmother was a devout Catholic.

She died, and went to Heaven, and ordered God to bring her to her grandson who had died in a horrible wreck.

God told her he was not ready for her.

Four hours after last rites and pronouncement of death, she opened her eyes, and got well.

25 years later, and much, much more humble, she died again, for good I think.

She still votes a straight dem ticket in every election.
This is a soul winners message!

Chick Cartoon Tracts
Time to quote Bishop Fulton Sheen:

There are not a hundred people in America who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions of people who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church — which is, of course, quite a different thing.

Why do people admire the works of Jack Chick, a man totally ignorant of the theology of the Catholic Church, and who spreads lies and hate?

I would suggest, even challenge you, Jeremiah, that instead of promoting ignorance and hate, you ask the Catholics in this forum to clarify anything that alarms you about what you have heard about Catholic theology.
This one is called, "The Devil's Night" and gives information about the occult holiday, Halloween:

The Devil s Night
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You do not need to apologize to me. You need to be born again. You need to repent of your sins and invite Jesus Christ to become your Lord and Savior, Roadrunner. That is what you need to do.
Time to quote Bishop Fulton Sheen:

There are not a hundred people in America who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions of people who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church — which is, of course, quite a different thing.

Why do people admire the works of Jack Chick, a man totally ignorant of the theology of the Catholic Church, and who spreads lies and hate?

I would suggest, even challenge you, Jeremiah, that instead of promoting ignorance and hate, you ask the Catholics in this forum to clarify anything that alarms you about what you have heard about Catholic theology.

It's a false religion, Meriweather. Read the New Testament and you will see the doctrine of the RCC is not found in the bible. Anywhere. It's a doctrine of devils. You must be born again to enter the Kingdom of heaven. Jesus said so. Believe Jesus Christ and His Word and be saved.
This one is called, "The Devil's Night" and gives information about the occult holiday, Halloween:

The Devil s Night
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You do not need to apologize to me. You need to be born again. You need to repent of your sins and invite Jesus Christ to become your Lord and Savior, Roadrunner. That is what you need to do.
I am a born again Christian.

Christ does not compel me to mock any other Christian religion.

I could say we successionist Baptist are the only true Christians, as John baptized Jesus, but, such a claim would be a wrong as your anti-Catholic stance.

And don't preach to me, I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and do not need you.

We part ways over this stuff, brother.
It's a false religion, Meriweather. Read the New Testament and you will see the doctrine of the RCC is not found in the bible. Anywhere. It's a doctrine of devils. You must be born again to enter the Kingdom of heaven. Jesus said so. Believe Jesus Christ and His Word and be saved.

I have read the New Testament and studied other religions. Catholic theology has deeper roots in scripture and early Church teaching than any other denomination. Perhaps you are unaware that initiation into the Catholic faith is of both water and spirit, as both commanded and entrusted by our Lord.

Christ also told us that a house divided against itself cannot stand. There have been more exorcisms of devils by the Catholic Church than any other denomination.

Those who enter into the love of Christ will lose the hate they may have for other members of the Body of Christ.
This tract is about role playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons, any role playing game is of the occult and should be avoided. Many young people have committed suicide after having become involved in role playing games. One of Satan's tricks is getting people involved in role playing games. Many colleges use the game Dungeons and Dragons as part of the curriculum in their psychology courses ( very dangerous - have nothing to do with it ) They justify their doing this by claiming the students benefit from the role playing. What people do not understand is that these "monsters" are actually "demons" - the deities they serve are actually demons. When they think they are "visualizing in their minds" what they are actually doing is opening themselves up to the spirit realm - spirit world - demons - demonic possession / oppression - The bible tells us to cast down every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of Jesus Christ - see 2 Corinthians 10:5 because we are not wrestling against flesh and blood - our weapons are spiritual and have divine power to demolish strongholds. Those who involve themselves in role playing games of violence, murder, demonic games - are opening themselves up to strongholds that can not only destroy their lives but the lives of other people as well. It is extremely dangerous. Christians who have involved themselves in role playing games have found themselves no longer able to believe in Jesus Christ and doubting their faith. What is the answer? Prayer and fasting - repent of being involved in such games and ask the LORD to lead you to a Holy Spirit filled minister who can pray deliverance over you and help you become free of the demons that have taken hold of your mind.
I remember reading the story about a 16 yr old boy who had become a Christian. He was living in a home for troubled teens. He admitted to having been an 80th degree cleric in a role playing game but denied knowing about demons. The minister assisting him realized he was not being honest as he had a great fear about "breaking the rules" of the game. Later he admitted he had a friend who had broken the rules of the game and a short time later the boy committed suicide. When asked if he thought his "deity" had been involved with his friend's suicide his only answer was "perhaps"... The good news is Jesus Christ can set you free from such "deities", demons, and He whom the Son sets free? Is free indeed! Look at this one!

Dark Dungeons

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This one is called, "The Devil's Night" and gives information about the occult holiday, Halloween:

The Devil s Night
Click link above to continue reading.......


You do not need to apologize to me. You need to be born again. You need to repent of your sins and invite Jesus Christ to become your Lord and Savior, Roadrunner. That is what you need to do.
I am a born again Christian.

Christ does not compel me to mock any other Christian religion.

I could say we successionist Baptist are the only true Christians, as John baptized Jesus, but, such a claim would be a wrong as your anti-Catholic stance.

And don't preach to me, I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and do not need you.

We part ways over this stuff, brother.

Roadrunner, if you were a born again Christian you would not be making personal attacks against Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ such as Jack Chick. I believe you need to search the Scriptures and examine what becoming Born again means. This will be my last correspondence with you on the matter as I have already told you once and this is the second time. Please have a look at the Books of the Bible link and examine the Gospel of John and also 1 Peter & 2nd Peter and Titus and you will understand better what I have told you. Not everyone who says they are Christian are. The Scriptures teach us that we should test the spirits. You will find that teaching in the thread entitled 1st, 2nd and 3rd John. Thank you for reading.
This tract is considered one of the most popular tracts Jack Chick Tracts ever put out. It is called, This Was Your Life. You'll definitely want to read this one!
This Was Your Life
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