J6 protestors imprisoned before trial should sue the government.

And I doubt releasing them would cause them to try it again.

Meanwhile the guy who stole 50 razor packs from Rite Aid who is caught and then let out is probably going to steal again to make ends meet/support his habit.
Don't care. Can't do the time don't do the crime.

Under an enlightened Zincwarrior administration, the US would have re-enacted Pickets charge at the doors.
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Donald Trump did not invite them past the barricades and open the magnetically locked doors to the Capitol. Donald Trump did not unlawfully imprison them for a year and a half.

Trump invited them to DC on Jan 6
Filled them with lies on how they were being cheated
Told them Congress was stealing the election and that Mike Pence let the country down
Told them THEY had to stop it
Some of the J6 protestors were imprisoned for over a year and a half WITHOUT A TRIAL! Did we ever think this could happen in America? They should sue the government in a class action lawsuit.

You know their attorneys can file motions. But if they are awaiting trial, and have charges against them, it is legal. It happens all the time.
I was thinking about your post. And it is a nice surprise to see Conservatives take notice of the problems within our Judicial System.

Backlogged Courts have delays of years in many cases. A docket for a Judge is often filled for more than two years. So getting a trial date means getting penciled in about two years from now.

Overcrowded jails and overcrowded prisons are denounced by reform advocates as hell holes unsuitable for human habitation. I’ve read the description from the Jan 6 defendants lawyers as well. I’ve even seen it here. It is nice that the lock the criminals up crowd is noticing and objecting, even if it is only in the case of Accused that they hold in esteem.

The food described as inedible by the Jan 6 Defendants is the same food described that way by reform advocates. Only the position of the Conservatives in those cases has been don’t do crimes and you can eat better out of jail.

I honestly wonder how many of those January 6 defendants had that attitude before they were placed in Pre Trial confinement. A state of being advocated here on many occasions I might add. No bail for those criminal types. Protect society by keeping them locked up.

Now. I am still in favor of reform. I am still in favor of better conditions in jails, and prisons. I am still in favor of a shift to rehabilitation instead of punishment. I wonder how many Conservatives will shift to this belief?

I’ll put my money on virtually none.
I was thinking about your post. And it is a nice surprise to see Conservatives take notice of the problems within our Judicial System.

Backlogged Courts have delays of years in many cases. A docket for a Judge is often filled for more than two years. So getting a trial date means getting penciled in about two years from now.

Overcrowded jails and overcrowded prisons are denounced by reform advocates as hell holes unsuitable for human habitation. I’ve read the description from the Jan 6 defendants lawyers as well. I’ve even seen it here. It is nice that the lock the criminals up crowd is noticing and objecting, even if it is only in the case of Accused that they hold in esteem.

The food described as inedible by the Jan 6 Defendants is the same food described that way by reform advocates. Only the position of the Conservatives in those cases has been don’t do crimes and you can eat better out of jail.

I honestly wonder how many of those January 6 defendants had that attitude before they were placed in Pre Trial confinement. A state of being advocated here on many occasions I might add. No bail for those criminal types. Protect society by keeping them locked up.

Now. I am still in favor of reform. I am still in favor of better conditions in jails, and prisons. I am still in favor of a shift to rehabilitation instead of punishment. I wonder how many Conservatives will shift to this belief?

I’ll put my money on virtually none.
Our prison system sucks. That is a totally different issue than J6 TRESPASSERS being held in prison for 20 fukking MONTHS without a trial. How many times a day do we hear about violent criminals who are immediately released? Gimme a break don't tell me "it happens all the time". That's bullshit.
Our prison system sucks. That is a totally different issue than J6 TRESPASSERS being held in prison for 20 fukking MONTHS without a trial. How many times a day do we hear about violent criminals who are immediately released? Gimme a break don't tell me "it happens all the time". That's bullshit.

It does happen all the time. It happens every day.

And the charges they are facing is not trespassing. Nice try to deflect. But let’s be honest.

One of the reasons that the Liberals are pushing for bail reform in the cities is because poor people are stuck in jail like that all the time. They can’t afford a cash bail. So with bail reform they get the same chance to get out while awaiting trial as the wealthier suspects.

Unfortunately the January 6 Accused are not detained on City or Local charges. And bail at the Federal Level is harder to get. Part of the Right Wings get tough on crime move. Celebrate your victory scooter.

Get tough on crime. This is what it looks like.
They have immunity from civil suit, and have sufficient discretion to avoid any sanctions for blatant abuse of power.

I have not heard of someone being held in jail for over a year on a misdemeanor charge.

Can you provide a link to some?
Yes. At least one teen was held for THREE years in NYC, for a crime he did not commit. (He couldn't have, he was at work.) He spent three years being physically and mentally tortured because a prosecutor would not admit he was wrong.

Shortly after release, he hung himself.

Flight risk, danger to others, you should look up the cases.

You can't be this stupid. It's not possible.
Yes. At least one teen was held for THREE years in NYC, for a crime he did not commit. (He couldn't have, he was at work.) He spent three years being physically and mentally tortured because a prosecutor would not admit he was wrong.

Shortly after release, he hung himself.

You can't be this stupid. It's not possible.

The two cases have nothing in common. This person was arrested for a felony robbery charge, and was already on probation.
Either you didn't read the article or you just don't care.

I read the article. The kid was already on probation and was arrested for an armed robbery that supposedly happened two weeks prior.

Maybe you linked to the wrong story?
I read the article. The kid was already on probation and was arrested for an armed robbery that supposedly happened two weeks prior.

Maybe you linked to the wrong story?
He was arrested for an armed robbery-that he COULD NOT have committed-and (read carefully here) held without trial for three years while being physically, mentally, and emotionally tortured.

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