J&J Vax causes Severe Reaction in man, Rash over entire body


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005

“But, but, but, the government and Big Pharma says they are safe!”


Something like that happened to me last year after being tested for COVID, not so much as vaccinated. A corner of my toenail became ingrown, infected with a fungus, and somehow partially frostbitten and numb -- it was painfully infected all the way to the bone.

Years ago I was attacked by a "cat burglar" in my sleep, and the assailant slit my toe open with a knife all the way to the bone, and sneaked away before I could wake up.

The same cops had been poisoning me with coumadin or something similar that made me bleed a great pool of blood on the floor every time -- I realized and I knew it was the cops who did this to me. They talk, bye and bye, and confess, a little here, a little there, although it is almost unspeakable for one human to converse with another of horrible deeds they have committed.

“But, but, but, the government and Big Pharma says they are safe!”


I don't know how anyone in their right mind would get any of these COVID injections. Especially when we know this.

Bill Gates Vaccine Alliance is the source of terror behind WHO’s lock downs and coercive vaccine passports

Where is WHO coming up with these restrictive medical edicts and coercive vaccine policies? According to WHO insider Astrid Stuckelberger, Ph.D., WHO serves the financial interests of GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance run by Bill Gates.

GAVI was formed in 2000 and set up as an international institution in Switzerland. GAVI operates tax free and enjoys blanket immunity against criminal sanctions.

Bill Gates leveraged GAVI and bought his influence into the WHO. He even asked to become a member state in 2017, with the privilege of being on WHO’s executive board.

Bill Gates now controls Swissmedic, the FDA of Switzerland, due to a three-way vaccine distribution contract agreement reached by Gates, WHO, and the Swiss regulatory agency.

By controlling WHO, Gates funnels tens of billions of dollars through his GAVI Vaccine Alliance, with the ultimate power of controlling member states.

As the controller of information and the arbiter of science, Gates and the vaccine industry has the power to suppress prophylactics, treatments, phytonutrients, adaptogens, and antivirals.

Bill Gates and GAVI is the source of terror behind WHO, the lock downs, restrictions, and authoritarian medical edicts that are compelling vaccination experiments.

Read further:


“But, but, but, the government and Big Pharma says they are safe!”


I had a similar reaction to Ampicillin. Does that mean no one else should take it?

That others don't have the same reaction does not mean everybody should take it.

“But, but, but, the government and Big Pharma says they are safe!”


I had a similar reaction to Ampicillin. Does that mean no one else should take it?
No, however everyone deserves to know all the facts and accounts to weigh the risks and make up their own minds "for themselves". The report does say "RARE" and that helps people know the rare risk and thus agree with you, that it should not affect how they view the vaccine, but also be wary like someone like you might decide that's important, because you've had such reactions.
So you would have a right to know, so that you can request a brand that did not have the reaction risk.
It's when MSM hides info that actually creates the distrust for vaccines and when non known media sources have to report these incidents and they are a unknown or questionable source, it brings more confusion and doubt and becomes a circular problem.

“But, but, but, the government and Big Pharma says they are safe!”


I had a similar reaction to Ampicillin. Does that mean no one else should take it?
No, however everyone deserves to know all the facts and accounts to weigh the risks and make up their own minds "for themselves". The report does say "RARE" and that helps people know the rare risk and thus agree with you, that it should not affect how they view the vaccine, but also be wary like someone like you might decide that's important, because you've had such reactions.
So you would have a right to know, so that you can request a brand that did not have the reaction risk.
It's when MSM hides info that actually creates the distrust for vaccines and when non known media sources have to report these incidents and they are a unknown or questionable source, it brings more confusion and doubt and becomes a circular problem.
What percent of people have a reaction like that?

If you want to base your choice on whether to do anything on the worst case scenario then you might as well kill yourself today because you can actually die from falling out of bed. You can die from choking on a piece of food. You can die driving to the corner store etc ad infinitum
That is one scary picture. My gut feeling is that these vaccines may not have been thoroughly tested enough, and if you don't have one of those co-morbidity things and are otherwise hale and healthy then don't take the shots. Eat right, drink plenty of water, don't go to places where you'll be in close proximity to others unless you have to, and wear the damn mask as a precaution. Maybe it helps, maybe not, but it can't hurt. Might wanna wash it every day and throw it in the dryer with a bath towel too. It's been over a year now and I'm doing well without a vaccine so far, and I'm 72. FYI, I don't get a flu shot every year either.

Re George Takei, loved him in Star Trek but I don't give flyin' fuck what his politics are, same as the rest of those Hollywood asshats. Or Lebron James either. They are entitled to their opinion and have a right to voice it, but I have the right to ignore it. Most of them don't know WTH they're talking about.
Its funny, the percentage of people with issues from the vaccine are far, far lower than the percentage of people who died or had severe health issues from Covid-19.

But the same people who cried that the fatality rate of Covid-19 was not bad, are now wetting their pants about the tiny percentage of people who experience reactions from the vaccine.
Its funny, the percentage of people with issues from the vaccine are far, far lower than the percentage of people who died or had severe health issues from Covid-19.

But the same people who cried that the fatality rate of Covid-19 was not bad, are now wetting their pants about the tiny percentage of people who experience reactions from the vaccine.
Well, when you put it that way....

“But, but, but, the government and Big Pharma says they are safe!”


I had a similar reaction to Ampicillin. Does that mean no one else should take it?
No, however everyone deserves to know all the facts and accounts to weigh the risks and make up their own minds "for themselves". The report does say "RARE" and that helps people know the rare risk and thus agree with you, that it should not affect how they view the vaccine, but also be wary like someone like you might decide that's important, because you've had such reactions.
So you would have a right to know, so that you can request a brand that did not have the reaction risk.
It's when MSM hides info that actually creates the distrust for vaccines and when non known media sources have to report these incidents and they are a unknown or questionable source, it brings more confusion and doubt and becomes a circular problem.
What percent of people have a reaction like that?

If you want to base your choice on whether to do anything on the worst case scenario then you might as well kill yourself today because you can actually die from falling out of bed. You can die from choking on a piece of food. You can die driving to the corner store etc ad infinitum
Read what I said. Old Lady herself had a similar reaction to a drug, therefore Old lady herself has a right to know, so she can chose another vaccine brand, since she might be at risk of a similar reaction.

“But, but, but, the government and Big Pharma says they are safe!”


I had a similar reaction to Ampicillin. Does that mean no one else should take it?
No, however everyone deserves to know all the facts and accounts to weigh the risks and make up their own minds "for themselves". The report does say "RARE" and that helps people know the rare risk and thus agree with you, that it should not affect how they view the vaccine, but also be wary like someone like you might decide that's important, because you've had such reactions.
So you would have a right to know, so that you can request a brand that did not have the reaction risk.
It's when MSM hides info that actually creates the distrust for vaccines and when non known media sources have to report these incidents and they are a unknown or questionable source, it brings more confusion and doubt and becomes a circular problem.
What percent of people have a reaction like that?

If you want to base your choice on whether to do anything on the worst case scenario then you might as well kill yourself today because you can actually die from falling out of bed. You can die from choking on a piece of food. You can die driving to the corner store etc ad infinitum
Read what I said. Old Lady herself had a similar reaction to a drug, therefore Old lady herself has a right to know, so she can chose another vaccine brand, since she might be at risk of a similar reaction.
No one knows if they are allergic to a new drug until it is taken.

Millions of people are allergic to all different kinds of antibiotics so why aren't you outraged at their continued use in medicine today?

And again what are the percentages of people who have a reaction like this to the new vaccine?

“But, but, but, the government and Big Pharma says they are safe!”


I had a similar reaction to Ampicillin. Does that mean no one else should take it?
No, however everyone deserves to know all the facts and accounts to weigh the risks and make up their own minds "for themselves". The report does say "RARE" and that helps people know the rare risk and thus agree with you, that it should not affect how they view the vaccine, but also be wary like someone like you might decide that's important, because you've had such reactions.
So you would have a right to know, so that you can request a brand that did not have the reaction risk.
It's when MSM hides info that actually creates the distrust for vaccines and when non known media sources have to report these incidents and they are a unknown or questionable source, it brings more confusion and doubt and becomes a circular problem.
What percent of people have a reaction like that?

If you want to base your choice on whether to do anything on the worst case scenario then you might as well kill yourself today because you can actually die from falling out of bed. You can die from choking on a piece of food. You can die driving to the corner store etc ad infinitum
Read what I said. Old Lady herself had a similar reaction to a drug, therefore Old lady herself has a right to know, so she can chose another vaccine brand, since she might be at risk of a similar reaction.
No one knows if they are allergic to a new drug until it is taken.

Millions of people are allergic to all different kinds of antibiotics so why aren't you outraged at their continued use in medicine today?

And again what are the percentages of people who have a reaction like this to the new vaccine?
True but if you were Old Lady who has had similar reactions to a drug, and you seen that same side affect in this vaccine no matter how rare, wouldn't your common sense kick in to say "I don't want to go through that again" and thus make sure you got a different vaccine maker?
So she of all people has a right to know and not have some media source censorship risk her harm.

“But, but, but, the government and Big Pharma says they are safe!”


I had a similar reaction to Ampicillin. Does that mean no one else should take it?
No, however everyone deserves to know all the facts and accounts to weigh the risks and make up their own minds "for themselves". The report does say "RARE" and that helps people know the rare risk and thus agree with you, that it should not affect how they view the vaccine, but also be wary like someone like you might decide that's important, because you've had such reactions.
So you would have a right to know, so that you can request a brand that did not have the reaction risk.
It's when MSM hides info that actually creates the distrust for vaccines and when non known media sources have to report these incidents and they are a unknown or questionable source, it brings more confusion and doubt and becomes a circular problem.
What percent of people have a reaction like that?

If you want to base your choice on whether to do anything on the worst case scenario then you might as well kill yourself today because you can actually die from falling out of bed. You can die from choking on a piece of food. You can die driving to the corner store etc ad infinitum
Read what I said. Old Lady herself had a similar reaction to a drug, therefore Old lady herself has a right to know, so she can chose another vaccine brand, since she might be at risk of a similar reaction.
No one knows if they are allergic to a new drug until it is taken.

Millions of people are allergic to all different kinds of antibiotics so why aren't you outraged at their continued use in medicine today?

And again what are the percentages of people who have a reaction like this to the new vaccine?
True but if you were Old Lady who has had similar reactions to a drug, and you seen that same side affect in this vaccine no matter how rare, wouldn't your common sense kick in to say "I don't want to go through that again" and thus make sure you got a different vaccine maker?
So she of all people has a right to know and not have some media source censorship risk her harm.
everyone is asked if they have any severe allergies before they get the shot.

You are ignoring the good in favor of the perfect.

Tell me do you make all your decisions based on the worst possible outcome ?

If you did you'd never get out of bed

“But, but, but, the government and Big Pharma says they are safe!”


I had a similar reaction to Ampicillin. Does that mean no one else should take it?
No, however everyone deserves to know all the facts and accounts to weigh the risks and make up their own minds "for themselves". The report does say "RARE" and that helps people know the rare risk and thus agree with you, that it should not affect how they view the vaccine, but also be wary like someone like you might decide that's important, because you've had such reactions.
So you would have a right to know, so that you can request a brand that did not have the reaction risk.
It's when MSM hides info that actually creates the distrust for vaccines and when non known media sources have to report these incidents and they are a unknown or questionable source, it brings more confusion and doubt and becomes a circular problem.
What percent of people have a reaction like that?

If you want to base your choice on whether to do anything on the worst case scenario then you might as well kill yourself today because you can actually die from falling out of bed. You can die from choking on a piece of food. You can die driving to the corner store etc ad infinitum
Read what I said. Old Lady herself had a similar reaction to a drug, therefore Old lady herself has a right to know, so she can chose another vaccine brand, since she might be at risk of a similar reaction.
No one knows if they are allergic to a new drug until it is taken.

Millions of people are allergic to all different kinds of antibiotics so why aren't you outraged at their continued use in medicine today?

And again what are the percentages of people who have a reaction like this to the new vaccine?
True but if you were Old Lady who has had similar reactions to a drug, and you seen that same side affect in this vaccine no matter how rare, wouldn't your common sense kick in to say "I don't want to go through that again" and thus make sure you got a different vaccine maker?
So she of all people has a right to know and not have some media source censorship risk her harm.
everyone is asked if they have any severe allergies before they get the shot.

You are ignoring the good in favor of the perfect.

Tell me do you make all your decisions based on the worst possible outcome ?

If you did you'd never get out of bed
Like they did during the unecessary lockdowns ?

“But, but, but, the government and Big Pharma says they are safe!”


I had a similar reaction to Ampicillin. Does that mean no one else should take it?
No, however everyone deserves to know all the facts and accounts to weigh the risks and make up their own minds "for themselves". The report does say "RARE" and that helps people know the rare risk and thus agree with you, that it should not affect how they view the vaccine, but also be wary like someone like you might decide that's important, because you've had such reactions.
So you would have a right to know, so that you can request a brand that did not have the reaction risk.
It's when MSM hides info that actually creates the distrust for vaccines and when non known media sources have to report these incidents and they are a unknown or questionable source, it brings more confusion and doubt and becomes a circular problem.
What percent of people have a reaction like that?

If you want to base your choice on whether to do anything on the worst case scenario then you might as well kill yourself today because you can actually die from falling out of bed. You can die from choking on a piece of food. You can die driving to the corner store etc ad infinitum
Read what I said. Old Lady herself had a similar reaction to a drug, therefore Old lady herself has a right to know, so she can chose another vaccine brand, since she might be at risk of a similar reaction.
No one knows if they are allergic to a new drug until it is taken.

Millions of people are allergic to all different kinds of antibiotics so why aren't you outraged at their continued use in medicine today?

And again what are the percentages of people who have a reaction like this to the new vaccine?
True but if you were Old Lady who has had similar reactions to a drug, and you seen that same side affect in this vaccine no matter how rare, wouldn't your common sense kick in to say "I don't want to go through that again" and thus make sure you got a different vaccine maker?
So she of all people has a right to know and not have some media source censorship risk her harm.
everyone is asked if they have any severe allergies before they get the shot.

You are ignoring the good in favor of the perfect.

Tell me do you make all your decisions based on the worst possible outcome ?

If you did you'd never get out of bed
Like they did during the unecessary lockdowns ?

I was never locked down.

“But, but, but, the government and Big Pharma says they are safe!”


I had a similar reaction to Ampicillin. Does that mean no one else should take it?
No, however everyone deserves to know all the facts and accounts to weigh the risks and make up their own minds "for themselves". The report does say "RARE" and that helps people know the rare risk and thus agree with you, that it should not affect how they view the vaccine, but also be wary like someone like you might decide that's important, because you've had such reactions.
So you would have a right to know, so that you can request a brand that did not have the reaction risk.
It's when MSM hides info that actually creates the distrust for vaccines and when non known media sources have to report these incidents and they are a unknown or questionable source, it brings more confusion and doubt and becomes a circular problem.
What percent of people have a reaction like that?

If you want to base your choice on whether to do anything on the worst case scenario then you might as well kill yourself today because you can actually die from falling out of bed. You can die from choking on a piece of food. You can die driving to the corner store etc ad infinitum
Read what I said. Old Lady herself had a similar reaction to a drug, therefore Old lady herself has a right to know, so she can chose another vaccine brand, since she might be at risk of a similar reaction.
No one knows if they are allergic to a new drug until it is taken.

Millions of people are allergic to all different kinds of antibiotics so why aren't you outraged at their continued use in medicine today?

And again what are the percentages of people who have a reaction like this to the new vaccine?

The number of allergic reactions is very low. The ones like in the OP are so low as to be called rare. The most serious allergic reactions result in anaphylactic shock. That is why they have you wait 15 minutes after receiving the vaccine.

“But, but, but, the government and Big Pharma says they are safe!”


I had a similar reaction to Ampicillin. Does that mean no one else should take it?
No, however everyone deserves to know all the facts and accounts to weigh the risks and make up their own minds "for themselves". The report does say "RARE" and that helps people know the rare risk and thus agree with you, that it should not affect how they view the vaccine, but also be wary like someone like you might decide that's important, because you've had such reactions.
So you would have a right to know, so that you can request a brand that did not have the reaction risk.
It's when MSM hides info that actually creates the distrust for vaccines and when non known media sources have to report these incidents and they are a unknown or questionable source, it brings more confusion and doubt and becomes a circular problem.
What percent of people have a reaction like that?

If you want to base your choice on whether to do anything on the worst case scenario then you might as well kill yourself today because you can actually die from falling out of bed. You can die from choking on a piece of food. You can die driving to the corner store etc ad infinitum
Read what I said. Old Lady herself had a similar reaction to a drug, therefore Old lady herself has a right to know, so she can chose another vaccine brand, since she might be at risk of a similar reaction.
No one knows if they are allergic to a new drug until it is taken.

Millions of people are allergic to all different kinds of antibiotics so why aren't you outraged at their continued use in medicine today?

And again what are the percentages of people who have a reaction like this to the new vaccine?
True but if you were Old Lady who has had similar reactions to a drug, and you seen that same side affect in this vaccine no matter how rare, wouldn't your common sense kick in to say "I don't want to go through that again" and thus make sure you got a different vaccine maker?
So she of all people has a right to know and not have some media source censorship risk her harm.
I thank you for the warning. There is no ampicillin in the vaccine, so I would have no problem taking it. Shellfish and milk can also cause a rash reaction in people who are allergic, but it doesn't mean I need to stay away from them.

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