It’s Unfortunate Obamacare Rejected Death Panels


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

It’s Unfortunate Obamacare Rejected Death Panels

If the death panels HAD been established as Sarah Palin warned (or wanted), Americans would already know their fates for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Without the Death Panels, we’re running behind the curve and putting more pressure on individual doctors. As the number of coronavirus victims increases, doctors might permit the wrong people to survive while killing important folks.


It’s Unfortunate Obamacare Rejected Death Panels

If the death panels HAD been established as Sarah Palin warned (or wanted), Americans would already know their fates for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Without the Death Panels, we’re running behind the curve and putting more pressure on individual doctors. As the number of coronavirus victims increases, doctors might permit the wrong people to survive while killing important folks.


Death panels are horrible. You never know if that inner-city Chicago street thug or drug dealer is going to be the one who comes up with a cure for cancer or something.

It’s Unfortunate Obamacare Rejected Death Panels

If the death panels HAD been established as Sarah Palin warned (or wanted), Americans would already know their fates for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Without the Death Panels, we’re running behind the curve and putting more pressure on individual doctors. As the number of coronavirus victims increases, doctors might permit the wrong people to survive while killing important folks.

Important folks? Who determines who that is? That really does sound like Communism.

Conservative political policies favor the greedy, the very-rich, and Big Business. When have any of these groups ever put living things above their lust for profit? Never.

Given the huge number of species the greed of the 0.1% and Big Business have pushed to the brink of extinction, and since the super-rich and their right wing protectors adamantly refuse to reverse the trend, it's about damn time the human race gets knocked down a link or two on the food chain.

The predatory capitalists that conservatives and centrists admire so very much have killed countless numbers of humans and animals in their needless wars and destruction of habitats. Now the super-rich must face the same predator stalking the poor, the weak, male and female. A predator too small to see and one no weapon can kill once it attacks.

Will the lessons from this pandemic change conservatives and centrists? Will they learn anything if they survive? Hell no! For those who survive they will again worship and protect the rights of the super-rich and return to their destructive business as usual.

Happily, the permafrost in the arctic is thawing, and it contains micro organisms that will make the coronavirus pandemic seem like the good old days. Conservatives and most centrists believe their denial of scientific facts will protect them. Keep believing that folks. You deserve what is coming. And despite any protests, few of us are innocent bystanders. No, driving a hybrid automobile does not offer any exemption.


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