It's True All Politicians Are Corrupt and Our Government is Corrupt

Trump is America's last chance to stop the destruction of the nation
Wow! I may as well pack it in and call it a life if he's "America's last chance to stop the destruction of the nation." Just wait until you file your taxes this year! Trust and believe if you make less than $100k, your going to be very very, very upset about the huge increase in the amount of tax you owe and that any deductions and credits you have been eligible for previously, are likely either completely gone or have been gutted to the point of being a joke! In the meanwhile, he, his family, and his cronies are lining their pockets in plain view, not paying taxes on the majority of it, and selling access to the President. The most pathetic thing of all is that it's not to the highest bidder; it's to who ever has all the proof necessary to blackmail our dear leader into submission. I was a child when Watergate took down Nixon. I was a young adult when Congress tried to impeach President Clinton for lying about getting a hummer from an intern in the closet of the oval office. I remember the whole "spew on the dress" fiasco (talk about a Republican setup lol). Donald Trump is a traitor to this Country. The man golfs more than he governs...He has his head so far up Vlad's rear end, no amount of bleach will ever get him clean; same with the Saudi's. America first! Make America Great Again! America has always been great! We are headed for a new kind of civil war. I sure hope the haves feel safe in their gated communities because a day of reckoning is coming! The number of have nots has exploded and people are trying to feed their children on $10 an hour. It's about to get ugly!

dont bother - Trump's support comes from a minority, not a majority. He will be gone after the next election, and a Democratic House will handle him until then. Basically he's a lame duck with a twitter account.
Trump is America's last chance to stop the destruction of the nation
Wow! I may as well pack it in and call it a life if he's "America's last chance to stop the destruction of the nation." Just wait until you file your taxes this year! Trust and believe if you make less than $100k, your going to be very very, very upset about the huge increase in the amount of tax you owe and that any deductions and credits you have been eligible for previously, are likely either completely gone or have been gutted to the point of being a joke! In the meanwhile, he, his family, and his cronies are lining their pockets in plain view, not paying taxes on the majority of it, and selling access to the President. The most pathetic thing of all is that it's not to the highest bidder; it's to who ever has all the proof necessary to blackmail our dear leader into submission. I was a child when Watergate took down Nixon. I was a young adult when Congress tried to impeach President Clinton for lying about getting a hummer from an intern in the closet of the oval office. I remember the whole "spew on the dress" fiasco (talk about a Republican setup lol). Donald Trump is a traitor to this Country. The man golfs more than he governs...He has his head so far up Vlad's rear end, no amount of bleach will ever get him clean; same with the Saudi's. America first! Make America Great Again! America has always been great! We are headed for a new kind of civil war. I sure hope the haves feel safe in their gated communities because a day of reckoning is coming! The number of have nots has exploded and people are trying to feed their children on $10 an hour. It's about to get ugly!

dont bother - Trump's support comes from a minority, not a majority. He will be gone after the next election, and a Democratic House will handle him until then. Basically he's a lame duck with a twitter account.


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