It's Time to End The Unconstitutional FISA Court and Patriot Act

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
We are not at war with any nation. Therefore FISA and The Patriot are Unconstitutional and always have been. FISA and the surveillance powers that the FBI, CIA abuse need to be put to an end. They have become poltical tools, and just like the IRS was used under Obama as a weapon against his political opponents "An Impeachable Offense" so too did he use the FBI and CIA, and NSA as weapons against Clinton's political rival.

It's time to end that abuse, and time to abolish The Partiot Act and FISA Court.

Secret Courts and Warrant-less Wiretaps are Illegal and Unconstitutional and Just UNAMERICAN!
Any law that has the potential for abuse by government should be aggressively opposed by the people because history has shown us repeatedly that once the we allow government to have that power, it's a guarantee that they WILL abuse it.
We are not at war with any nation. Therefore FISA and The Patriot are Unconstitutional and always have been. FISA and the surveillance powers that the FBI, CIA abuse need to be put to an end. They have become poltical tools, and just like the IRS was used under Obama as a weapon against his political opponents "An Impeachable Offense" so too did he use the FBI and CIA, and NSA as weapons against Clinton's political rival.

It's time to end that abuse, and time to abolish The Partiot Act and FISA Court.

Secret Courts and Warrant-less Wiretaps are Illegal and Unconstitutional and Just UNAMERICAN!
They were the creation of a fascistic NeoCon cabal taken off the shelf in Sept-Oct 2001 to "combat evil in the world". They helped the far right wing GOP shape this country into what it is today.

Now that the chickens have come home to roost in this decade, they have become tools wielded against their own plans of division and conquest. They and their fellow travelers of GOP sycophants accompanied by those of Trumpian and Russian persuasion find them not so very much to their liking, now that they are being used against them.

Oh how the Bush folks and their devotees touted the benefits of the PATRIOT Act and the enhancements within it to the FISA Courts which I believe were created in the mid 1970's as I recall, and how it was all so very Constitutional in the last decade to the satisfaction of those running the show FOR THEIR PURPOSES! Too fucking bad the devices created by those Un American bastards are being used against those same types of Un American bastards today! Don't like it now that the shoe is on the other foot?

Would you like some fava beans with your whine?
Amen brother!!!

Damn shame FISA was just renewed for 6 years

Sent from my iPhone using
Yeah! Sure! Lets get rid of all those bothersome checks and balances and requirements for permissions. Lets just let the President decide those minor matters. He must be up to it, since he never misses an opportunity to tell us how great a genius he is.

PS: Does Steven Miller remind anybody else of Eichmann?
We are not at war with any nation. Therefore FISA and The Patriot are Unconstitutional and always have been. FISA and the surveillance powers that the FBI, CIA abuse need to be put to an end. They have become poltical tools, and just like the IRS was used under Obama as a weapon against his political opponents "An Impeachable Offense" so too did he use the FBI and CIA, and NSA as weapons against Clinton's political rival.

It's time to end that abuse, and time to abolish The Partiot Act and FISA Court.

Secret Courts and Warrant-less Wiretaps are Illegal and Unconstitutional and Just UNAMERICAN!
They were the creation of a fascistic NeoCon cabal taken off the shelf in Sept-Oct 2001 to "combat evil in the world". They helped the far right wing GOP shape this country into what it is today.

Now that the chickens have come home to roost in this decade, they have become tools wielded against their own plans of division and conquest. They and their fellow travelers of GOP sycophants accompanied by those of Trumpian and Russian persuasion find them not so very much to their liking, now that they are being used against them.

Oh how the Bush folks and their devotees touted the benefits of the PATRIOT Act and the enhancements within it to the FISA Courts which I believe were created in the mid 1970's as I recall, and how it was all so very Constitutional in the last decade to the satisfaction of those running the show FOR THEIR PURPOSES! Too fucking bad the devices created by those Un American bastards are being used against those same types of Un American bastards today! Don't like it now that the shoe is on the other foot?

Would you like some fava beans with your whine?

Your eyes are only half open. Yes there is a Cabal, but it involves the entire Political Class. The "Right" and the "Left" Wing belong to the same bird. Carter instituted FISA, Bush removed many of the checks and balances that it had. It was by design and the entire Gov was/is in on it. Look into how quickly they trotted out the Patriot Act to us and look into what the Vote that it passed by was. Other "spying" programs. Echelon, Prism, and currently and ( almost completely under the Radar) is Five Eyes. Five Eyes is specifically designed to skirt whatever remaining obstacles that there were to a total surveillance State.
"Five Eyes"

The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.[1][2][3]

The origins of the FVEY can be traced back to the post–World War II period, when the Atlantic Charter was issued by the Allies to lay out their goals for a post-war world. During the course of the Cold War, the ECHELON surveillance system was initially developed by the FVEY to monitor the communications of the former Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc, although it is now used to monitor billions of private communications worldwide.[4][5]

In the late 1990s, the existence of ECHELON was disclosed to the public, triggering a major debate in the European Parliament and, to a lesser extent, the United States Congress. As part of efforts in the ongoing War on Terror since 2001, the FVEY further expanded their surveillance capabilities, with much emphasis placed on monitoring the World Wide Web. The former NSA contractor Edward Snowden described the Five Eyes as a "supra-national intelligence organisation that does not answer to the known laws of its own countries".[6] Documents leaked by Snowden in 2013 revealed that the FVEY have been spying on one another's citizens and sharing the collected information with each other in order to circumvent restrictive domestic regulations on surveillance of citizens.[7][8][9][10]

In spite of continued controversy over its methods, the Five Eyes relationship remains one of the most comprehensive known espionage alliances in history.

Five Eyes - Wikipedia
...but until the FISA court is shut down, a Special Counsel needs to be appointed to act on the findings of the US IG, that the FBI abused its power, abused the FISA court, and deceived / lied to the FISA court to illegally obtain warrants to conduct their own 'Watergate' on the Trump team....then send no less than Comey, McCabe, and Strzok to prison.
If the founders could have envisioned the presidency being occupied by the likes of obozo they would have disqualified meat puppet faggot mulattoes.

We are not at war with any nation. Therefore FISA and The Patriot are Unconstitutional and always have been. FISA and the surveillance powers that the FBI, CIA abuse need to be put to an end. They have become poltical tools, and just like the IRS was used under Obama as a weapon against his political opponents "An Impeachable Offense" so too did he use the FBI and CIA, and NSA as weapons against Clinton's political rival.

It's time to end that abuse, and time to abolish The Partiot Act and FISA Court.

Secret Courts and Warrant-less Wiretaps are Illegal and Unconstitutional and Just UNAMERICAN!
They were the creation of a fascistic NeoCon cabal taken off the shelf in Sept-Oct 2001 to "combat evil in the world". They helped the far right wing GOP shape this country into what it is today.

Now that the chickens have come home to roost in this decade, they have become tools wielded against their own plans of division and conquest. They and their fellow travelers of GOP sycophants accompanied by those of Trumpian and Russian persuasion find them not so very much to their liking, now that they are being used against them.

Oh how the Bush folks and their devotees touted the benefits of the PATRIOT Act and the enhancements within it to the FISA Courts which I believe were created in the mid 1970's as I recall, and how it was all so very Constitutional in the last decade to the satisfaction of those running the show FOR THEIR PURPOSES! Too fucking bad the devices created by those Un American bastards are being used against those same types of Un American bastards today! Don't like it now that the shoe is on the other foot?

Would you like some fava beans with your whine?

Your eyes are only half open. Yes there is a Cabal, but it involves the entire Political Class. The "Right" and the "Left" Wing belong to the same bird. Carter instituted FISA, Bush removed many of the checks and balances that it had. It was by design and the entire Gov was/is in on it. Look into how quickly they trotted out the Patriot Act to us and look into what the Vote that it passed by was. Other "spying" programs. Echelon, Prism, and currently and ( almost completely under the Radar) is Five Eyes. Five Eyes is specifically designed to skirt whatever remaining obstacles that there were to a total surveillance State.
The full history of FISA is unnecessary for the purposes of responding to the OP, and frankly, largely off topic! My mention of the origins of FISA was simply to put it in its proper context of the amendments to FISA contained within PATRIOT that the originator of the OP didn't seem to grasp. It was the political weaponizing of FISA the NeoCons employed with those INITIAL amendments within PATRIOT I targeted.

As far as your supercilious conspiracy theories you are trying to inject into this thread, go stuff them up the dark cavity of your arse where they belong!
We are not at war with any nation. Therefore FISA and The Patriot are Unconstitutional and always have been. FISA and the surveillance powers that the FBI, CIA abuse need to be put to an end. They have become poltical tools, and just like the IRS was used under Obama as a weapon against his political opponents "An Impeachable Offense" so too did he use the FBI and CIA, and NSA as weapons against Clinton's political rival.

It's time to end that abuse, and time to abolish The Partiot Act and FISA Court.

Secret Courts and Warrant-less Wiretaps are Illegal and Unconstitutional and Just UNAMERICAN!
They were the creation of a fascistic NeoCon cabal taken off the shelf in Sept-Oct 2001 to "combat evil in the world". They helped the far right wing GOP shape this country into what it is today.

Now that the chickens have come home to roost in this decade, they have become tools wielded against their own plans of division and conquest. They and their fellow travelers of GOP sycophants accompanied by those of Trumpian and Russian persuasion find them not so very much to their liking, now that they are being used against them.

Oh how the Bush folks and their devotees touted the benefits of the PATRIOT Act and the enhancements within it to the FISA Courts which I believe were created in the mid 1970's as I recall, and how it was all so very Constitutional in the last decade to the satisfaction of those running the show FOR THEIR PURPOSES! Too fucking bad the devices created by those Un American bastards are being used against those same types of Un American bastards today! Don't like it now that the shoe is on the other foot?

Would you like some fava beans with your whine?

Your eyes are only half open. Yes there is a Cabal, but it involves the entire Political Class. The "Right" and the "Left" Wing belong to the same bird. Carter instituted FISA, Bush removed many of the checks and balances that it had. It was by design and the entire Gov was/is in on it. Look into how quickly they trotted out the Patriot Act to us and look into what the Vote that it passed by was. Other "spying" programs. Echelon, Prism, and currently and ( almost completely under the Radar) is Five Eyes. Five Eyes is specifically designed to skirt whatever remaining obstacles that there were to a total surveillance State.
The full history of FISA is unnecessary for the purposes of responding to the OP, and frankly, largely off topic! My mention of the origins of FISA was simply to put it in its proper context of the amendments to FISA contained within PATRIOT that the originator of the OP didn't seem to grasp. It was the political weaponizing of FISA the NeoCons employed with those INITIAL amendments within PATRIOT I targeted.

As far as your supercilious conspiracy theories you are trying to inject into this thread, go stuff them up the dark cavity of your arse where they belong!

Translation: "I don't want to know". No, the purpose is to show that you are not looking at the entire picture. This is called "willful ignorance". Echelon, Prism, and Five Eyes are easily verified. Time to grow up and put your "big boy" pants on.
We are not at war with any nation. Therefore FISA and The Patriot are Unconstitutional and always have been. FISA and the surveillance powers that the FBI, CIA abuse need to be put to an end. They have become poltical tools, and just like the IRS was used under Obama as a weapon against his political opponents "An Impeachable Offense" so too did he use the FBI and CIA, and NSA as weapons against Clinton's political rival.

It's time to end that abuse, and time to abolish The Partiot Act and FISA Court.

Secret Courts and Warrant-less Wiretaps are Illegal and Unconstitutional and Just UNAMERICAN!
They were the creation of a fascistic NeoCon cabal taken off the shelf in Sept-Oct 2001 to "combat evil in the world". They helped the far right wing GOP shape this country into what it is today.

Now that the chickens have come home to roost in this decade, they have become tools wielded against their own plans of division and conquest. They and their fellow travelers of GOP sycophants accompanied by those of Trumpian and Russian persuasion find them not so very much to their liking, now that they are being used against them.

Oh how the Bush folks and their devotees touted the benefits of the PATRIOT Act and the enhancements within it to the FISA Courts which I believe were created in the mid 1970's as I recall, and how it was all so very Constitutional in the last decade to the satisfaction of those running the show FOR THEIR PURPOSES! Too fucking bad the devices created by those Un American bastards are being used against those same types of Un American bastards today! Don't like it now that the shoe is on the other foot?

Would you like some fava beans with your whine?

Your eyes are only half open. Yes there is a Cabal, but it involves the entire Political Class. The "Right" and the "Left" Wing belong to the same bird. Carter instituted FISA, Bush removed many of the checks and balances that it had. It was by design and the entire Gov was/is in on it. Look into how quickly they trotted out the Patriot Act to us and look into what the Vote that it passed by was. Other "spying" programs. Echelon, Prism, and currently and ( almost completely under the Radar) is Five Eyes. Five Eyes is specifically designed to skirt whatever remaining obstacles that there were to a total surveillance State.
The full history of FISA is unnecessary for the purposes of responding to the OP, and frankly, largely off topic! My mention of the origins of FISA was simply to put it in its proper context of the amendments to FISA contained within PATRIOT that the originator of the OP didn't seem to grasp. It was the political weaponizing of FISA the NeoCons employed with those INITIAL amendments within PATRIOT I targeted.

As far as your supercilious conspiracy theories you are trying to inject into this thread, go stuff them up the dark cavity of your arse where they belong!

Translation: "I don't want to know". No, the purpose is to show that you are not looking at the entire picture. This is called "willful ignorance". Echelon, Prism, and Five Eyes are easily verified. Time to grow up and put your "big boy" pants on.
Translation: "I don't want to know". No, the purpose is to show that you are not looking at the entire picture. This is called "willful ignorance". Echelon, Prism, and Five Eyes are easily verified. Time to grow up and put your "big boy" pants on.
Flame away if that spins your prop, duck all of those black helicopters and fuck you very much, asswipe!
We are not at war with any nation. Therefore FISA and The Patriot are Unconstitutional and always have been. FISA and the surveillance powers that the FBI, CIA abuse need to be put to an end. They have become poltical tools, and just like the IRS was used under Obama as a weapon against his political opponents "An Impeachable Offense" so too did he use the FBI and CIA, and NSA as weapons against Clinton's political rival.

It's time to end that abuse, and time to abolish The Partiot Act and FISA Court.

Secret Courts and Warrant-less Wiretaps are Illegal and Unconstitutional and Just UNAMERICAN!
They were the creation of a fascistic NeoCon cabal taken off the shelf in Sept-Oct 2001 to "combat evil in the world". They helped the far right wing GOP shape this country into what it is today.

Now that the chickens have come home to roost in this decade, they have become tools wielded against their own plans of division and conquest. They and their fellow travelers of GOP sycophants accompanied by those of Trumpian and Russian persuasion find them not so very much to their liking, now that they are being used against them.

Oh how the Bush folks and their devotees touted the benefits of the PATRIOT Act and the enhancements within it to the FISA Courts which I believe were created in the mid 1970's as I recall, and how it was all so very Constitutional in the last decade to the satisfaction of those running the show FOR THEIR PURPOSES! Too fucking bad the devices created by those Un American bastards are being used against those same types of Un American bastards today! Don't like it now that the shoe is on the other foot?

Would you like some fava beans with your whine?

Your eyes are only half open. Yes there is a Cabal, but it involves the entire Political Class. The "Right" and the "Left" Wing belong to the same bird. Carter instituted FISA, Bush removed many of the checks and balances that it had. It was by design and the entire Gov was/is in on it. Look into how quickly they trotted out the Patriot Act to us and look into what the Vote that it passed by was. Other "spying" programs. Echelon, Prism, and currently and ( almost completely under the Radar) is Five Eyes. Five Eyes is specifically designed to skirt whatever remaining obstacles that there were to a total surveillance State.
The full history of FISA is unnecessary for the purposes of responding to the OP, and frankly, largely off topic! My mention of the origins of FISA was simply to put it in its proper context of the amendments to FISA contained within PATRIOT that the originator of the OP didn't seem to grasp. It was the political weaponizing of FISA the NeoCons employed with those INITIAL amendments within PATRIOT I targeted.

As far as your supercilious conspiracy theories you are trying to inject into this thread, go stuff them up the dark cavity of your arse where they belong!

Translation: "I don't want to know". No, the purpose is to show that you are not looking at the entire picture. This is called "willful ignorance". Echelon, Prism, and Five Eyes are easily verified. Time to grow up and put your "big boy" pants on.
Translation: "I don't want to know". No, the purpose is to show that you are not looking at the entire picture. This is called "willful ignorance". Echelon, Prism, and Five Eyes are easily verified. Time to grow up and put your "big boy" pants on.
Flame away if that spins your prop, duck all of those black helicopters and fuck you very much, asswipe!

Your choice to remain ignorant is duly noted. DAMN THOSE REPUBLICAN'S.
We are not at war with any nation. Therefore FISA and The Patriot are Unconstitutional and always have been. FISA and the surveillance powers that the FBI, CIA abuse need to be put to an end. They have become poltical tools, and just like the IRS was used under Obama as a weapon against his political opponents "An Impeachable Offense" so too did he use the FBI and CIA, and NSA as weapons against Clinton's political rival.

It's time to end that abuse, and time to abolish The Partiot Act and FISA Court.

Secret Courts and Warrant-less Wiretaps are Illegal and Unconstitutional and Just UNAMERICAN!
They were the creation of a fascistic NeoCon cabal taken off the shelf in Sept-Oct 2001 to "combat evil in the world". They helped the far right wing GOP shape this country into what it is today.

Now that the chickens have come home to roost in this decade, they have become tools wielded against their own plans of division and conquest. They and their fellow travelers of GOP sycophants accompanied by those of Trumpian and Russian persuasion find them not so very much to their liking, now that they are being used against them.

Oh how the Bush folks and their devotees touted the benefits of the PATRIOT Act and the enhancements within it to the FISA Courts which I believe were created in the mid 1970's as I recall, and how it was all so very Constitutional in the last decade to the satisfaction of those running the show FOR THEIR PURPOSES! Too fucking bad the devices created by those Un American bastards are being used against those same types of Un American bastards today! Don't like it now that the shoe is on the other foot?

Would you like some fava beans with your whine?
Amen brother!!!

Damn shame FISA was just renewed for 6 years

Sent from my iPhone using
Yeah! Sure! Lets get rid of all those bothersome checks and balances and requirements for permissions. Lets just let the President decide those minor matters. He must be up to it, since he never misses an opportunity to tell us how great a genius he is.

PS: Does Steven Miller remind anybody else of Eichmann?

How about we just do not spy on our own citizens...crazy idea to you I guess
They were the creation of a fascistic NeoCon cabal taken off the shelf in Sept-Oct 2001 to "combat evil in the world". They helped the far right wing GOP shape this country into what it is today.

Now that the chickens have come home to roost in this decade, they have become tools wielded against their own plans of division and conquest. They and their fellow travelers of GOP sycophants accompanied by those of Trumpian and Russian persuasion find them not so very much to their liking, now that they are being used against them.

Oh how the Bush folks and their devotees touted the benefits of the PATRIOT Act and the enhancements within it to the FISA Courts which I believe were created in the mid 1970's as I recall, and how it was all so very Constitutional in the last decade to the satisfaction of those running the show FOR THEIR PURPOSES! Too fucking bad the devices created by those Un American bastards are being used against those same types of Un American bastards today! Don't like it now that the shoe is on the other foot?

Would you like some fava beans with your whine?

Your eyes are only half open. Yes there is a Cabal, but it involves the entire Political Class. The "Right" and the "Left" Wing belong to the same bird. Carter instituted FISA, Bush removed many of the checks and balances that it had. It was by design and the entire Gov was/is in on it. Look into how quickly they trotted out the Patriot Act to us and look into what the Vote that it passed by was. Other "spying" programs. Echelon, Prism, and currently and ( almost completely under the Radar) is Five Eyes. Five Eyes is specifically designed to skirt whatever remaining obstacles that there were to a total surveillance State.
The full history of FISA is unnecessary for the purposes of responding to the OP, and frankly, largely off topic! My mention of the origins of FISA was simply to put it in its proper context of the amendments to FISA contained within PATRIOT that the originator of the OP didn't seem to grasp. It was the political weaponizing of FISA the NeoCons employed with those INITIAL amendments within PATRIOT I targeted.

As far as your supercilious conspiracy theories you are trying to inject into this thread, go stuff them up the dark cavity of your arse where they belong!

Translation: "I don't want to know". No, the purpose is to show that you are not looking at the entire picture. This is called "willful ignorance". Echelon, Prism, and Five Eyes are easily verified. Time to grow up and put your "big boy" pants on.
Translation: "I don't want to know". No, the purpose is to show that you are not looking at the entire picture. This is called "willful ignorance". Echelon, Prism, and Five Eyes are easily verified. Time to grow up and put your "big boy" pants on.
Flame away if that spins your prop, duck all of those black helicopters and fuck you very much, asswipe!

Your choice to remain ignorant is duly noted. DAMN THOSE REPUBLICAN'S.
We are not at war with any nation. Therefore FISA and The Patriot are Unconstitutional and always have been. FISA and the surveillance powers that the FBI, CIA abuse need to be put to an end. They have become poltical tools, and just like the IRS was used under Obama as a weapon against his political opponents "An Impeachable Offense" so too did he use the FBI and CIA, and NSA as weapons against Clinton's political rival.

It's time to end that abuse, and time to abolish The Partiot Act and FISA Court.

Secret Courts and Warrant-less Wiretaps are Illegal and Unconstitutional and Just UNAMERICAN!
They were the creation of a fascistic NeoCon cabal taken off the shelf in Sept-Oct 2001 to "combat evil in the world". They helped the far right wing GOP shape this country into what it is today.

Now that the chickens have come home to roost in this decade, they have become tools wielded against their own plans of division and conquest. They and their fellow travelers of GOP sycophants accompanied by those of Trumpian and Russian persuasion find them not so very much to their liking, now that they are being used against them.

Oh how the Bush folks and their devotees touted the benefits of the PATRIOT Act and the enhancements within it to the FISA Courts which I believe were created in the mid 1970's as I recall, and how it was all so very Constitutional in the last decade to the satisfaction of those running the show FOR THEIR PURPOSES! Too fucking bad the devices created by those Un American bastards are being used against those same types of Un American bastards today! Don't like it now that the shoe is on the other foot?

Would you like some fava beans with your whine?

Your eyes are only half open. Yes there is a Cabal, but it involves the entire Political Class. The "Right" and the "Left" Wing belong to the same bird. Carter instituted FISA, Bush removed many of the checks and balances that it had. It was by design and the entire Gov was/is in on it. Look into how quickly they trotted out the Patriot Act to us and look into what the Vote that it passed by was. Other "spying" programs. Echelon, Prism, and currently and ( almost completely under the Radar) is Five Eyes. Five Eyes is specifically designed to skirt whatever remaining obstacles that there were to a total surveillance State.
The full history of FISA is unnecessary for the purposes of responding to the OP, and frankly, largely off topic! My mention of the origins of FISA was simply to put it in its proper context of the amendments to FISA contained within PATRIOT that the originator of the OP didn't seem to grasp. It was the political weaponizing of FISA the NeoCons employed with those INITIAL amendments within PATRIOT I targeted.

As far as your supercilious conspiracy theories you are trying to inject into this thread, go stuff them up the dark cavity of your arse where they belong!

"Five Eyes"

The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.[1][2][3]

The origins of the FVEY can be traced back to the post–World War II period, when the Atlantic Charter was issued by the Alliesto lay out their goals for a post-war world. During the course of the Cold War, the ECHELON surveillance system was initially developed by the FVEY to monitor the communications of the former Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc, although it is now used to monitor billions of private communications worldwide.[4][5]

In the late 1990s, the existence of ECHELON was disclosed to the public, triggering a major debate in the European Parliamentand, to a lesser extent, the United States Congress. As part of efforts in the ongoing War on Terror since 2001, the FVEY further expanded their surveillance capabilities, with much emphasis placed on monitoring the World Wide Web. The former NSA contractor Edward Snowden described the Five Eyes as a "supra-national intelligence organisation that does not answer to the known laws of its own countries".[6] Documents leaked by Snowden in 2013 revealed that the FVEY have been spying on one another's citizens and sharing the collected information with each other in order to circumvent restrictive domestic regulations on surveillance of citizens.[7][8][9][10]

In spite of continued controversy over its methods, the Five Eyes relationship remains one of the most comprehensive known espionage alliances in history.

Five Eyes - Wikipedia
Yet, NO SURVEILLANCE was conducted on Clinton despite her meeting with multiple Russian Officials, her husband her, and her foundation accepting millions from Russians, and even paying $14 Million to Russia for the fake Russian Dossier.

Another reason FISA and the Patriot Act need abolished is because these "allowances" and "violations" of our rights are not applied equally to people, especially when someone like Clinton is completely immune from prosecution and NEVER a target for surveillance.

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