It's Time For Us To Draft Al Gore

Let's face it my fellow Liberals, Hillary is totally and completely insane. It is high time we admitted this simple fact and cut our losses by drafting Al Gore to save us:

Hillary Is Insane: Draft Al Gore to Save Us
gore/kerry '16 the time capsule ticket.
Kerry thinks air conditioning is more a threat than issis. The perfect representation of liberalism.
kerry thinks ben and jerry are a bigger threat than isis.
It's desperation time for the Trumpophiles.
How so?
He's self-destructing. Talk of "extreme vetting" proves it. His mouthpieces on the talk shows say he just meant we need to go back to the way immigration was handled in the past and enforce the laws. Anyone who has studied history knows that the only "vetting" done at Ellis Island was limited to a health exam. It's the kind of cluelessness that has longtime stalwart Republicans deserting in droves. There's a landslide alright and he's about to be buried in it.

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