It's so obvious..."Democrats/liberals/progressives/FFOs favor the ethnic cleansing.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I am in favor as in MOST conservatives of an abortion in the cases of : Rape, incest or health of the mother.
WHAT I"M not in favor of is the wholesale murder by women especially black women who have already had an abortion and have another, and another ....
FACTS are.. 44% of abortions were performed on women that are not responsible or why else would they all have had a previous abortion.

36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
44.7% or nearly half by women are either stupid, definitely don't use birth control continue to act as pre-meditated murders at that point.

U.S. Abortion Statistics

In 2009, a total of 286,623 blacks died in the U.S.
That same year, an estimated 1.21 million abortions took place in the United States.
If 35.4% were performed on black women, that means almost twice as many blacks were killed by abortion as by all other causes.
In 2010, the black population in the U.S. stood just shy of at 39 million.
The CDC reports that during the 1970's, roughly 24% of all U.S. abortions were performed on black women.
Abortion and Race

Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities.
Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America.

Now the following quote is from a black web site decrying Planned Parenthood's abortion history.

"Are we being targeted?
Isn't that genocide?
We are the only minority in America that is on the decline in population.
If the current trend continues, by 2038 the black vote will be insignificant.
Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society?
The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?" | Planned Parenthood

So what conclusion should anyone come to other then Planned Parenthood is executing their Founder's ethnic cleansing helps facilitate the with abortions especially on blacks and then selling the body parts.
And you people approve of the above statistics!

And what political segment wants to see Planned Parenthood continue to get federal funding for abortions those of you that consider yourselves "Democrats/Liberals/FFOs/Progressives"!
YOU are killing off potential black voters by supporting PP and you don't seem to care!

Those of us that do care about ANY human being find this so atrocious and frankly barbaric.
The only conclusion that we can come to is those of you that consider yourselves "Democrats/Liberals/FFOs/Progressives" favor extermination of a portion of the human race.
Pretty cut and dried!
What part of the word choice don't you understand?

They know they don't want women deciding for themselves, owning their own bodies. That's the job of Big Government.

If RWNJs had their way, pregnant women would be strapped down for 9 months.

I'm serious. They want big govt in our private lives, controlling our reproduction.

Bigger and bigger and more invasive government is the ultimate dream of the RWNJs.
I agree with almost everything HM, but I can't oppose abortion enough to desire changes to federal law.

1.) I don't want liberals procreating. I'm not joking either. It has nothing to do with race/ethnicity for me like it does for libturds. It has everything to do with not wanting these people to exist in future generations. These parasites are genetic fuck ups. They would not exist in a world without GFI plugs near water sources, child proof lids, rail road crossing barriers or bans on lawn jarts.

We have allowed the dumbest people to survive in spite of their natural tendency to end up plastered on the grill of a school bus.

2.) Someone who is so self absorbed and demonstrates the sort of sociopathic behavior necessary to make killing a baby preferable to the responsibility of caring for it, or even the hassle of carrying it to full term for adoption should be sterilized. They should not be allowed to endanger the rest of society by allowing a child to grow up without a nurturing mother and responsible father. It is because of the over abundance of children like these that we have prisons overflowing with incorrigible assholes.

I do support laws at the state level. If Texas wants a straight up ban, let the people make it law. If Taxachsettes wants all first pregnancies terminated, so be it. The feds can not make a one size fits all law. People can move to states that allow them to sacrifice their offspring to the moonbat messiah for all I care.

I agree with almost everything HM, but I can't oppose abortion enough to desire changes to federal law.

1.) I don't want liberals procreating. I'm not joking either. It has nothing to do with race/ethnicity for me like it does for libturds. It has everything to do with not wanting these people to exist in future generations. These parasites are genetic fuck ups. They would not exist in a world without GFI plugs near water sources, child proof lids, rail road crossing barriers or bans on lawn jarts.

We have allowed the dumbest people to survive in spite of their natural tendency to end up plastered on the grill of a school bus.

2.) Someone who is so self absorbed and demonstrates the sort of sociopathic behavior necessary to make killing a baby preferable to the responsibility of caring for it, or even the hassle of carrying it to full term for adoption should be sterilized. They should not be allowed to endanger the rest of society by allowing a child to grow up without a nurturing mother and responsible father. It is because of the over abundance of children like these that we have prisons overflowing with incorrigible assholes.

I do support laws at the state level. If Texas wants a straight up ban, let the people make it law. If Taxachsettes wants all first pregnancies terminated, so be it. The feds can not make a one size fits all law. People can move to states that allow them to sacrifice their offspring to the moonbat messiah for all I care.

Pete7469 - who, in another thread said he believe Obama is running again for president, says that he believes pregnant women should prove their political views before being allowed basic health care.

And interestingly, he says he's okay with abortion.

I've noticed this with a lot of RWNJs. They're not really against abortion at all.

He also says he agrees with sacrificing CHILDREN (not fetuses. CHILDREN) to some sort of religion.

Pete7469 is just another RWNJ froot loop.


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