Its over

Fuck the son of a bitch


Check your bullshit at the door

And fuck you too obama is a son of bitch

Fuck me?

You're supposed to be a full grown man and you're acting like a child. Grow the fuck up. I didn't see your god damn name on the ballot. So what the hell are you doing to make things better? Not a damn thing beyond what the rest of us are doing.

Take your Billy badass routine and shove it bud.
Obama won Ohio.

Thanks to all you conservatives for leaving me alone with all the libs tonight. I've taken all your lumps for tonight.

I can't speak for the ones you are accusing, but maybe they felt as I, and were more concerned with that we were watching and listening to, rather than "taking on" anybody." This wasn't the time for message board games as some of us took it very seriously in a way different than others.

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