It's Official: Top Psychiatrists at Yale Conference Warn That Trump Has a 'Dangerous Mental Illness'

35 psychiatrists this week gathered at a conference at Yale to sound the alarm on what they believe is President Donald Trump’s “dangerous mental illness.”

Per The Independent, the psychiatrists met at Yale’s School of Medicine on Thursday to talk about Donald Trump’s mental health, which they warned was frighteningly unstable.

“We have an ethical responsibility to warn the public about Donald Trump’s dangerous mental illness,” said Dr. John Gartner, a practicing psychotherapist who advised psychiatric residents at Johns Hopkins University Medical School and who has in the past warned Trump is a “psychiatric Frankenstein monster.”

Gartner and other psychiatrists at the conference argued that Trump suffers from a particularly malignant case of pathological narcissism, which makes him a danger to the country and the world.

“Worse than just being a liar or a narcissist, in addition he is paranoid, delusional and grandiose thinking and he proved that to the country the first day he was president,” Gartner explained. “If Donald Trump really believes he had the largest crowd size in history, that’s delusional.”

Dr. James Gilligan, a psychiatrist and professor at New York University, said that Trump’s erratic behavior has similarly disturbed him — despite the fact that he has lots of experience working with violent convicted criminals.

“I’ve worked with murderers and rapists, I can recognize dangerousness from a mile away,” he said. “You don’t have to be an expert on dangerousness or spend fifty years studying it like I have in order to know how dangerous this man is.”

Rest here: It's Official: Top Psychiatrists at Yale Conference Warn That Trump Has a 'Dangerous Mental Illness'

If psychiatrists are saying this about Trump, what does it say about the people who voted for him?
Being a massive narcissist is the RULE for our Presidents, not the exception. Just about everything they said about Trump could be said about any of our Presidents of the last two centuries.

These Yale clowns are making fools of themselves.
Establishing their leftwing credentials. In my opinion this seems a bit unethical.
Link please! Most of the shit you liberals claim Trumps said only exists in your demented imaginations!

I've already linked to it in this thread, moron. I'm not going to spoonfeed everything for you, you useless turd.

You linked to Trump saying those exact words? Try again!

Jesus, you are one useless conservatard. Here's a link to video of him saying it. Now, drop down and give me 20!

Trump tells crowd to "knock the crap out of protesters who throw tomatoes" "I will pay the legal fees"

What's wrong with that? "Protestors" that disrupt other people's right to peaceably assemble are should be punched in the face.

lol, like a typical drooling Trump voter, you can't seem to tell right from wrong. Must be something in the rightist DNA.

So you're a true fascist and don't believe in the first amendment right to peaceably assemble.
Must be something in the leftist DNA.
Inciting violence? Telling someone to "Get him out of here!" is inciting violence?

You are such a clueless waste of oxygen.

What do you think Trump telling his brainless followers to "knock the crap out of protestors" is, you demented clown? Introduce yourself to the English language you brain dead conservatard muppet.

Link please! Most of the shit you liberals claim Trumps said only exists in your demented imaginations!

I've already linked to it in this thread, moron. I'm not going to spoonfeed everything for you, you useless turd.

You linked to Trump saying those exact words? Try again!

Jesus, you are one useless conservatard. Here's a link to video of him saying it. Now, drop down and give me 20!

Trump tells crowd to "knock the crap out of protesters who throw tomatoes" "I will pay the legal fees"

He was responding to the threat of violence. Don't you realize that throwing a tomato at someone is assault?

Anyone doing so would be preventing a criminal act. That's not inciting violence.
Link please! Most of the shit you liberals claim Trumps said only exists in your demented imaginations!

I've already linked to it in this thread, moron. I'm not going to spoonfeed everything for you, you useless turd.

You linked to Trump saying those exact words? Try again!

Jesus, you are one useless conservatard. Here's a link to video of him saying it. Now, drop down and give me 20!

Trump tells crowd to "knock the crap out of protesters who throw tomatoes" "I will pay the legal fees"
If somebody throws a tomato at you, you have a right to knock the crap out of 'em.

No, you don't.

You a such a dipshit!

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