It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record In news that will surprise exactly

It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

In news that will surprise exactly no one, we just finished America’s warmest winter in history.

On Tuesday, NOAA released its official assessment of December, January, and February’s temperatures across the United States, and the results are striking: Not a single state in the U.S. had a cooler than average winter. (NOAA treats Alaska and Hawaii separately, due to shorter weather data records there—though both states were significantly warmer than normal this winter. Weather records for the contiguous United States go back to 1895.)

NOAA blames the recent warm weather on a record-strength El Niño “and other climate patterns,” most notably, global warming. As a whole, this winter in the lower 48 was about 4.6 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th century average: a sharp contrast to the previous back-to-back frigid polar vortex winters, especially in the Northeast. But that doesn’t mean there was a lack of wintry weather: New York City, for example, had one of its warmest and snowiest winters on record, an odd combination to say the least.
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

Wow, that is all that needs to be said. Sure has been warm here.
Yeah. . .. But the records go back to what. . . 1900? The Earth is like, what, 4.543 billion years old? Do you have a point?

In geological time, that is a blink of an eye. Relax, don't worry about it.

We are not worried about saving the planet, we are worried about creating some major problemss for ourselves and the life forms we depend on.

The global elites would have you believe that YOU, I, and everyone we know are creating the problem. We aren't. In galactic and planetary terms, we are insignificant.

Astronomers say a Neptune-sized planet lurks beyond Pluto

The Niburu Planet X System and Its Potential Impacts on Our Solar System
A Scientific Case for Nibiru/Planet X System

Major unheard of changes are currently appearing on the surface and atmosphere of the sun and all the planets. Astronomer Mike Lockwood from California’s Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories found that since 1901 the sun’s overall magnetic field has increased by 230%. Solar flares and storms have also increased. The earth’s moon now has a 6000 kilometer-deep atmosphere of Natrium that it never had before. Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, now has grown polar ice. Venus’ brightness has skyrocketed by 2500% and experienced major changes in its atmosphere in the last four decades. Meanwhile, further away from the sun than the earth, Mars has melted polar icecaps and its magnitude of storms has strengthened exponentially.

Jupiter has had the brightness of its plasma clouds increase 200% accompanied by a pattern of intermittent thickening then weakening. The largest planet in our solar system’s enormous belts have been changing color with radiation levels erratically waning and then flaring up again. An increase in asteroid and comet activity crashing into Jupiter likely from Nibiru’s entrance into our solar system has also been observed. During the last three decades the jet stream on Saturn’s equator has slowed in velocity while X-rays at the equator have spiked. Uranus has become brighter with a huge flare-up of storm activity when its surface before was always placid. Neptune has also increased in brightness by 40%. The atmospheric pressure on Pluto has jumped up by 300% despite it moving further from the sun. The glowing plasma on the edge of our solar system has increased 1000%. The profound changes being measured in space are unprecedented. An increase in energy emission is changing the fundamental structure of all matter throughout our solar system. Taken together, these massive, across the board changes most likely are all effects from Planet X moving through our solar system.

Of course changes on the earth have been pronounced as well, most notably with electromagnetic changes, yearly incremental polar axis changes, and extreme weather changes. For instance, North Pole, Alaska recently sawits late spring temperatures soar to mid to high 80’s F. From 1963 to 1993 the frequency of natural disasters globally has leaped up by 410%. And in more recent years the rate of disasters has soared even higher. With an increasing number of volcanic eruptions along the Pacific Ring of Fire and earthquakes felt globally particularly along the San Andreas and the New Madrid fault lines, coupled with the Nepal 7.8 earthquake a couple months ago, major volcanic and earthquake activity in 2015 is rapidly on the rise. As early as November 2013 10 different long- dormant volcanos went active, first suggesting Planet X’s presence. The rate of volcanic eruptions from 1875 to 1975 has increased by 500%, but even greater now.

An exponential increase in 3.0 or higher earthquakes are shaking America’s heartland due to fracking, in Oklahoma alone going from two or three a year prior to fracking to 562 last year alone. Since 1973 earthquakes have risen worldwide by 400%. 6.0 magnitude earthquakes or greater have also spiked in recent years, jumping on average from 108.5 earthquakes per year in the 1980 to 1989 decade to 160.9 earthquakes per year from 2000 to 2009, increasing by 38.9%. In the first quarter of 2014 alone, more than twice as many large earthquakes occurred than on average since 1979. Two months ago scientists at the European Science Foundation warned that in the years to come there is a 5-10% chance that a colossal sized volcano could send the earth back to pre-civilization status. A significant rise in landslides and floods have also been measured.

For the last 2000 years the earth’s magnetic field has been decreasing gradually. But in the last 500 years that decrease has become much more dramatic. Just this month scientists have been shocked at the alarming rate that the earth’s magnetosphere has been disappearing. The planet’s natural shield preventing solar winds and radiation from reaching the earth’s surface is being lost. This disturbing discovery comes while solar storm activity is also flaring up this year. These solar blasts seriously threaten to interfere with satellite and GPS communications, and risk bursts of electromagnetic pulses (if not launched by EMP weapons in the wrong hands like ISIS) that could be lethal to America’s power grid, instantaneously placing millions of people in the dark without any source of electricity for months or even years at a time.

Effects from a diminishing magnetic field would double the amount of radiation causing an epidemic of skin cancer deaths, speed up climate change and magnify extreme weather. Solar winds would eliminate ions that allow the earth to retain water and air. All these horrific changes are happening right now. What next to no scientist who wants to stay alive is revealing is that this torrid rate of ecological degradation and life killing earth surface change are more than likely caused by Planet X racing ever-closer toward us.


None of this, of course, has to do with the amount of CO2 that we produce as a species. But if you want to run around like a chicken with your head cut off and believe in elitist propaganda, go right ahead.

No, it doesn't defy common sense when it's science. Plants use CO2 and produce oxygen.

They produced O2 from the CO2. At best, increased plant growth can only slightly decrease the rate of O2 conversion to CO2. It is physically impossible for increasing CO2 to lead to increased O2. One goes up, the other goes down. CO2 is going up, so the O2 is going down.

I didn't say they were in "poor health" only that they weren't thriving optimally until about 600 years ago when CO2 levels began to increase sufficiently. We see evidence of this in the Stradivarius violins made back in the early 1600s from wood that grew during the "little ice age" and was much more dense than wood of today. The instruments cannot be reproduced today because the wood is less dense and doesn't create the same sound... that's why the violins are so expensive. Increased CO2 levels causes wood to grow much faster and thus, less dense

No, you're getting the theory wrong. The theory was the colder temperatures of the little ice age caused slow growth and denser wood.

Now, what caused the little ice age? It appears to be a combination of low CO2 levels, high volcanic activity and low solar activity.

Of course, 600 years ago, we didn't have human industrialization but we see a precipitous rise in CO2 levels worldwide.

No, the world saw a drop in CO2 levels after the European conquest of the Americas. The near-extermination of the new world population by old world diseases led to vast tracts of agricultural land going back to forest and removing CO2 from the atmosphere. This plot of Law Dome ice core CO2 levels illustrates that.


Note that CO2 levels start rising around 1750, the beginning of the industrial revolution and massive coal burning.

Mostly due to climatic events we have no control over. You see... the sky is simply not falling, Chicken Little... and there's not a lot you can do about it anyway.

This is nothing but a Socialist-Marxist SCAM. Always has been, always will be. The people who support it and promote it are Socialists who seek to punish the "evil capitalist" at any cost.... including, outright fraud.

So, Is there any evidence that could change your belief? If so, please list it. You'd be the first denier to do so, despite me asking many times.

Global warming theory, being real science, can be disproved in many ways. Long term falling temperatures, falling sea levels, increasing OLR, decreasing backradiation, stratospheric warming ... all directly measurable things. That's one way we know climate science is real science.

Denialism? It's impossible to disprove. To its believers, any evidence against the conspiracy is taken as further tampering by the conspiracy. Hence we know denialism is pseudoscience.
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The global elites would have you believe that YOU, I, and everyone we know are creating the problem. We aren't. In galactic and planetary terms, we are insignificant.

Fallacy of incredulity.

You want to so badly believe humans can't affect climate, hence you just declare it must be so, contrary to all evidence.

If you were a bit less arrogant, you'd understand that the universe won't behave a certain way just because you want it to.

Plus, it's Nibaru conspiracy babbling. More proof of my point that deniers embrace all kinds of weird conspiracy theories.
The global elites would have you believe that YOU, I, and everyone we know are creating the problem. We aren't. In galactic and planetary terms, we are insignificant.

Plus, it's Nibaru conspiracy babbling. More proof of my point that deniers embrace all kinds of weird conspiracy theories.

Dude, I don't know where you have been, but it is settled science. That planet exists. The elites are no longer covering it up.

Get with the program.

Fine, we won't call it planet X. We won't call it Nibiru. How about if we call the new planet, "Man made global Warming." Would that help you to accept it's existence? :lmao:

Caltech Researchers Find Evidence of a Real Ninth Planet | Caltech

Astronomers Think They've Discovered A Neptune-Sized Ninth Planet Beyond Pluto

The solar system may have a new planet: claims 'Planet X' DOES exist
The global elites would have you believe that YOU, I, and everyone we know are creating the problem. We aren't. In galactic and planetary terms, we are insignificant.

Fallacy of incredulity.

You want to so badly believe humans can't affect climate, hence you just declare it must be so, contrary to all evidence.

If you were a bit less arrogant, you'd understand that the universe won't behave a certain way just because you want it to.

Plus, it's Nibaru conspiracy babbling. More proof of my point that deniers embrace all kinds of weird conspiracy theories.
And how do you link CO2 with increased volcanic activity?

The more CO2 man creates causes more seismic activity how exactly?
But you people still cling to the old tech

I believe I mentioned the constant stories about how the new miracle nuclear technology will make things different. Yet it never does. The new nuclear plants lose just as much money as the old plants.

The fact is renewables will never meet even our current needs never mind those of the future

An irrational statement, not based on any facts, and not particularly relevant, since nobody said it would be meeting all of our needs anytime soon. We're looking long-term here, and we are especially looking at the economics of it.

Currently the government is slating billions for wind and solar subsidies while completely ignoring the possibility of nuclear because all out idiot politicians think like you people and think that the China Syndrome was a true story

I've run nuclear reactors. What's your experience in the field?
You cannot say they will lose money since you have no data.

And Homer Simpson runs a reactor too

Let’s Run the Numbers – Nuclear Energy vs. Wind and Solar
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You cannot say they will lose money since you have no data.

Well, there's an easy way to find out. Just build these miracle money-making nuke plants. Nobody's stopping anybody from doing that.

Oh wait, nobody wants to build them. I wonder why. Oh that's right, because they'd lose money.
The more CO2 man creates causes more seismic activity how exactly?

I have no idea. It's your theory. You need to explain it to us.

You realize, of course, that there is no "more seismic activity", right? That's probably your first mistake.

And the Nibaru conspiracy theory is very specific in saying that Nibaru keeps passing right next to Earth and causing catastrophes. Planet X, being at 20 times the distance of Neptune at a minimun, does not qualify.
You cannot say they will lose money since you have no data.

Well, there's an easy way to find out. Just build these miracle money-making nuke plants. Nobody's stopping anybody from doing that.

Oh wait, nobody wants to build them. I wonder why. Oh that's right, because they'd lose money.
It's because idiots in the government aren't issuing permits for new reactors and certainly not for next generation reactors

Seems they are Luddites when it comes to nuclear power just like you

The more CO2 man creates causes more seismic activity how exactly?

I have no idea. It's your theory. You need to explain it to us.

You realize, of course, that there is no "more seismic activity", right? That's probably your first mistake.

And the Nibaru conspiracy theory is very specific in saying that Nibaru keeps passing right next to Earth and causing catastrophes. Planet X, being at 20 times the distance of Neptune at a minimun, does not qualify.

More seismic activity is not a "theory" it is a FACT. Take it up with the US geological service.

Ignoring the facts now? Wow, that is something you like to accuse others of, isn't it?


And since when did you become an expert on esoteric legends?

What the legend claims, or doesn't claim is irrelevant.

The fact is, there is a HUGE extra planet messing with the gravitational stability of the solar system. All bets are off Skippy.
It's because idiots in the government aren't issuing permits for new reactors and certainly not for next generation reactors

Seems they are Luddites when it comes to nuclear power just like you

You understand you have to apply for a permit to get one, right?

Permits denied in the USA ... there seems to be ... one, Calvert Cliffs. And that denial was because the builder was foreign, which is not permitted.
Ignoring the facts now? Wow, that is something you like to accuse others of, isn't it?


You mean better sensors record more earthquakes? Wow. Stop the presses.

Now, there was an uptick in earthquakes around 2014, but seismologists call that "random chance".

Big Earthquakes Double in 2014, But They're Not Linked

And since when did you become an expert on esoteric legends?

What the legend claims, or doesn't claim is irrelevant.

The fact is, there is a HUGE extra planet messing with the gravitational stability of the solar system. All bets are off Skippy.

And yet our gravitational mapping satellites can find no trace of these gravitational perturbations. Curious, eh?
No, it doesn't defy common sense when it's science. Plants use CO2 and produce oxygen.

They produced O2 from the CO2. At best, increased plant growth can only slightly decrease the rate of O2 conversion to CO2. It is physically impossible for increasing CO2 to lead to increased O2. One goes up, the other goes down. CO2 is going up, so the O2 is going down.

Nonsense. Do you live in some kind of vacuum? Do you think CO2 is only created and Oxygen is only depleted whenever combustion happens? Jeesh, we should all be dead by now, after 4.5 billion years of both natural and man-made combustion. Oxygen is produced by plant life. I know this for a fact because I did a 7th grade science experiment to prove it and won 1st place. Plants convert CO2 to Oxygen. I'm sorry if you live in some kind of bubble world and don't understand how science works but that IS science. It's not up for debate.

I didn't say they were in "poor health" only that they weren't thriving optimally until about 600 years ago when CO2 levels began to increase sufficiently. We see evidence of this in the Stradivarius violins made back in the early 1600s from wood that grew during the "little ice age" and was much more dense than wood of today. The instruments cannot be reproduced today because the wood is less dense and doesn't create the same sound... that's why the violins are so expensive. Increased CO2 levels causes wood to grow much faster and thus, less dense

No, you're getting the theory wrong. The theory was the colder temperatures of the little ice age caused slow growth and denser wood.

Now, what caused the little ice age? It appears to be a combination of low CO2 levels, high volcanic activity and low solar activity.

No, I am not getting anything wrong. Yes, a combination of things caused the little ice age but the thing that caused denser wood was slower cellular growth due to less CO2 available. Plants don't grow due to temperatures because temperature, in of itself, produces nothing nutritional to plant life. Yes, they do have a range of temperature at which they can survive but this is strictly due to their ability to process CO2 in the atmosphere.

Of course, 600 years ago, we didn't have human industrialization but we see a precipitous rise in CO2 levels worldwide.

No, the world saw a drop in CO2 levels after the European conquest of the Americas. The near-extermination of the new world population by old world diseases led to vast tracts of agricultural land going back to forest and removing CO2 from the atmosphere. This plot of Law Dome ice core CO2 levels illustrates that.


Note that CO2 levels start rising around 1750, the beginning of the industrial revolution and massive coal burning.

Oh lord... it's the now-infamous hockey stick graph that has been proven to be a fraud! you people really have no shame... you are caught fabricating this stuff and you let that pass and just keep on using the same fraudulent data to make your case... un-fucking-believable!

AND... Less agriculture and more forest doesn't mean less CO2 in the atmosphere. ALL Plant life converts CO2 to Oxygen. Whether it is corn or trees, it's converting CO2 to O. PLUS.. if you took your fraudulent graph back another 8000 years or so, you'd see about a 600ppm level of CO2, according to tree ring and ice core data. But the propagandists don't want to show that part because it's not as alarming. They want us to pretend that CO2 was always low until the "evil greedy capitalist" began creating it through industrialization.

Mostly due to climatic events we have no control over. You see... the sky is simply not falling, Chicken Little... and there's not a lot you can do about it anyway.

This is nothing but a Socialist-Marxist SCAM. Always has been, always will be. The people who support it and promote it are Socialists who seek to punish the "evil capitalist" at any cost.... including, outright fraud.

So, Is there any evidence that could change your belief? If so, please list it. You'd be the first denier to do so, despite me asking many times.

Global warming theory, being real science, can be disproved in many ways. Long term falling temperatures, falling sea levels, increasing OLR, decreasing backradiation, stratospheric warming ... all directly measurable things. That's one way we know climate science is real science.

Denialism? It's impossible to disprove. To its believers, any evidence against the conspiracy is taken as further tampering by the conspiracy. Hence we know denialism is pseudoscience.

Nothing you can show me will change the facts of science or my beliefs. This is a scam being perpetrated by Socialists in order to bilk capitalists by alarming people over something we have little to do with. The climate changes but we have little control over it. One single volcanic eruption dumps more carbon, CO2, sulfur, ash, dioxins and pollutants into the atmosphere in a matter of a few days than man can do in thousands of years. The primary "greenhouse gas" is water vapor. Gee, maybe we ought to stop boiling water??? :dunno:
Nonsense. Do you live in some kind of vacuum? Do you think CO2 is only created and Oxygen is only depleted whenever combustion happens? Jeesh, we should all be dead by now, after 4.5 billion years of both natural and man-made combustion. Oxygen is produced by plant life. I know this for a fact because I did a 7th grade science experiment to prove it and won 1st place. Plants convert CO2 to Oxygen. I'm sorry if you live in some kind of bubble world and don't understand how science works but that IS science. It's not up for debate.

You're just plain wrong, and that's not up for debate. People measure atmospheric oxygen levels. They're going down.

Scripps O2 Program | Atmospheric Oxygen Research


No, I am not getting anything wrong. Yes, a combination of things caused the little ice age but the thing that caused denser wood was slower cellular growth due to less CO2 available. Plants don't grow due to temperatures because temperature, in of itself, produces nothing nutritional to plant life. Yes, they do have a range of temperature at which they can survive but this is strictly due to their ability to process CO2 in the atmosphere

We await you to publish your new groundbreaking scientific work on this topic, being it contradicts all the other known science in this area. Much like your "Oxygen is increasing!" theory. We are truly blessed to have such an unappreciated Einstein among us.

Oh lord... it's the now-infamous hockey stick graph that has been proven to be a fraud!

No, the hockey stick concerns temperatures. That was a CO2 concentration plot, and it showed a linear increase, not a hockey-stick shape.

You get every single thing on this topic totally wrong. You're completely incompetent, and thus you should not be bothering the grownups. You're a walking example of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome, a person who is too inept to understand how inept they are.

Nothing you can show me will change the facts of science or my beliefs.

'Nuff said. My point is proven. Like all the other denier cultists, you're a religious fanatic, and it's not possible to disprove a religion using facts and logic.
Nonsense. Do you live in some kind of vacuum? Do you think CO2 is only created and Oxygen is only depleted whenever combustion happens? Jeesh, we should all be dead by now, after 4.5 billion years of both natural and man-made combustion. Oxygen is produced by plant life. I know this for a fact because I did a 7th grade science experiment to prove it and won 1st place. Plants convert CO2 to Oxygen. I'm sorry if you live in some kind of bubble world and don't understand how science works but that IS science. It's not up for debate.

You're just plain wrong, and that's not up for debate. People measure atmospheric oxygen levels. They're going down.

Scripps O2 Program | Atmospheric Oxygen Research


No, I am not getting anything wrong. Yes, a combination of things caused the little ice age but the thing that caused denser wood was slower cellular growth due to less CO2 available. Plants don't grow due to temperatures because temperature, in of itself, produces nothing nutritional to plant life. Yes, they do have a range of temperature at which they can survive but this is strictly due to their ability to process CO2 in the atmosphere

We await you to publish your new groundbreaking scientific work on this topic, being it contradicts all the other known science in this area. Much like your "Oxygen is increasing!" theory. We are truly blessed to have such an unappreciated Einstein among us.

Oh lord... it's the now-infamous hockey stick graph that has been proven to be a fraud!

No, the hockey stick concerns temperatures. That was a CO2 concentration plot, and it showed a linear increase, not a hockey-stick shape.

You get every single thing on this topic totally wrong. You're completely incompetent, and thus you should not be bothering the grownups. You're a walking example of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome, a person who is too inept to understand how inept they are.

Nothing you can show me will change the facts of science or my beliefs.

'Nuff said. My point is proven. Like all the other denier cultists, you're a religious fanatic, and it's not possible to disprove a religion using facts and logic.
so dude/ dudette, what is the percentage of O in the air and what is the percentage of CO2 in the air, and if CO2 doubled, what do you supposed happens to the percentage of Oxygen?
Much like your "Oxygen is increasing!" theory.

I never said oxygen was increasing. I said increased CO2 promotes plant growth and more abundant plant life produces more oxygen. One observation station in California is not evidence of global atmospheric oxygen levels. There are dozens of factors involved and I am sure the level seldom remains constant year after year. But guess what? We're not in any danger of suddenly running out of oxygen! Our planet is amazingly resilient like that... it compensates for imbalances and self-corrects... it always has... that's what is so amazing about nature.

'Nuff said. My point is proven. Like all the other denier cultists, you're a religious fanatic, and it's not possible to disprove a religion using facts and logic.

Well, the point is proven that you are a godless Socialist who worships at the alter of Science and think you have all the answers. Unfortunately, a carbon offset certificate showing that you paid your carbon offset taxes is not going to fix any problem in nature. Al Gore has produced more CO2 flying around in his G5 and running his arrogant mouth than any good he has created in doing so. If we truly ARE causing something catastrophic (which we're not) then Mother Nature will eventually self-correct and relegate us back to the stone age. I just hope that when the future cave men are sitting around their fires roasting a wild boar, there aren't any of you Socialist liberals left to preach to him about the CO2 he is creating.
Much like your "Oxygen is increasing!" theory.

I never said oxygen was increasing. I said increased CO2 promotes plant growth and more abundant plant life produces more oxygen. One observation station in California is not evidence of global atmospheric oxygen levels. There are dozens of factors involved and I am sure the level seldom remains constant year after year. But guess what? We're not in any danger of suddenly running out of oxygen! Our planet is amazingly resilient like that... it compensates for imbalances and self-corrects... it always has... that's what is so amazing about nature.

'Nuff said. My point is proven. Like all the other denier cultists, you're a religious fanatic, and it's not possible to disprove a religion using facts and logic.

Well, the point is proven that you are a godless Socialist who worships at the alter of Science and think you have all the answers. Unfortunately, a carbon offset certificate showing that you paid your carbon offset taxes is not going to fix any problem in nature. Al Gore has produced more CO2 flying around in his G5 and running his arrogant mouth than any good he has created in doing so. If we truly ARE causing something catastrophic (which we're not) then Mother Nature will eventually self-correct and relegate us back to the stone age. I just hope that when the future cave men are sitting around their fires roasting a wild boar, there aren't any of you Socialist liberals left to preach to him about the CO2 he is creating.
even if CO2 was at 800 PPM it wouldn't affect the amount of Oxygen in the air. So, he/she is just spouting more mumbo jumbo libturd crap.

Oh, but we do know that the more CO2 the better the plant life.
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

In news that will surprise exactly no one, we just finished America’s warmest winter in history.

On Tuesday, NOAA released its official assessment of December, January, and February’s temperatures across the United States, and the results are striking: Not a single state in the U.S. had a cooler than average winter. (NOAA treats Alaska and Hawaii separately, due to shorter weather data records there—though both states were significantly warmer than normal this winter. Weather records for the contiguous United States go back to 1895.)

NOAA blames the recent warm weather on a record-strength El Niño “and other climate patterns,” most notably, global warming. As a whole, this winter in the lower 48 was about 4.6 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th century average: a sharp contrast to the previous back-to-back frigid polar vortex winters, especially in the Northeast. But that doesn’t mean there was a lack of wintry weather: New York City, for example, had one of its warmest and snowiest winters on record, an odd combination to say the least.
It’s Official: This Was America’s Warmest Winter on Record

Wow, that is all that needs to be said. Sure has been warm here.

If we buy a couple of $trillion worth of windmills, will it be colder next winter?

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